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Posts posted by coma

  1. What is interesting is that many people have based their emotion and decisions on the 93 yr old Australian guy on what is effectively one media report, cut and pasted by many. If we point out to them, hey cool it the Thai media are notorious for inaccuracies in their reporting we get labeled as 'Thai bashers', and yet here we have a prime example of how there are major conflicting stories in the Thai media and the people who defend them on the other thread slag them off here. Funny isn't it.

    Exactly. Well said Jim. It seems that it all depends on one's point of view on the topic / subject as to who, what and when one wants to listen to media. If it supports their point of view then it gets green flagged. If not ......

  2. Ladies and gentlemen it seems we have a self proclaimed Nuclear physicist amongst us here in TV. Glad you have the time to log in all day to lecture and enlighten us all with your knowledge.

    Who exactly are you directing your comments at ? me ....I dont profess to be a nuclear physicist, however I have been involved in nuclear construction, maintenance and operations on PWR & BWR type reactors in China, Africa and the US.

    So if your comment is directed at me...what would you like to know ?, but I am still waiting in anticiptation for your response to my previous question ?...whistling.gif

    And yes I do have time to be logged in all day while at work...wink.png

    I see. giggle.gif

  3. The day they install a nuclear reactor in Thailand is the day I say farewell to this fine land and move as far away from it as possible. If they can't build a runway and airport correctly due to back handers and fingers in the pie, I don't feel they could be trusted to harness nuclear energy safely.

    OK...good bye then...as there is already one in Bangkok..do send a post card..whistling.gif


    I think we are not talking about that car battery here. Quite a difference between a 2 megawatt reactor and something that will provide power for all of bangkok. thumbsup.gif

    Are we really ?....A nuclear reactor is a nuclear reactor ?...go back and read what you wrote starting with "The day they install a nuclear reactor in Thailand

    So in your vast nuclear experience please give us the key differences between a 2MW reactor and say a 900MW PWR...only real difference is the size...A 2MW nuclear reactor is not very different from a 900MW both contain fuel and the hazards of operation are virtually the same.


    So have you booked your tickets out the country yet ?

    I suppose I could give some comfort to the vast majority if TV's finest....by the time they get round to building these commerical plant most of you will be long gone and eating somtam in the sky..whistling.gif

    I see... cheesy.gif

  4. The day they install a nuclear reactor in Thailand is the day I say farewell to this fine land and move as far away from it as possible. If they can't build a runway and airport correctly due to back handers and fingers in the pie, I don't feel they could be trusted to harness nuclear energy safely.

    OK...good bye then...as there is already one in Bangkok..do send a post card..whistling.gif


    I think we are not talking about that car battery here. Quite a difference between a 2 megawatt reactor and something that will provide power for all of bangkok. thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  5. Since when has nuclear power been a low cost option? Surely the building, running, maintaining and de-commissioning cost must run into the billions or trillions of baht over the lifetime of the plant.

    Wonder how many solar panels can be bought for a similar price. probably enough to cover the entire country several times over

    This is Thailand. Do you think they would have looked that far ahead to even contemplate the de-commissioning ?

    • Like 1
  6. And then there is the otherside of the coin where Hercules, Ozwalds brother, openly stated in the pres conference that he fears for his nephews well being and doesn't know where he is. Then there is the little bit where police released the mother-in-law who was driving the car when Ozwald was shot in the back of the head. Maybe it is just me but that is a system failure and a disgrace.

    When I read Weka's post, he says there is no confirmation yet that the grandmother is released nor that she received custody.

    When I read the report of the press conference given by Oswalds brother, it is clearly stated that the Grandmother is still under arrest and that the police believe the little boy is with relatives of the mother, but the scumbags don't want to tell police where exactly.

    So as far as I can read, and understand, is there nowhere an indication that the boy is with the grandmother

    I have quoted numerous Thai medai sources as that being the case. But don't believe me. Have a read of the content yourself or have a Thai friend translate for you. It isn't just one source. It is multiple sources, both printed and television. I know the media is not gospel but that is what is happening and Oswalds brother is quoted as saying he has/had no idea where his nephew is and is worried for his well being.

  7. And then there is the otherside of the coin where Hercules, Ozwalds brother, openly stated in the pres conference that he fears for his nephews well being and doesn't know where he is. Then there is the little bit where police released the mother-in-law who was driving the car when Ozwald was shot in the back of the head. Maybe it is just me but that is a system failure and a disgrace.

