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Posts posted by coma

  1. seriously. Does anyone think it was a triangle of love? canadian supply money, girl love thai boy!

    i wouldnt be surprised if girl was dubble dipping.

    Unusual for any Thai guy, none the less an attorney, to be funding a 42 year old Thai woman. More typical would be the 42 y/o financing a young Thai guy, or more accurately stated, the Canadian guy financing the young Thai guy.

    Have the BIB checked to see if she has taken out a life insurance policy on the deceased ? blink.png

  2. Thank you lines men. Thank you ball boys. That is game, set and match to Obama. Now we can say he truly does deserve his Noble Peace prize for bumping out the bumbling idiot that is Mitt Romney, who if he was to be president, would have put this world in a whole lot of hurt.

    Can we all go home now ??? clap2.gif

  3. The sale of illegal drugs using facebook is just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to socially unexceptable and unsavoury content in and amongst numerous facebook pages. Considering it is now a publicly listed company, anyone holding shares in the company may want to check their positions cuz there is sure to be some serious lawsuit action taken against the company. And if/when it does happen it will fall like a stack of cards. I watched a doco on this topic only last night. If you want it, Facebook has got it. Sexual, racial, illicit, hate,kiddy fiddler, child killer, rape 'n' murder, suck shit your kid is dead pages. And the cancer patient pages where they are told to suck it up and that cancer is a sign of the weak. etc etc etc. They [facebook] need to start taking some responsibility for the content that they allow their users post on the website.

  4. Young Ryan seems to be a pleasant enough young man with it all before him and will no doubt learn alot from the experience. It is just a shame he is running with the village idiot. The old dog Biden cut the young man down a few times but he sure stayed the distance. Impressive indeed.

    I actually think he lacks charisma and will never be vice president OR president. We don't really want such a stiff talking point zombie wonk in chief.

    Only if you say so. giggle.gif

  5. The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

    Problem solved

    Yes. I once heard of a Muslim majority province in China that wanted a referendam on autonomy. The government agreed. Mobilized the army to ensure a safe and peaceful process They then ordered the soldiers in the province to vote also. Needless to say the autonomy bid was an epic failure.

    Gotta love the Chinese. thumbsup.gif

    Lived in xinjiang for 6 months when the uighurs thought it smart to blow up some buses in beijing. The government simply shut down all money movement in and out if the province for 5 months and arrested 3000 people.

    People fought back so the army annihilated a village or two. It will happen here inevitably.

    Sounds like a plan to me. smile.png

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