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Posts posted by coma

  1. Have a look at this for a blatant IDF propaganda vdo that has been doctored to make them look like white knights. Note that there is a cut in the vision 3/4 of the way through. Firstly an individual/s can clearly be seen firing rockets from a heavily wooded area. All the while the IDF chopper pilot is rumbling on about how the area is clear of civilians. The the cut in footage cuts back to an IDF missle attack on what is clearly a different site, in a somewhat open area with some low brush outside of a residence. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=612_1353364533

  2. i get the strange feeling you'd take the IDF explanation about anything any day.

    In this matter, I am believe the IDF position.

    Let me put it in simpler terms for you. You know this alleged blockade of Gaza that is alleged to cause such suffering? How harsh can it be if there is a problem with obesity in Gaza and no evidence of starvation?

    How strict can it be if Hamas has thousands upon thousands of missiles to fire at Israel? Oh wait, you are going to say, no, the Iranians and Syrians are not supplying the missiles that are brought in through Egypt. Ok. Then they were built in Gaza then right? How can that be when this Israeli blockade has stopped imports and manufacturing? It takes some sophisticated machinery and alot of power to roperate multiple factories that turn out the missiles. What is this struggle the Gazans are involved in against Israeli settlements? There are no settlements in Gaza and a large swath of Israeli land alonfg the border is barren because it is too dangerous to cultivate because of arab snipers.

    Your comments are off the topic of "air strikes", but lets dance.

    So by using the term "alleged" you are contradicting Israel who affirms they have indeed blockaded Gaza.

    And by using "alleged" referring to their suffering you are contradicting Human Rights groups who have attested to the problems the blockade causes on the Gazans. I don't want to discuss whether or not these groups can be trusted, I'm simply saying you are contradicting them. A blockade, by nature, impedes two things; Commerce and travel.

    Yes, Gazans are not starving like people in Sudan. Yes, the settlement issue is more related to Palestinians in the West Bank.

    Regarding, "it takes sophisticated machinery..to operate factories to make rockets." The simple answer is, no, it does not. The rockets are crude, cheap, and highly ineffective.

    You should read this article;http://www.businessw...s-hamas-rockets

    One can see first hand much more effective and deadly rockets made by hand from bamboo and gunpowder, being fired every year at the Udon Thani rocket festival every year.

  3. Yes. And it is far to easy to just jump onto one's motorbike to go a couple of hundred meters to the local store or neighbour's house,etc etc. Hell I was guilty of it in the past but I have now become more aware of my lazy Thaiways and walk a lot more.

  4. i get the strange feeling you'd take the IDF explanation about anything any day.

    In this matter, I am believe the IDF position.

    Let me put it in simpler terms for you. You know this alleged blockade of Gaza that is alleged to cause such suffering? How harsh can it be if there is a problem with obesity in Gaza and no evidence of starvation?

    How strict can it be if Hamas has thousands upon thousands of missiles to fire at Israel? Oh wait, you are going to say, no, the Iranians and Syrians are not supplying the missiles that are brought in through Egypt. Ok. Then they were built in Gaza then right? How can that be when this Israeli blockade has stopped imports and manufacturing? It takes some sophisticated machinery and alot of power to roperate multiple factories that turn out the missiles. What is this struggle the Gazans are involved in against Israeli settlements? There are no settlements in Gaza and a large swath of Israeli land alonfg the border is barren because it is too dangerous to cultivate because of arab snipers.

    Are your comments for real ? blink.png Firstly you name it as an alledged blockade of Gaza. In a manner which suggests that you don't believe there is a blockade. Then you openly change your thinking and address it as a blockade when it suits your arguement. Good effortclap2.gif .

    As for your comments on "problems with obesity in Gaza". Well .........w00t.gif

  5. hours after an Israeli airstrike flattened a residential building and killed 10 civilians.

    I think this is the residence mentioned


    Actually reporting 12 from a single family

    You are correct. Apparently due to a faulty airstrike. Whatever that means ? blink.png

    There is a picture in this link of the remnants of the residence.


  6. In reply to you post, We were one of many cars and motorbikes that passed as this accident happened, and no one, be they foreigner or Thai stopped. The only person that did stop was myself, a little further down the road, when trying to get the policeman to call an ambulence for the guy.

    I believe that is what is referred to as the "sheep mentality" unfortunately so common amongst us. I remember reading about several experiments where researchers staged various different "need for help" scenarios, and one common and very quantifiable factor was that most people did what other people did. If somebody stopped to help, it was much more likely that others following would also stop to help. If noone stopped, it was much more likely that others following would not stop to help either. Doesn't make those not stopping to help any better people in my opinion however.

