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Posts posted by coma

  1. Give them an inch, they will try to take a mile me thinks. These figures I find to be quite concerning.

    In these nine years, only 250 identified combatants were killed compared to 750 policemen and soldiers.

    Omits to mention that far more Muslims are being murdered in the Deep South, than Buddhists. This is rarely discussed as to why, I assume due to business/political disputes, drug and smuggling gang related activities.

    "from Jan 4, 2004 until Jan 31, 2011 there were 4,186 deaths of which 1,737 were Buddhists and 2,331 were Muslims"

    It's the usual anti-Muslim bigotry - -

    Give them an inch and they will try to take a mile? Seriously? Oh, hang on - this is all part of the great Muslim conspiracy to dominate the world . . . which allows the rest of the world to do to Muslims pretty much anything they wish with precisely that excuse.

    Coma? Yes, clearly

    Sounds like anti rest of the world bigotry - -

    Clearly have not seen my posts in the World News section have we ?

  2. Sink baby sink.

    Short time ago, global warmist idiots were saying the melting ice from global warming will have water level rising and will soon have Bangkok under water. Now they find out, as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels. There were many alarmists in Thailand that also got on the lets make some money on global warming. Alt energy such as windmills that use more energy than the save or having poor people turn off one light they have to save energy and save the world.

    At least we know Bangkok along with its airport are sinking, and the flooding will not be caused by Greenland Ice melting

    Couldn't resist this.

    Top of the Thai Hit Parade "I'm singing in the excess rain" Cover version by Somjai "I'm sinking in the rain"

    How I fondly recall the particularly oafish Thai PM, now departed this life thanks be, who promised that there would be no floods. When a lot of the city was a few feet under, he turned on impudent reporters and said, "This isn't flooding. This is just excess rain fall."


  3. Sink baby sink.

    "as most already knew, Bangkok is singing as is many other locations in the world and not rising sea levels."

    It is not possible for 'as is many other locations', unless sea level is rising.

    Take a drive past the old airport staying on the lower level and look at the barriers next to the pillars that support the tollway above.

    At each pillar the support slab that stands on the pillings is a good bit higher than the surrounding road surface. Already they have had to cut the road surface to re-level the road because it's sinking. I know they have cut once, maybe even twice to get things level again.

    A few years ago it was like riding a roller-coaster, On the outside lane at each pillar the drivers side of the car was going up and down at least 8 inches as you passed each pillar.

    I honestly don't think it's because the tollway support pillars are rising !

    That is not a good thing. Venice of the East ?

  4. Hah ? Don't try and educate people how to correctly control a vehicle, follow normal traffic etiquette, have the BIB enforce traffic violations. Teach them to reverse park, three point turns and not to bow out to the middle of the road to make a turn into a side street as if driving a Abram tank. Not to mention ensuring they have a license to drive to start with, a road worthy vehicle and that they are not drunk. Then we have double and tripple parkers, Songtaews that bee line it to the kurb without indicating to get a fare. etc etc etc.

    Iraqis have better driving skills than this lot. rolleyes.gif

    Are you saying in a pissing contest Thailand would beat out Iraq as the worst drivers. Or worst driving habits? How would Bangladesh do if they were allowed to enter the contest?

    Who are the judges what are there qualifications?

    The whole idea of educating tourist is just an extension of the nanny state where they come from.

    Really a tourist arriving in Thailand expecting the same driving habits as where he come's from is ridicules then again coming from a nanny state not surprising.

    How about the nanny states educate there citizens on the realities of the world.

    To answer your first question. Yes. As for your second question, I have never been to Bangladesh and never want to so I cannot comment.

    I do agree with your Nanny state call. I guess I am more about having the Thais do it more for themselves than for tourists. After all almost all road accidents in Thailand involve Thais and the vast majority of road fatalities in this country are indeed Thais.

    When I first came to Thailand many years ago it was as a tourist and there wasn't a soul on the planet that would get me behind the wheel or riding a motorcycle. Nowadays I would place myself as one of the top 100 road users here. lol !!!! biggrin.png

  5. I bets the spooks went through some film taking photo's of all those who attended the funeral.

    The tide way well start to turn in favour of the government after such a horrible defeat on the battlefield and having triators amongst the insurgent's ranks.

    I hope so, but they had an even worse defeat in 2004, over 100 of them were killed when they attacked military roadblocks on motorcycles. Just seemed to make them angrier.

    You are quite right. The difference with this is that it appears that they have either been infiltrated or have "traitors" within thier organisation. That will sure put a cat amounst the pigeons and make them a little nervous. Maybe a little ' in-house cleaning ' will posssibley be conducted in the near future.

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