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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. I first read it wrong and thought someone had put up a poster of a AC unit. Had a great laugh.
  2. I use one similar, Not that fast but the range is about right.
  3. Years ago they used to have contests to see how far you could get your wifi to reach. I think someone got 2 miles directional using aluminum foil reflectors ( think James Web in reverse)
  4. glyphosate will. Painted on. May have put on a couple of times. Done it many times on stumps up to 8"
  5. I believe most of the married farang men that I know are married to bar girls. Some of the girls are some of the nicest, kind and giving girls. I would have married them if I had met them outside the bar scene. I, truth be told, have never been with a bar girl, don't really like bar "atmosphere", don't drink much. But I know many get into that work to find a Farang husband. Some here who's husbands have died and left them with a nice house and money return to the bars to find another. We tend to judge them by our Judio-christian upbring. Thai women see the world differently. A good book to read "Thai Fever". https://www.amazon.com/Thailand-Fever-English-Chris-Pirazzi/dp/1887521488
  6. I never liked that BigC. Cheaper at Makco, and (when they were there) Krang Plaza. I still go to Makco when in Korat but since they opened a big Hokkey in Phimai I don't have a need to go into the city. I think there is so much competition now with smaller stores the old brick and mortars are having troubles.
  7. I can think of 4. Knock on wood, throwing salt over your shoulder, the number 13, breaking a mirror. But never knew anyone that believed any of them. My grandmother came from the old US south, and I am sure she had some-- but I don't remember any of them.
  8. OK "Pure Joy" Also on a train in Mexico. For some reason someone started singing "Micheal row your boat ashore" in Spanish and the whole car chipped in. In about the middle of the song I got up to go to the beer car to get a drink. Each car I went through had picked up on the singing and was about a half a stanza behind the car before it. It was 4 cars to the beer car, everyone singing.
  9. A train adventure. Traveling by train in Mexico. The train had been traveling slow for about an Hr. when it came to a stop in the middle of cane fields. There were a very large number of people waiting in the field. When the train stopped everyone on the train got up and tried to get out but couldn't because all the people outside were trying to get on. A Mexican girl motioned to me to lower the window and throw my pack and hers out. We followed suit threw the window. After getting out we ran through the cane field. As I came to find out. A train had derailed. and a train was brought in from the other side of the derailment to transfer people. It got there first. Since I couldn't speak Spanish at the time the whole thing was like some kind of dream. The good old days.
  10. Not quite sure about "Pure joy" but it does beat dealing with the boring drive. It is also good to know which seats numbers gives you the most leg room.
  11. I have always liked traveling by train. I ride that train from Korat to Khon Kaen often. I live about halfway between those cities, a half mile from the tracks.
  12. What are you guys talking about? I remember when Guys just meant men, but is used more with any group of people male , female or mixed. Still means just men in " there was a bunch of guys in the room"
  13. Here is the best Thai travel Youtube channel. She now travels the world https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=i+roam+alone
  14. Yes I have seen the one with the over weight Thai woman decked out in gold stuffing her face in high-in restaurants
  15. The ones I see popular with Thais, Thai women talking about life in a different country, Women talking behind the farang husbands back about how hard it is to cope. And then there is the one that channels angry dead babies that are causing their parent's bad luck.
  16. Would you be getting an reentry stamp?
  17. I haven't read all the post so this may have been said before. Many schools charge more for out of state or country students and no one says that is not fair. The Thai Gov. should just raise the price, and then give the locals a discount, which would be the same with out targeting anyone.
  18. A good friend of mine's mother lived to 101, she traveled a lot in her 90s. Even at 100 she would swim every day and play pool with the staff at the old folks home. She went down hill fast in her last year. A lovey woman. Close to her passing, I was sitting with her son in her room as she slept. Suddenly she sat up and asked "Can you see me?". After we answered "Yes", she said " I guess I'm still here!"
  19. My first and only marriage is to my Thai wife, 20 years younger. I was 64. I was never the marrying kind, and only decided that if I was going to marry it was the time. I almost married a Thai girl 34 years younger, but I could see that would have been a big mistake. To me being with a girl that young only made me feel older. I have always looked a lot younger that my age and in my home country dated mostly younger women, as much as 18 years younger. I agree mostly with spidermike and quite a bit with Kenny202. If for some reason I had to remarry, at 76, I don't think age would have much to do with my choice.
  20. I saw an ad in the New York Times. " Male 97 looking for woman to travel and dine with. Not looking for long term relationship". Another one "Woman 84, twice married, looking to marry someone to fill out family burial plot." I think it is better to have someone close than to be alone in your old age,
  21. Now that you have had your two minutes of hate. You can return to your job at the Ministry of Truth.
  22. I saw a guy pay his bar tab twice.
  23. Depends a lot. Where I am the village does not have a funeral fund. My wife's mother has her own bank account saving for her funeral. She already paid to have her ashes put in the temple wall. My wife's father's ashes are in the "ghost house" on our land, so no payment for "keeping" at the temple. I have heard that the very rich hire professional mourners to sit and cry at the funeral.
  24. I think percentage wise, about the same compared to my income, as when I came here over 10 years ago. I live rural, house paid for, car paid for, eat almost totally at home. I go back to the States to work 6 months out of the year. My rent there is more than I spend total here in a month. My wife take photos of the prices for food and such every year when we return to the States. Unbelievable, 20 to 30 percent. We may decide it isn't worth the money we make there this year. (rent, gas, airfare, food)
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