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Posts posted by coma

  1. The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

    Problem solved

    Yes. I once heard of a Muslim majority province in China that wanted a referendam on autonomy. The government agreed. Mobilized the army to ensure a safe and peaceful process They then ordered the soldiers in the province to vote also. Needless to say the autonomy bid was an epic failure.

    Gotta love the Chinese. thumbsup.gif

  2. Maybe Mr Nimu Makaje could go and fill himself up with a shotgun. Let's all change the way we live for the minority. And they wonder why they are so dispised. And what a way to go about achieving your agenda. Go out and shoot up/blow up and kill as many people you can on Fridays for being innocent citizens that are out earning a living.

    It looks as though diplomacy in the south has done nothing other that fuel the insurgency to the extent where they are now making such outragous demands on all that don't believe in their Islamic illusions. Time to pull the gloves off and start eradicating these vermin militants and those who support them in mass.

    • Like 1
  3. so lets start the sweepstake for when the Ombudsman is moved to an inactive post or when the Government create a new Ministerial position as 'Minister for Ombudding Ombudsmen'. Baldrick ....I have a cunning plan!

    Sounds like the Ombudsman will be "promoted" soon :-D

    or worse....

    Kornthep Wiriya, a key prosecution witness in the Shin Satellite tax-evasion case, was gunned down in Chiang Rai.



    Faaaark. I didn't know that one. Maybe we should all chip in for a kevlar vest and helmet for the good Ombudsman.

    • Like 1
  4. The boy has family in South Africa and Thailand. Maybe the mother's relatives can look after the child better than the fathers?? OK the mother and grandmother are no good but the rest might be. Why did he marry into this family to start with and start a family? - they must have had something going for them. One side is more educated and probably has more money but we don't know this - pure speculation. This will give them an unfair advantage in the court. Just because someone has money and degrees doesn't mean they would be good parents.

    "One side is more educated and probably has more money but we don't know this - pure speculation"

    If I may speculate on this. We have a family of rice farmers and we have a family of successful Physicians and business people. I would say that the RICE Farmers are far more educated and in a better position to care for the boy.whistling.gif

    Agreed. And what of the little one when he grows up and realizes the predicament he is in. Brought up by a bunch of swindling desperate, money hungry vermin that killed his Dad for money. Then knowing the life he should/could have had in Australia /South Africa with a successful family that does not need to scam money from others to survive and has no association with family members that are convicted for murder. In particular, murdering his own father. Hellooooooo !

    If and I say if he is raised by the Thai family he will be moulded into the clan and grow up with the same principles and morals and he will see the conduct already displayed by the mother and grandmother as perfectly acceptable behaviour and will probably conduct his own adult life in the same way. He will be thrown onto the family Merry Go Round which will be hard to get off.

    And no doubt turned against all members of his fathers side of the family. Therefore depriving them the opportunity to know there Nephew.

  5. Isn't this the same report from yesterday? I pray for some very decisive news today concerning the child and his welfare.

    What good is "praying" going to do?

    But yes, best if the police get to the bottom of this.

    Prayer can be a very powerful thing. The only ones who mock prayer are the ones who never try it.

    Praying to an imaginary friend seems a little ridiculous, you will get more assistance from a brick.

    Exactly. cheesy.gif Commonly referred to schizotypal personality disorder. [ SPD ]

  6. The boy has family in South Africa and Thailand. Maybe the mother's relatives can look after the child better than the fathers?? OK the mother and grandmother are no good but the rest might be. Why did he marry into this family to start with and start a family? - they must have had something going for them. One side is more educated and probably has more money but we don't know this - pure speculation. This will give them an unfair advantage in the court. Just because someone has money and degrees doesn't mean they would be good parents.

    "One side is more educated and probably has more money but we don't know this - pure speculation"

    If I may speculate on this. We have a family of rice farmers and we have a family of successful Physicians and business people. I would say that the RICE Farmers are far more educated and in a better position to care for the boy.whistling.gif

    Agreed. And what of the little one when he grows up and realizes the predicament he is in. Brought up by a bunch of swindling desperate, money hungry vermin that killed his Dad for money. Then knowing the life he should/could have had in Australia /South Africa with a successful family that does not need to scam money from others to survive and has no association with family members that are convicted for murder. In particular, murdering his own father. Hellooooooo !

  7. Your memory is short. China has never ever done anything as evil and destructive as what Japan had done in the years leading up to and during WW2.

    Does what they have done to their own people count? 30 million dead counts for something.

    China has big, big, problems on the horizon with its economy and with controlling the populace.

    That is their business.

  8. I think Japan waved its right to any land claims after its war atrocities during WW2. Therefore they should suck it up and save themselves an economic nightmare. The hint of the old Japanese Imperialism sends shivers down the spine.

    the word is 'waived,' not 'waved.' But I don't agree with the line of thought you presented. The law sides with Japan on this issue. China has territorial disputes with nearly every country it shares borders with, and with some it doesn't share borders with. It's pushing its weight around, and it's not a pretty sight. Sometime b4 2 long, push will come to shove, and armed hostilities will break out. I don't look forward to it, but it's inevitable. Hopefully, if China gets jolted enough, it will afford Tibetans the opportunity to take back their country.

    Unfortunately I have to disagree with you on this one. Your memory is short. China has never ever done anything as evil and destructive as what Japan had done in the years leading up to and during WW2. They conducted themselves in a way that was nothing short of outrageous. There was a reason why they were not allowed to have a military and it should remain that way. When it comes to warfare they are nothing short of horrible animals. Anybody with a relative that suffered at the hands of these would not full and well what they are like.

    p.s Please feel free to do your spell check thing for me again if you will. wai.gif

  9. Yes. However if they [the states that do not have the death penalty ] want them dead,they just extradite them to a state where they have committed a capital offence that does have the death penalty.

    Your post is disingenuous at best. Only if someone has a capital charge in another state can they be extradited -- and that's not a given -- and if found guilty and given the death penalty, eventually (years later, if ever) be put to death in that state.That is obviously the small minority of cases.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Did you read my post in its entire ???? Did I not state that he was facing CAPITAL charges in another state ? Don't cut parts of a post out so you can make an arguement on false pretences . Some people ..........w00t.gif

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  10. There can be no misinterpretations with a picture. Tell me what is wrong with this picture ? Or should I ask. What is missing in this picture ?


    Shouldn't try to draw substantive conclusions from single photographs. This is a point about photographs, not this case. You take 50 and print the one you think best.

    No. This is just one photo of many. I could have put 15 or more of them that I have from different angles, cameras, sources and stages of the same press conference and they all show you the same thing. The mother-in-law is missing in EVERY single one of them. That means she is not being accused of the crimes her offspring are. Feel free to be objective and suger coat it if you will. However some are not so naive and and been here and seen it all before.

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  11. There can be no misinterpretations with a picture. Tell me what is wrong with this picture ? Or should I ask. What is missing in this picture ?


    Umm the matriarch is missing and the woman has quite the smug smile on her face as if she is thinking "I'll get a slap on the wrist." Hows that for a guess?

    Well done Chooka. Go to the top of the class. thumbsup.gif

  12. What kind of people do such a thing? What kind of people were they that would kill like this?

    Such a horrible story, it makes you so angry.

    He seemed like a very respectable man and for this to happen, just mindboggling.

    Am very curious as to the background of these disgusting people.

    Greed and vengence. Thais can hold and bear a grudge with the best of them.

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