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Posts posted by coma

  1. " Human Rights Watch said the Afghan legal system routinely fails to meet international fair trial standards, making Afghanistan's use of the death penalty especially troubling." blink.png

    Is this crew serious ? Do they know what they are on about ? Nothing in Afghan meets "international fair standards ". Police, military, hotels, toilets and hamburgers all fail miserably. And the Afghan is one place that does indeed need the use of the death penalty. Tree huggers should stick to what they do best. Hug trees.thumbsup.gif

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  2. Bomb exploded in Tel Aviv.


    A rather amatuer and largely ineffective attempt at terrorsim I must say. They [ hamas ?] go through all the hassle of getting an operator into that position to carry out an attack in the heart of Tel Aviv and the device goes off like a fire bunger the Thais use during Loy Krathong. More to this story me thinks ? blink.png

    Apparently they have caught the bomber, who was promptly lynched and the dead body was dragged along the street tied to the back of a motorbike...no...wait...I must be thinking of somewhere else like Gaza, though had it been the case it would undoubtedly have been front page news with the MSM.

    Please change the tune. This song I have heard all too many times.violin.gif

  3. Bomb exploded in Tel Aviv.


    A rather amatuer and largely ineffective attempt at terrorsim I must say. They [ hamas ?] go through all the hassle of getting an operator into that position to carry out an attack in the heart of Tel Aviv and the device goes off like a fire bunger the Thais use during Loy Krathong. More to this story me thinks ? blink.png

  4. What is the objective of making such an empty statement as this one ?? blink.png

    It is a form of justification for actions taken

    Same when people justify the blockade by saying things like it is "legal"

    Or "well just look at the Palestinians they are not starving"

    Same thing with "They are on record as being interested in no Israel"

    Take the blockade for instance, Yes understandable as a stop or check for bombs.

    There are legal blockades all over the world in various forms. But they are called checkpoints.

    Even the TSA in the USA could be called a blockade/checkpoint. Checking for illegal items that could cause harm.

    Yet when a blockade dictates even what types of foods are allowed how is it a checkpoint & not a form

    of capture or enslavement of a people?

    Statements like "They are on record as being interested in no Israel"

    another type of justification for actions as the reality is BOTH sides are guilty of "words"

    Just the other day we saw something to the effect of Only When We Bomb Gaza Back To The Stone Age Will

    We Have Peace

    So better to judge actions than words used for justification of actions. IMO

    Well said. thumbsup.gif

  5. IDF are dropping leaflet into Gaza ordering residence to leave the houses immediately. Causing chaos as families are fleeing their houses and taking shelter in school.

    Other reports state that a ceasefire will take effect within a few hours. Doesn't gel at all.

    On CNN this morning, it was reported that Secretary of State Clinton was working toward a de-escalation in the fighting. The commentator noted it was strange the word ceasefire wasn't used.....for what it's worth.

    As usual the situation is as clear as mud.

    The US prefers to now use the term de-escalation, rather than cease-fire because...well...sh*t happens. It's a more modern term of the realities of these conflicts.

    Probabley because they know a ceasefire is impossible. sad.png

  6. IDF are dropping leaflet into Gaza ordering residence to leave the houses immediately. Causing chaos as families are fleeing their houses and taking shelter in school.

    Other reports state that a ceasefire will take effect within a few hours. Doesn't gel at all.

    On CNN this morning, it was reported that Secretary of State Clinton was working toward a de-escalation in the fighting. The commentator noted it was strange the word ceasefire wasn't used.....for what it's worth.

    As usual the situation is as clear as mud.

  7. Well that is easy enough. Just categories the ones that look and act like sheep and that will be lining up to collect thier "food stamps" , compliments of thier beloved shepherd Thasin as the real deal.tongue.png

    Well that is easy enough. Just categories the ones that look and act like sheep and that will be lining up to collect thier "food stamps" , compliments of thier beloved shepherd Thasin as the real deal.tongue.png

    Not surprising that pimay "likes " this rather ugly comment.

    Sad for TV but par for the course.

    There's the consequential risk of Thaksin eventually being unable to afford to subsidise his pawns. The minimum wage and high inflation will see to that.

    I hope the corrupt fugitive goes broke trying.

  8. Yes. The US will indeed be communicating with Hamas one way or another. To think otherwise would be naive. They just don't want to be seen doing it infront of the world stage. But at the end of the day when it is all said and done and the dust settles [momentarily] it will be a fruitless exercise.

    Apparently according to some news reports, Hamas is the one who is not listening to Egypt at all, so perhaps any and all talks are fruitless.Though Iran may have some weight there

    I think when it comes to peace negotiations between Israel and Palistine, Iran has no weight to pull at all. A much over stated player in this situation. Just my opinion of course.wai.gif

  9. Well that is easy enough. Just categories the ones that look and act like sheep and that will be lining up to collect thier "food stamps" , compliments of thier beloved shepherd Thasin as the real deal.tongue.png

    Well that is easy enough. Just categories the ones that look and act like sheep and that will be lining up to collect thier "food stamps" , compliments of thier beloved shepherd Thasin as the real deal.tongue.png

    Not surprising that pimay "likes " this rather ugly comment.

    Sad for TV but par for the course.

    What is ugly about it ? You must like it as you have quoted it twice. thumbsup.gif

  10. Ban Ki Moon just cut a mean looking figure delivering his speech in Cairo on the current crisis in Gaza. I am sure both Israel and Hamas are shi%#ing thier respective pants after the stern warning from the head of the UN. What would the world be like without the UN?

    Latest figures from the Gaza Cricket ground show the Palistinians leading in the body count 100- 3. sad.png

    I understand Hilary is there to meet with Netanyahu and Egypt's leaders. Hamas is irrelevant because it is classified as a terrorist organisation by USA and all thinking people, so Hilary will simply give them the arse.

    So how can you have peace talks if you give one side the arse and ignore them. I guess then that Israel and the U.S do not want peace, what are they going to discuss, the sales of arms from the U.S?

    US will communicate with Hamas via the Egyptians or maybe through Saudi/Qatar

    Yes. The US will indeed be communicating with Hamas one way or another. To think otherwise would be naive. They just don't want to be seen doing it infront of the world stage. But at the end of the day when it is all said and done and the dust settles [momentarily] it will be a fruitless exercise.

  11. Ban Ki Moon just cut a mean looking figure delivering his speech in Cairo on the current crisis in Gaza. I am sure both Israel and Hamas are shi%#ing thier respective pants after the stern warning from the head of the UN. What would the world be like without the UN?

    Latest figures from the Gaza Cricket ground show the Palistinians leading in the body count 100- 3. sad.png

    I understand Hilary is there to meet with Netanyahu and Egypt's leaders. Hamas is irrelevant because it is classified as a terrorist organisation by USA and all thinking people, so Hilary will simply give them the arse.

    Mmm ! I see. Interesting observation. wink.png

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