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Posts posted by coma

  1. "In the House of Representatives we get to choose between U.S. lackey party number one and U.S. lackey party number two - between the major parties. So it will be great to 'Assange' the Senate for some Aussie oversight," the mother said.

    How true is this statement ? I hope he does get elected. Is given diplomatic immunity, can return home and continue his good work on exposing thise involved in global corruption and government lies.

  2. Yes, Geriatric Kid !! A lot of us foreigners love to harp on about democracy whilst blasting YingLuk. These people tend to forget that it was YingLuk's party that won the democratic election. Abhisit's party represents a minority group of people in Thailand, that's why they've never won an election in living memory, and indeed, they probably never will !!! wink.png

    Still trying to rewrite Thai history Abhist and his supporters along with other people represent 53% of the population.

    Maybe you have trouble but that is 6% more of the population than Yingluck represents.

    The number of seats the PT has is far out of proportion to the amount of people they represent,

    Who was it that was trying to say Abhist was elected because of the army. They conveniently over look there was two governments between them and the army and all three had been elected the same way. By legal means as defined in the laws of Thailand.

    The sad part about these poor losers is they will probably successfully rewrite real history and deprive the future generations of the truth. In the process most of them will gain personal nothing except the smug sick satisfaction that they put some thing over on others.


  3. It seems the police didn't give warning before firing tear gas at the protestors...maybe if warning was given the need to use tear gas could have been avoided?

    Untrue, police chief said they were warned over loud speakers for up to 1 hour before they used gas. the gas was used when protesters tried to drive a truck through a police line

    You believe the Thai police on their word?

    The short version ? NO!

  4. I've just heard that 120 have been arrested at Makassan bridge?! and the police say some were armed with guns and knives.

    I don't know if this has yet been reported here.

    So it seems their intentions were to seize the bridge?

    Peaceful demonstration I think NOT.

    Where did you get this info from. Nothing being reported in Thai news. Doesn't mean it isn't true. Just want to tap your source if possible.

  5. What's the saying?

    Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

    I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

    No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

    Great post. Even in England, the police plant it on the accused, or 2 gm becomes 200 gm (whoops) as in a recent case here in Thailand. Glad to see that you are not stupid, nor ever have been. I am, sometimes, have been and will be.

    By the way, Bangkok? ฿50 000 by now and rising by the minute.

    There is a flip side to that coin. And one that happens alot more often here in Thailand is..... Perp gets caught with 2kg's of meth amphetimines and finds himself back at the station only getting charged for one .wink.png

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  6. If one cannot abstain from carrying and/or using drugs in Thailand then one must ensure that they do not get caught. If caught you need to pay a " fine " ASAP. If it gets to the police station and the duty officer has to deal with it then your're in a world of doggie poo poo. In short ? He is going to Jail. post-4641-1156693976.gif Deported for a and banned from re-entering for a 3, 6 or 12 month period.

  7. I agree there is no way the report by Mr. Tik about the finances should be taken as gospel truth. First of all, it is likely he didn't really understand the exotic and magical financial life of a foreigner (especially one "not working" and no income who still had money, that does not compute for most Thais) and interpreted what he heard through his cultural filters. Secondly, if there was a relationship, perhaps the story ... no more big money to spend now, taxes! ... was used an excuse to limit or freeze the human ATM function, creating friction in the relationship. Yes, investigate please.

    Yes I am speculating but the biggest speculation is to accept the story from Mr. Tik at face value without full confirmation.

    Another point worth considering is "Mr Tik" may have been decieved and told anything by the deceased as to where his funds were coming from. There are no shortage of foriegners here in Thailand lying to thier Thai partners for one reason or another about amounts of / and where salaries come from.

  8. 33000 baht per month luxury condo ? At 56 years of age people still don't know how to live within thier means. blink.png

    Sadly an all to common story here. Foriegners coming to Thailand and unable to keep thier lives in order then end up in the newspapers or TV threads.shock1.gif

    One is assuming he jumped, and assuming the reports of him running out of money are correct.

    From the story we only have Mr. Tiks word about the 'running out of money'

    (Do we know if Mr. Tik was a ladyboy?)

    Here come the conspiracy theorists. And what does ladyboys have to do with it ?

  9. Hamas were elected by the majority of Gazans in the 2006 election. With Hamas gaining a majority of 76 of the 132 seats in the chamber, whilst Fatah party got 43 seats. That is a electoral flogging and sentiment has not changed since then. If anything, Hamas has even stronger support from the people of Gaza now than in 2006. wink.png

    People voted for Hamas under the same terms as, "can we put rockets in your house or we'll kill you?"

    No doubt Hamas has support in Gaza and also the west bank but there are also Palestinians who don't agree with their tactics, or their extremist Islamist ideology regarding things like women's and gay rights. So many western leftists are loving on Hamas, but what exactly are they loving on? Certainly nothing like western liberal ethics. coffee1.gif

    IMO this is the most correct comment you have made on the subject thus far.

    P.S: The region is in the Middle East. Not the west. So it is not wise to try and compare ethics. That is half the problem with this entire situation.

  10. Elections to be held in 2013. Khaled Meshaal is the DJ .

    If so, they will be choosing no peace.

    TS- Answer me just one question. Does Israel have the right to exist in peace? Do you acknowledge the right of Israel to exist in peace?

    KM: We consider Palestine our land and this is our natural right and the occupation must end. Occupation cannot be divided.


    (Translation: NO. NO.)


  11. Hamas were elected by the majority of Gazans in the 2006 election. With Hamas gaining a majority of 76 of the 132 seats in the chamber, whilst Fatah party got 43 seats. That is a electoral flogging and sentiment has not changed since then. If anything, Hamas has even stronger support from the people of Gaza now than in 2006. wink.png

    Great. So how about an election? coffee1.gif

    Elections to be held in 2013. Khaled Meshaal 220px-Khaled_Meshaal_01.jpg is the DJintheclub.gif .

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