    Sorry to hear about Loaded's experience with those lowlifes, though I think I'd still stop next time. After all, how could I be sure the people bleeding to death on the road were lowlifes, rather than one of the Thais who came running to help when I myself skidded off the road once many years ago? One (or three) lowlife does not a nation make.

    @ Mickmac : If you were present at the scene when this accident occoured then why didn't anybody know that there was another victim in the canal with the female victim ? And why did it take the authorities more than 2 days to discover the body of the second victim that had floated a long way from the scene by the water current ? Just curious that's all. blink.png

  7. No. Not ever. Look at the history of politics in Thailand since the Khana Ratsadon group's bloodless revolution in 1932 which changed the country from Absolute Monarchy to a Constitutional Monarchy. The democratic model has been an epic failure in Thailand with an average of approximately 1 Coup de Tat every 4 years since 1932. And I see no hope of change due to the Thai's huge hunger for power, greed and wealth. End of story. mfr_closed1.gif

  8. 1. Though Britain responded strongly with targeted killings n Ireland I don't remember them ever using officially sanctioned collective 100-1 punishment (read murder) of men women and (many many ) children at any time. This however is more or less stated policy of Israel and must be never be accepted by the world at large......which it outrageously IS by the US. It is not acceptable for Hamas to be sending these things off. It is an act of utter frustration from a castrated people in resction to excesses whereas the Israeli action is extremely heavy and cold and calculated.

    2. I keep hearing about Iran and the "evidence" of arms supplies. I would find it suicidal for Iran to do this. The sharpest pencil on this, Zbigniew Brzezinski, says Iran is a "rational nation". They are not stupid or suicidal. I don't believe for a minute they do supply missiles, most of which of course are six foot lumps of flying pipe.

    3. Feel sorry for the very large minority of decent Israelis who detest their own government's actions as much as I do. I had a friend back in the UK named Yishay who had been a paratrooper there. He couldn't stand it a day longer and left for good.

    I agree with this. If Iran was supplying arms to the Palistinians then where is the evidence of them being used. What ? Are the Iranians supplying pipe bombs and missiles to them ? The kind that alot of young lads try thier hand at making as youngsters. The simply fact of the matter is that nobody is supply arms to the Palistinians.

  9. This planned attack and slaughter of innocent civilians and possible ground assault is clearly being used as a political tool to enhanced the war mongering Netanyahu's re-election in the upcoming January elections.

    Sure, maybe a few rockets landed on the outskirts of Israeli towns, which are on Palestinian land but right now in Gaza, the Israeli response is far from measured.It is raining 500lbers all over gaza . Not distinguishing between legitimate targets being those firing the rockets and innocent civilians. My thoughts are with all the innocent men,women and children of Gaza in this perilous hour.


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  10. I have just read up on this story in the Chiang Mai news and this is what it says happened which contradicts the OP to a certain extent.

    1. The deceased is 56 year old JERRY LESTER DOW from Abu Dhabi, UAE. He was a tourist that frequented the Chiang Mai Beer Bar scene and that he rented a big bike from in town.

    2. On the evening of the 11th he had hooked up with a Beer Bar girl and they went for a ride around the city. At 2am on the morning of the 12th the two on the motorbike had lost control on the canal rd and hit the wall throwing them into the canal. They died instantly. Her body was recovered the following day.

    3. At 10am on the 14th a passer-by seen the body of Mr Jerry Lester Dow floating face down in the canal. The forensic crew believed he had been dead no less that 2 days. His wallet and Iphone 3 were still on his person. The police therefore believe that the two deceased, even though thier bodies were discovered on different days were both victims of the same motorbike accident.


    WARNING !! Graphic image in this link. http://www.chiangmainews.co.th/page/wp-content/uploads/ศพลอยน้ำ-1.jpg

  11. This link is a great read. Sums up the facts to a tee.

    So intentional poisoning it is ? Cold blooded murder ? Serial Killer/s on the loose preying on vulnerable young western female tourists. I just cannot go for OD excuses or accidental poisoning scenario any longer. Some lunatic/s are actively hunting down and murdering tourists in Thailand. mfr_closed1.gif

  12. If anybody has spent any time in Lao and know a little about the Thai language they will notice that most Loatians love Thai music,movies and soapies. They understand the language 100%. I have seem them singing along in pubs, clubs and Karaoke to Thai songs. And in thier houses they are glued to all the normal Thai soaps and there are no subtitles. Draw your own conclusions from that.

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