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Posts posted by coma

  1. The Lao side of Buriram.

    Thanks, Coma. Learning Thai will cut me off from many of the people in the village. I am in a bit of a dilemma here, I learned three and a half languages in my life (one dialect). In Switzerland I could never have done business without mastering the dialect. I feel really stuck as to what to decide.

    Yes. Sounds like you have yourself in a bit of a dilemma. Nothing tougher than a lingual challenge. However, Central Thai is spoken to a certain extent by all Thais. Even Thai hilltribes and bordertown folk. One can also communicate using central Thai in most parts of southern Laos. I speak Thai fluently but live in nothern Thailand where they speak northern Thai [ภาษาเมือง] which is quite a bit different. I have no problems communicating with anybody I meet. And when they are talking northern Thai amoungst themselves I understand about 60% of what is being said as it still comprises alot of Central Thai vocab, just spoken in different tones and accent. All fun !! thumbsup.gif And goodluck. wai.gif

  2. You are driving around blind to their presence!

    I regularly see cars and bikes clamped around town, especially on busy roads such as around the moat and Changphuak Road.

    The GF always goes on about the time she stopped for 2 mins on Changphuak Road and got her bike clamped, the BIB would not take payment there and then, she then had to take a tuktuk to police station, pay fine, then tuktuk back to her bike and wait for an hour to have the clamp removed!

    I get reminded EVERY time we see the policeman who clamped her!

    Did you even read my OP ??? bah.gif I said it was NOT a police officer. It was a parking infringment officer in a different uniform. Some people are unbelievable. blink.png

  3. I have been noticing of late a Thai man in a light brown uniform with some Public Servant embellishments on patrol up and along Meaung Jareon Rd. I have seen him on several occasions now righting up tickets and sticking them on the windshield of cars that are illegally parked. I think it is great cuz these cars are holding up traffic big time. But beware as this guy appears to be really enjoying his work. I have not noticed Parking police anywhere else in Chiang Mai or elsewhere in Thailand.

    Does anybody know anything more about these 'brown bombers' ? Is it a new thing or have I been driving around blind to thier presence up until now ?

    I guess I just want to let you guys know and if there are any other regularly patrolled areas then please advise all. wai2.gif

  4. Where is your village ? I take it that it is deep within Isaan. You will need to go to school to learn central Thai if that is the case. Cuz the villagers will almost certainly speak exclusively the Isaan dialect of Thai which is neither Thai or Lao but a combination of both.

  5. Maybe she [ and her handlers] should do a little research on Thai Culture,Customs and Traditions before doing such a photo shoot. I think the Thai reaction is warranted and measured.

    Had the model done a photo shoot in a Mosque with nothing but a copy of the Qaran covering her private pieces the world would be at war.

    A semi naked model in mosque holding a copy of the Quran? Like to see somebody try that one? The idea is preposterous!!!!. Why don't you suggest they have one in a church or a synagogue so we can all be outraged?


    You have totally missed the point. Have another think about it.

  6. " and might cause tumours on the sex organ. " and " One patient had such a large tumour that the penis had to be amputated "

    I am a little confused blink.png . " Botched penis enlargement " ? Isn't the goal of these guys with inch ant size peckers to have an enlargement ?? I would have thought that any tumour that may result from the procedure would indeed be an enlargement, therefore they would have achieved that goal. Some people are just way to hard to please. cheesy.gif

  7. ทำไมคนที่ไม่มีความสามารถแบบนี้อวดความไม่รู้ เพราะอะไรไม่อ่ายเอย คิดว่าการแอบเป็นคนขี้เกียจดีกว่า


    ไม่ขี้เกียจเลยครับ ภาษาไทยยากมาก มีความสามารถแบบนี้นิดหน่อยครับ จำเป็นต้องคุยกับเฟซบุ๊กทุกวันครับ อาจจะเจอแฟนใหม่ด้วยครับ

    ๕๕๕ thumbsup.gif

  8. ๕ ปี coffee1.gif


    ๕ ปี ครับ แล้วช่วงเวลา ๕ ปีนั้น ผมก็อยู่ในเมืองไทยตลอดเวลา

    นี้เป็นจุดสำคัญมากนะครับ ที่ได้เรียนและอยู่ในประเทศไทยขณะเดียวกัน เพราะว่าหลังจากเรียนเสร็จแล้ว ก็ต้องออกจากห้องเรียนแล้วก็ได้ใช้แต่ภาษาไทยเท่านั้นเอง ทำให้นักศึกษาได้เรียนรู้ และ พูด อ่าน และเขียนภาษาไทยได้อย่างคล่อง และมีประสิทธภาพเร็วที่สุด

    นี้คือความคิดเห็นของตัวเองเท่านั้นนะครับ คุณ หรอคนอื่น ๆ อาจจะมีความคิดเห็นหรือประสบการณ์ที่แตกต่างกันก็ได้ครับ wai2.gif

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  9. He said 50,000 police officers will be on duty during the rally and it will be unnecessary to deploy military personnel

    That's fair, given that the protesters aren't talking about burning down Bangkok.

    I don't think the protesters made a formal announcement prior to them " burning down Bangkok " in 2010.

    Of course they did


    It seems I did indeed miss that one. Looks like the love child of one Adolf Hitler.

  10. According to a preliminary report, Mr Chalerm said, supporters of the Nov 24 movement belong to the same group of “financiers” which were connected with the month-long political upheaval in Bangkok in 2006.

    He obviously must be talking about his old mate Thaksin and his gun for hire Black Shirt thugs.

  11. IMO All translater tools, whether they be Bing, Google or any other such thing are useless. They don't have the ability to identify the difference between singular vocab words and compound words, proverbs etc etc. I find it quite amusing actually seeing some of the translations that Bing/ Google come up with.

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  12. A man who cannot control his mind and acting towards it, is defected as a biological human being and unsuited to live as part of our society. The guy should be exterminated in a flash or kept isolated.

    Right. This grub has obviously pre planned his crime by inviting his ex-wife to Thailand for the sole purpose of murdering her. Then cuts her up in an attempt to conceal his crime. It is a classic case of premeditated, aggravated murder and he gets a pardon ??? bah.gif What have the gods got to say about this ?? blink.png

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