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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. Most airports in the states have the saliva PCR test. one hr wait, costly $250 US
  2. I bought a Skype phone number. Its local US and rings on both my phone here in Thailand and my computer. I also use the number to call my bank and friends. cost about $35 a year US
  3. My take If it was a blockage in the line, the upstairs pressure would still reach maximum when there isn't anything running. There would be a sudden stream and then the pressure would drop off when the water was turned on. For the pressure to never reach peak, the restriction would have to be at the very end of the line.
  4. Most say from time it is taken but some labs put the time it was tested only
  5. The last one I saw was about 7 years ago in the sticks north of Korat
  6. I haven't seen anyone riding an elephant pass my house in years.
  7. I can not confirm this as I do not know anyone personally that has done it, but it has been reported that if you bring your Wise receipt showing the exact date and amount of transfer it has been excepted.
  8. You won't need the QR. It will just take a little longer to get the pass as it has to be manually checked.
  9. As you said many airports have 60 minute turnaround testing at a price, Seattle $250. Locally (Southern Oregon) the testing is free (though your insurance if you have it, but still free if you don't. Not sure if it is the state picking up the bill) but will not guarantee 72 hr although they most will get result in less than 24. https://xprescheck.com/
  10. ICN has a 24 hr transit stay limit. I don't believe the 72 hr covid time before his departure ran out, but if he had to stay in ICN transit for more than 24 hrs he would have to be tested again or go into quarantine.
  11. I guess I should add its harvest time in Oregon where it is legal to grow 6 plants each. There isn't much of a retail market here for the stuff. It was claimed that last year there was more grown in the state than could be smoked in 6 years. (your mileage may differ)
  12. Locally $300 a lb. My wife has just trimmed legally about 10 lbs. She gets $100 a lb for her work.
  13. I read that a little differently. It was named Greenland as naming Iceland didn't work out so good at getting people to settle there.
  14. Weekend testing makes me nervous. Nothing could be much worse than having your result sitting waiting for opening on Monday. Where I am at now, no clinic will get me a result back sooner than 5 days unless I am sick. They told me test for the non sick are pushed to the end of the line until they have time to do it. I will have to do a 5 hr drive to an airport that does test as you wait for $250 cash, no insurance taken, results in one hr.
  15. Yes--- doing as early as possible.so they do the lab work on Fri. Just be sure they are staffed on Sat to e-mail you the result.
  16. well 72 hrs before would be Thur. 9pm, so unless you can get a late night test, first thing Fri and hope you can get the results Sat
  17. I have never had them ask for that and I have changed and added computers
  18. When I read things like the original poster, I remember one of the old Kung <deleted> TV show where the hero is trapped in a hay barn with some others and the "bad guys" maybe planning to burn the barn down with the people in it. When asked if he was worried he said "No, If they burn the place down, all the worrying won't stop it, and if they don't I will have worried for nothing." I do worry about it sometimes. I guess all of us that have pasted the 3/4 century mark can't help if because death is no longer a hypothetical concept. Some of us worked the 9 t0 5 and got Christmas off and a two week vacation every year an saved up for the "Golden Years". Some of us said "hell" to the future and made enough money to head to the beach, or Katmandu. "Cold hearted orb that rules the night. Removes the colors from our sight. Red is gray, yellow white, but we decide which is right and which is an illusion" Moody Blues. Yes. I'm rambling. I also like the Zen story of the monk that was running from a tiger. He finds a rope hanging from a cliff and begins to climb. Half way us he sees that the rope is about to break and he will fall into the teeth of the waiting tiger. He reaches over and pick a strawberry off the ledge.
  19. Maybe check out this link https://aseannow.com/topic/1234763-wise-transfers-not-being-processed-as-international-specifically-bangkok-bank/?tab=comments#comment-16883266
  20. As I have posted before. It is best to call the Hotel. All I believe have to pick you up. Some drive you to hospital firs and then to the hotel. Some test at hotel. If you have an late night arrival flight, you may have to pay for an extra day if you don't get the result by checkout time. Some do not charge if you have to wait longer.
  21. The only thing I can think of is to get a letter from from your doctor explaining your situation and take it to immigration. I am sure something could be worked out since they can't expect you to travel.
  22. Yes, Neighbor's brother had very high blood pressure and died after getting his first shot. Did the shot just push him over the edge--- can't say
  23. I noticed it must be 6 years ago before Mr T, the help wanted signs going up in southern Oregon. I saw it as a good sign at the time that the economy was picking up. But you still were lucky to get 10 or 11 an hr, and most the big box stores would not let you work full time so you couldn't get benefits. The cheapest rentals here are $1500 a month with the first and last and security deposit to get in. First months pay gone and you still have to get the electric and the water turned on. Now the only fast food place that has inside seating is Panda Express. They are paying 15 for the waiters and up to 22 for cooks and managers. I just saw a place last week that was offering a $1000 hiring bonus (with stipulations). Homelessness here is about the same as it has been for years, but I was up in Olympia Washington and it was unbelievable. The downtown city parking lot is now just a homeless camp. You see tents set up in the green area on the freeway on-ramps. On the other hand I know some kids (in their 20s now) that are making over $100,000 in their first jobs (Intuit, Boeings.) working from home.
  24. I have wondered about that. A very easy thing to forge. There is a number on them but I think it is the vaccine vial number.
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