  8. Another young desperate going to lose her life to incarceration over drugs. Drugs are the total degeneration of our society here and abroad. The manufacturers should be summarily executed as there will always be people willing to transport it and they care nothing about either them or the end user. This is a form of human trafficking in its own right.

    And imparticularly this drug, Ice. It is the mother of all evils when it comes to drugs.

  9. snip irrelevant stuff to reveal the main message

    Now what's the name of that popular cult in Thailand, with a leader who thinks he is a deity and who sacrifices its own members at public violent protests?

    Congratulations for being not only the first member to attempt to politicise a non political thread, but also to be the first one to post. I bet you feel proud of yourself. How childish.

    Congratulations for being the exact member I knew would comment on it. How predictable.

    Do we also now have to avoid being the first one's to post so as not to incur your displeasure? perhaps if you got your carcass out of bed earlier you too could join the 'first post' club. It is a sad reflection that you would consider such an action something to be proud of, but I will remember to praise you regularly for the most minor of inputs if it will stroke your ego and make you feel so much better. It will cost me nothing and make you feel so much better. Thank you for your valid, important and significant contribution. I AM proud of you Triplet thumbsup.gif

    Classic !! cheesy.gif

  10. ...

    As for the second couple, do they have marriage guidance in Thailand, something like 'Relate' maybe? It's got to be easier.

    I haven't heard about marriage guidance here (bah.gif ) but Thai culture frowns upon unwed couples living together. So they get married and it's like testing how deep is the pond with both feet.

    T believe this is not quite correct these days. There are more and more unmarried Thai couples living together these days. Particularly amoung the younger generation. I know lots of Thai couples living in defacto relationships and the parents are cool with it. I guess if the commitment is there than then that is enough. The costs associated with having a wedding ceremony these days would have the groom in debt for the rest of his life. Not to metion having to set up a house,car and feed the family.

  11. I have a standing rule when getting acquainted with a Thai woman in a romantic way: If she jokes about killing me (finger dragged across the throat, ha ha), or cutting off my willie - I let it go the initial time with a stern warning that it's no joke. If she jokes about it a second time, I show her the door and she's out of my life.

    I know a young chap out here from Oz, and the young lady he was with for quite some time could get in to some quite intense rages, he seemed a very cool character and just seemed to take it all in his stride and never got bothered. He even smiled when he told me that she sleeps with a knife under her pillow....incase of intruders he added w00t.gif Would anyone else here sleep with a young woman with a surfeit of hormones with a large kitchen knife under her pillow. Perish the thought.

    more appropriate would be laugh.png


    That is a prop from a movie I watched once that scared the <deleted> out of me. Nasty,nasty !

    • Like 1
  12. and they need her to witness what ?

    they obviously didn't expect to have to deal with the car and the bullet hole in the windscreen - this is way above someones paygrade or the cops are somehow related to this and trying to manipulate

    How much face will the evil mother in law lose if the boy even looks like he's headed to the murder victims family - I guess the police didn't think that one through when they handed him over to this evil womans custody.............grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Right on ! thumbsup.gif

    In any country with a working legal system, any defence lawyer would tear this witness's testomony apart and the judge would have a stroke from astonishment that a prosecutor would rely on any evidence from a "witness" that has sooooo much to gain from testifying against the accused [her children]. Joke !!! Blood simmering, simmering, simmering .......angry.png

  13. Just a guess here but I think the cops gave her (in their view) a workable option--immunity for testifying and they (the cops) get a slice of the proceeds. Of course that's if everything (the payouts) go to her without any problems along the way.

    That is what my wife suggested as well. She said it had to be a money thing.

    Yep my wife says the same thing, the grandmother will get lots of the farangs money from his will to the child. She says that she will give the BIB some and she will get the rest and the child nothing when he is older for his education. Sold out her own children all for money.

    Total treacherous ho she is. Out of the 3 she is the more evil IMO. I would have no problems in sending her to straight to death row. She makes my blood boil as do those that have afforded her the position she is currently in. bah.gif

  14. From yesterdays press conference.


    Hi exona

    I need to translate. In the meantime is there any news on the situation with the little one 'Pun'? Does the MIL, one of the killers, really have custody? If so are Oswald's family going to take it straight to the top? The situation if the press are to be believed is utterly appalling.

    There is a part in the article that states that Oswalds family will be going to court to apply for custody of the little one. They are currently looking at the best way to go forward with that.

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