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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. I jumped off the FB page of the 'EV Club Thailand' to get to this..... I hope the below link works: https://www.facebook.com/jkrisda/posts/pfbid02ECdgMSvcaqRmqRmJegGSAAvtAGTnRwWKNUunRiYXBHsTAKQu7MqcdukS2J9AhRFvl or directly to the EVAT FB page: https://www.facebook.com/EVAT2015 OK, we get it now. It's a post from a FB poster, who even makes clear that he can't voice for the credibility of what he REposted, but it is taken as a truth by the EV wokes.
  2. Oh, so you reposted a post without a credible source, as a fact? Wait a minute, that is what all your post are about, posting some hearsay as facts
  3. Of course there isn't, but how about some police enforcement? Oh wait I just realize where I am
  4. Maybe because the Chinese sent 566.000 cars and only 76.000 were sold?
  5. Yes I see your post, and the one from Mistral53, but where is the link to EVAT's post ?
  6. High guys and girls, I plan to travel to Phuket soon and stay there for about a week. I live in Thailand for decades but haven't been to Phuket for about 20 years, so I have no idea about accommodation, and will appreciate your suggestions. What I'm looking for is of course the cheapest option available 🙂 No serious, I will stay in the room only to sleep, as it is a business trip, so it certainly doesn't have to be 5 star. My main requirements are that it is clean, has a car parking or parking on the street nearby isn't an issue, and it has to be in the Patong area. I look forward to your suggestions. If possible, include a link to the place
  7. Porsche certainly isn't afraid about increasing EV demand, that exists only in your wet dreams https://electrek.co/2024/07/22/porsche-scales-back-80-ev-sales-goal-2030/ Porsche scales back 80% EV goal by 2030 amid falling sales, shifting market
  8. Sure, you can easily hide them in your carry on luggage, so will sail through customs.
  9. Please don't insult his intelligence 😅
  10. Of course they are not pilling up in China, because they export them, but that probably will go over your head
  11. So the sources and pictures in my following post are all fake? https://aseannow.com/topic/1334010-the-new-ice-engines/?do=findComment&comment=19099588 And don't get me started on your so called intelligence. 30% of nothing is just that, 30% more of nothing. This is what is important So the EVAT is shooting in their own foot and spreading fake news, according to your "intelligence"?
  12. The difference being that Trump agreed to 2 debates with Biden, not with Kamala or any other democrat, and Biden is out of the race now.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/unsold-chinese-evs-piling-ports-124500003.html Unsold Chinese EVs Are Piling Up At Ports https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Automobiles/Electric-vehicles/Thai-subsidies-for-Chinese-EV-makers-wreak-havoc-on-auto-sector Thai subsidies for Chinese EV makers wreak havoc on auto sector Thailand now has 490,000 unsold EVs, according to the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT), equivalent to 63% of all vehicles the country turned out in the past 12 months.
  14. So how do you explain this?
  15. Brightness has nothing to do with accessibility settings. That setting is about other apps be able to read screen content, and most banking apps will not allow that
  16. Nope he isn't. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2024/07/27/thailand-changes-tack-as-ev-revolution-turns-into-a-damp-squib-with-warehouses-full-of-unsold-cars/ Thailand shifts focus from EVs to hybrids after unsold cars pile up. In short, the EV boom has not materialised, leaving a glut of hundreds of thousands of unsold cars in Thai warehouses. Thailand on Friday signalled it was hedging its bets over its previous all-out commitment to EV cars. Instead, in a new policy announcement, the kingdom is focusing on hybrid vehicle production or HEVs. In the meantime, the EV boom seen in 2023 is not being reproduced in 2024. With sales either falling or growth decelerating worldwide, it is becoming increasingly clear the all-electric EV car is not the groundbreaking game-changer that it was thought to be. For instance, even China, which is pushing the technology, has just announced new incentives of up to ฿150,000 per car in an EV scrappage offer.
  17. Welcome to my ignore list troll. I didn't make any racist comment. I'm sure very few still get notifications of your posts, and this is now one less
  18. I know your sort already troll, stop being a troll
  19. No it is food created by Indians for the Brits
  20. He uses emojis a lot in all his posts, doesn't that count?
  21. CallumWK


    What is the attraction with crumbling cheese? I don't eat any Brit cheeses, as they are not tasteful in my opinion, but when my Gouda or Edammer start to crumble i throw them in the bin
  22. CallumWK


    Most likely they are the same product as what is already available with a brandname, but they buy in bulk and get a discount
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