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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. I haven't gotten sick "yet" on street food in the 14 years I have been here. The last time I got sick was at a nice restaurant in Mexico city. Coming out both ends????
  2. Reminds me of a guy I met before I met my wife. He wanted to fix me up with his wife's sister. His wife's family was very rich and he was living on his wife's parents' land. There was a lot of tension in the family because he liked to go out drinking with the hired house help and the locals would see this. It just wasn't the image they wanted for a son in law.
  3. That is a rough one. I am not rich but I help with family when I can. I am paying for one of her sister's twin girls university room at the moment, a fan room. I offered to pay for an Air room but the family declined the offer. Once a woman all decked out in her finest, told my wife that, in Thai, that she should have waited to find a rich farang to support the whole family while I was standing there. A friend of mine got divorced from his Thai wife, the very next month her parents came to his door wanting their monthly payment.
  4. But without the ships of the desert what would they do with all the Arab seamen?
  5. But what do the people do when the people in power with the military behind them, write the constitution, and the election rules to insure they stay in power? What choices do the people have?
  6. My wife's mother 87, chews it and her teeth are in great shape, not black. The woman at the market that she buys from has the black teeth and her chin is always stained red. I believe a image of a betel nut container is still printed on the back of Vietnam bills. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betel_nut_chewing Vietnam In Vietnam, the areca nut and the betel leaf are such important symbols of love and marriage that in Vietnamese the phrase "matters of betel and areca" (chuyện trầu cau) were historically synonymous with marriage. Areca nut chewing starts the talk between the groom's parents and the bride's parents about the young couple's marriage. Therefore, the leaves and juices are used ceremonially in Vietnamese weddings.[49]
  7. I agree with everything he said. But, I was more inclined to marry after meeting the family. In Thailand, you will more than likely marry the family so it is good to know what you are getting into. I now live in the same village where her mother, two sisters, five brothers live. None have used me as an ATM, loaned me a truck before I got a car and wouldn't let me pay for either the insurance or the up keep. Helped build the house without pay. Go! Keep an open mind.
  8. If suicide was really the purpose, there are a lot of other places to jump. Why climb a famous temple? Drugs involved?
  9. I just catch the Huntsman and put him outside. I don't know anyone that has been bite by one. This is a new spider I have seen around here for the first time this year, not in the house. Bigger than the Huntsman, also not aggressive.
  10. Being on this forum for a while, you can almost know what any one person is going to say, since everything talked about revolves around a handful of basic ideas. I maybe using the "confused" wrong, but I use it to say I still think you are wrong, but we have beat around this bush before, so why bother doing it again.
  11. The simple solution. Tell the vendor to return when they have change before buying.
  12. As I said "If you go". If he was inclined to go to that location, it would not be a good idea to confront her there. "prove" he already has. Just showing her the picture would loosen her lips. Nothing would need to be said.
  13. If you go. Just take a picture of her car at the location. Show it to her later if she says she was someplace else.
  14. ANKI is great. I have used it for years. Mostly now for studying Thai. In the past for Spanish and Trig. Not much help for those that are a bit ver·bose
  15. The only thing I can think of is take the family on a long vacation somewhere. Maybe getting out of the environment and into thinking about other things. I had stated how gambling is a big problem with Thai women in another thread. And as far as illegal goes, the police are paid to look the other way at the local girls get together here.
  16. I had wondered why anyone would want the job. It pays so little. But then I looked at it like a server in a restaurant that are paid little but make their money from the tips. You don't have to pay but most everyone does.
  17. You could find a local that would take it for the honey. They are not aggressive, as long as there isn't a bright light shining on them. I have worked up close to them in the trees (within a couple of feet) cutting out branches. They will leave at some point. When they are on the move they are attracted to light. I find them covering my windows when I turn on the lights early in the morning during that time.
  18. My wife (Thai) has been told several times by doctors at private hospitals that if they can wait, to get the operation done at the public due to it being a lot cheaper.. In a reversal, I had a retinal detachment, the doctor sent me to a private, where he did the operation. The public was backed up months and I needed the operation as soon as possible. The cost wasn't much more.
  19. I have seen some pretty tattoos on women, the prettiest was a flock of butterflies that covered from the back of one leg, up across her back. When she was dressed, you could only see two, just over the front of one shoulder. Now, when I am back in the states, living in a college town, most the girls I see have at least one tattoo.
  20. Numbers on the back of turtles and read on the bark of trees are good also.
  21. I get the same for "Grits"
  22. I thought Elvis would have had more hair on his chest. The panda doesn't look very happy about what is going on. And, I think that is Alfred E. Neuman on the right with a wig.
  23. looks like a bad day to have the number 1 on your license plate
  24. I kind of remember years ago trying to make a transfer when on a trip from a different computer and had that request. I didn't have time so I closed the app and waited until I got home. No problem. Is it a random check or did they notice the request coming from a different computer, IP.
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