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Posts posted by coma

  1. Six hellfire missiles to kill just 5 " suspected militants" in 1 compound ? Talk about a waste of taxpayers money.

    The strike comes after Pakistan's Ambassador to the U.S., Sherry Rehman, criticized the America's use of drones, describing them as a "direct violation of [Pakistan's] sovereignty," as there is no policy or approval of such attacks.

    We have heard this all before however the Pakastani government does nothing to stop drone attacks. And it seems more plausible that they are compliant with these strikes. Let's face facts. These drone attacks are doing the job that the Pakastani government and its military don't have the balls, desire or ability to deal with these militants in this area. Every time they conduct an operation there they get the <deleted> kicked. Back door polotics at it's best.

    yeah, them Pakastanis knows polotics axcapt when they deal with their neighbours them Undians.

    Having a go at my typos I guess. Well done.

  2. So who is next? What the church needs is an Aussie Pope to show the people how to relax and have a good time. Cardinal George may just be the man. Vote Pope George Pell.

    Seriously I think the next Pope will be Cardinal Turkson from Ghana, he is young by Pope standards (63) and a move away from the mainstream white popes.

    Good call. An African Pope would be an excellent choice in todays climate. There are a lot of Catholics in Africa and they need to be reassured that using condoms is a good thing. Maybe an African pope will sway his subordinates into agreeing to change the churches' policy on this subject.

    Bad call. The catholic church is struggling in Europe, like all religions, against the onslaught of atheism. That's were the money is to maintain the apparatus. My bet is on a Frenchmen.

    I wouldn't call it a " bad call ". Just an opinion.

    For all interested here is the Next pope betting odds. http://www.sportsbet.com.au/betting/current-affairs/pope-betting?QuickLinks

  3. Six hellfire missiles to kill just 5 " suspected militants" in 1 compound ? Talk about a waste of taxpayers money.

    The strike comes after Pakistan's Ambassador to the U.S., Sherry Rehman, criticized the America's use of drones, describing them as a "direct violation of [Pakistan's] sovereignty," as there is no policy or approval of such attacks.

    We have heard this all before however the Pakastani government does nothing to stop drone attacks. And it seems more plausible that they are compliant with these strikes. Let's face facts. These drone attacks are doing the job that the Pakastani government and its military don't have the balls, desire or ability to deal with these militants in this area. Every time they conduct an operation there they get the <deleted> kicked. Back door polotics at it's best.

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  4. So who is next? What the church needs is an Aussie Pope to show the people how to relax and have a good time. Cardinal George may just be the man. Vote Pope George Pell.

    Seriously I think the next Pope will be Cardinal Turkson from Ghana, he is young by Pope standards (63) and a move away from the mainstream white popes.

    Good call. An African Pope would be an excellent choice in todays climate. There are a lot of Catholics in Africa and they need to be reassured that using condoms is a good thing. Maybe an African pope will sway his subordinates into agreeing to change the churches' policy on this subject.

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  5. Hey thanks for the quick reply. Could you help me translate 1 more? อัยตลาย Thank you!

    It looks like it is misspelled and should probably be อันตราย = dangerous

    Yes. It looks like a typo to me. The ต เต่า and ย ยักษ์ are right beside one another on the keyboard.

  6. Ah, the UNHRC, That motley shower of tinpot commie dictatorcships and backward Islamic theocracies. Considering the UNHRC have produced more motions against Israel than all other Countries put together tells you all you need to know about them, indeed Syria was penciled in to be the newest member before 60,000 dead bodies resulted from Assad having a spot of trouble. Needless to say the UNHRC was not exactly active either there or in Egypt.

    Yes, that's because Israel managed to violate human rights, and the territorial integrity of its neighbours more often than all other countries put together. Where Assad is concerned, you will whine no matter the outcome. Assad stays in power, you whine. Obama and Europe put a taskforce together to remove him, you whine. The Al Queda types and Muslim brotherhood fighting Assad win, you will whine. It's a no-win situation, you are not to satisfy. That's because you don't really have an opinion, but rehash what Foxnews tells you.

    If anyone encroaches on your estate and starts to build a house there, you shoot the bastard. You would concede this right to any person, as long as he's not a Palestinian.

    Very well said. thumbsup.gif

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