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Posts posted by coma

  1. anyone want to argue about thailands 3rd world status when you this this type of bullshit going on ?

    strange thing is I would not expect i from any Asian country except Thailand - china, N.Koria, Burma - they all have the common decency to understand this is wrong....fundamentaly wrong

    What needs to happen in this case is for someone close to the matter to raise it above the baffoon that is in charge right now - I wouldn't be surprised if he is the mothers weekend tilac or out right partner, something stinks about this whole thing and the family need to get more senior people involved, raise it with the anti corruption crowd, the chief of police, the DSI or whatever - it cannot be left like it is now, nobody gets to go free after being complicit in a murder, they might get a reduced sentence but not walk away scot free, Thailand is on stage right now with this....media coverage is key - as high a profile as possible - it has to be a high profile case ?

    Raising it at ministerial level would be the way to go. They are the only ones who could see past their own noses that this case could be very detrimental to Thailands already very tarnished reputation towards foreigners living and travelling here. It was Yingluck herself who was on top of the case of the 2 Australians that were attacked , 1 killed, in Phuket a few months back and the BIB and the courts swung into action very quickly in that cases. Merely a month from carrying out the crime to being caught and sentence to life.

  2. Nothing new in this news article from yesterday. Except for in the final paragragh where it says that even though the mother-in-law had prior knowledge of the crime and was a party to it, she has been taken into protective custody. This is so that she can testify for the prosecution against the accused [ her son and daughter] and because she has been given custody of the accused 3 year old son whilst the boys mother faces the murder charges against her.


    Bizarre. Shame she didn't call the cops to stop this happening in the first place.

    I suppose 'bizarre' is one way to put it.

  3. Nothing new in this news article from yesterday. Except for in the final paragragh where it says that even though the mother-in-law had prior knowledge of the crime and was a party to it, she has been taken into protective custody. This is so that she can testify for the prosecution against the accused [ her son and daughter] and because she has been given custody of the accused 3 year old son whilst the boys mother faces the murder charges against her.


  4. If guilty, will this make him the oldest ever paedophile convicted by a court, in the history of mankind?

    Just googling and one 89 year old came up, but his crimes occurred in the 1970s and 80s.

    Another at 76, but it occurred 25 years ago.

    ...and that matters....because....????

    It would be very odd for a 93 year old person to commit a sex crime.

    Based on...what? The elderly have sexual desires just like the rest of us. Never heard of a dirty old man?

    Exactly. What are you basing your claims that 93 year olds still have sexual desires ? Are you speaking from personal experience or are you a Geriatrician ?

  5. The "Thai trap"...hysterical. Oswald was safer in Thailand than he ever was in South Africa, sad to say.

    Can you please just stop ? You have made your point clear which is your right on numerous occasions and I think we all understand you. No need for you to reiterate your feelings.

    But we have members here that are obviously grieving the loss of a good friend and are moving on with how to go about moving forward to ensure justice is seen and that security for the victims orphan son is ensured.

    It has nothing to do with the different reactions between a Thai victim or a Foreign victim. It is just that this website is expat / foriegner member heavy so obviously there will be alot of support for the victim in this case.

    • Like 1
  6. Oswald loved Thailand and its people, and I think he'd be very ashamed of how some posters here are using his tragic demise as an excuse to stereotype and bash the entire Thai nation, as if no white person ever killed his or her former spouse as a result of a nasty domestic dispute. Mourn Oswald, bash the perpetrators -- by all means. But leave the racist tirades out of it, can we?

    You are a head case! You have spent 3 days stereo typing white males in Thailand and murder rates, claiming you didn't know the guy etc etc, I don't need to go into it, it's all in the thread. Then you come on with a post like this!!

    I think some people just don't understand that 'just' sometimes, foreigners living in a foreign land need to band together to ensure equality.

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  7. I see the Trolls have returned! Oswald had not been living with the black widow, or her nest of vipers guarnted for the 3 years that I knew the man. He would visit his boy when ever he could, which often was not as regularly as he wanted, because of the shennanigans inacted by the family to deny him access. This resulted in him innitiating court proceddings for him to attain FULL CUSTODY of the boy. A case which we all know from here he WON. These deflamatory accusations of abuse were made by these murdering #&$*$@ in court and they were rejected as farcical by the THAI COURTS! Why do SOME insist on stirring up s%&t about things they know to be false?????? Please return to your box!

    maybe I missed it but I never saw a posting here regarding a previous custody court case only a mentioned case about the family taking him to court over abuse, just a pity he never got to enjoy his son and equally the son his father, what an environment to be growing up in knowing that your mother granny and uncle murdered your father

    Nothing in the Thai media about it. They stated that the court hearing was set for Monday the 8th of this month.

  8. 408119-01.jpg408119-02.jpg

    wheres the old bat. How come she isn't on parade with her prized offspring?

    Going by one of the earlier Thai newspaper reports she confessed first and was therefore taken into protective custody by the BIB as their prime witness.

    Has she struck a deal to give evidence against the offspring and she walks free and they do the time? She takes custody of the grandson and his inheritance and lives happily ever after once she gives the BIB a cut of the inheritance.

    Wouldn't suprise me at all.

  9. This article goes further to say that the defendants planned to murder Oswald because they were infuriated not only with his alleged history of physical abuse but also that they were deceived. They claim that the victim only married his wife in order to have a son and the right to open up a business here in Thailand. Once he had achieve both he then planned to divorce his wife and take custody of his child.

    Furthermore the sons [gunman] version of events claims that both his adopted mother and sister were with him when he discarded of the victims body. Which is at odds with Oswalds mother-in-laws statement made prior to her sons arrest in Ayuthaya.


    Well done to the BIB for moving quickly in making arrests.

  10. Thank you Coma and Chooka,

    Obviously the statements about Oswald hitting anyone are complete bald faced lies.

    When I get time I'll let you in on some more outrageous stunts this odius mother in law tried, even in court.

    Gotta go, we have a little 3 year old boy to find and take into a loving home of Oswald's family

    Wish us luck!

    Good luck !

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