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Posts posted by coma

  1. Latest development from http://m.thairath.co.th/content/region/295780

    This story states that Oswalds wife, mother-in-law Ms Woraporn 59 years and her adopted 26 year old son planned the murder together.Two other reletives also have admitted to knowing of the murder and are assiating police with the ongoing investigation.

    The mother-in-law has gone on to state that the reason for murdering Mr Heinrich is because he habitually both physically and verbally assaulted both his wife and their 3 year old son and a regular basis. She therefore planned with her adopted son, Mr Surasit , to kill Mr Heinrich. Prior to Oswalds arrival at the 3 story commercial building she ordered her other daughter to take the 3 year old son away.She then tricked Mr Heinrich into getting into the Toyota pick up saying that they would take him to see his son. The mother-in-law drove, the wife sat in the back seat behind the driver and Oswald sat in the back next to her. Mr Surasit hide himself in the back of the pick up. After driving some 10 km Mr Surasit then shot Oswald from the rear twice with a .38 pistol. One round passed through and hit the windshield which cause slight injury to the mother-in-law driving. Oswald was kiled instantly. After that Mr Surasit let his mother and sister out of the vehicle then proceded to dispose of the body. She said she didn't know where this had been done until seeing it on the news.

    Mr Surasit below :


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  2. Unfortunatley we won't get to see Romney defending these sort of comment he made recently during the up and coming round of debating. These comments were spoken like a true American diplomat. He is a blumbering idiot that will get people killed shooting his mouth off the way he does.



    And my favorite : Last week, Romney was infamously caught on tape saying what Republicans have said all along, only he said it a bit too bluntly, behind closed doors and in front of a crowd of very rich people. His claim? " Nearly half the electorate are lazy moochers ".


    He gets my vote for " Jackass " of the year award. Haha !

  3. After all the scandals regarding green energy companies and the gunrunning scandal to Mexico by the Justice Department as well as an abysmal economic record, if Obama still gets re-elected he will be able to get away with murder this time. If Obama wins I wonder what America will look like four years from now. ?

    If romney wins I wonder what the world will look like four years from now?

    cant wait to see the planes with windows in them god help us

    considering i care more for the sake of the whole world than just america, i think romney is exceedingly more dangerous to have on the geopolitical stage than obama.

    yeah, god help us indeed.

    actually, he hasn't a hope in home hell of winning anyway, so no worries.

    The thought of him taking the reigns of US foreign policy in todays current climate of hate, war and aggresion is just down right scarey. His careless comments have stirred up already angry Arabs in the Middle East. Him getting elected would be waving the proverbial red rag at a bull. I pray this doesn't happen for the sake of relative world peace.

  4. Soul has bugger all to do with it. It's a matter of showing discretion, and respect the feelings of the deceased kith and kin.

    Absolutely correct.

    Farangs are not Thai and never will be, so farangs with bits blown off should not be shown on this mainly farang forum. Anybody here want his butchered body shown on the Net ???.

    Cos some of ''US'' will be, for our families to see. Sadly. sad.png

    At the time of the OP and for 24 hours after it the deceased was a John Doe. I therefore used TV as a tool to get information out to the expat community ASAP with the intent on maybe alerting some people who may have known the deceased to come forward and assist authorities with identification. And indeed numerous people have posted on this tread stating they did know the deceased. There was nothing but GOOD intentions. There was no disrepect in it at all. Grab a local paper where I sourced all the content for the thread and that is the picture you see. Welcome to Thailand and the way Thais deal with such cases.

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  5. Sorry I was referring to homicide by gun violence which was mention in this previous post: http://www.thaivisa....25#entry5714092

    Well, I was talking about murder. Not quite sure why the choice of weapon makes any difference...

    Hmm I was trying to highlight that highest homicide by gun violence also highlights the availability of firearms and the frequency of their use for murder. I thought that to be a bad sign.

    @ Chads. I agree. In a society where it is not easy for an everyday Thai to legally possess a firearm, gun crime is huge.

    However I think you are beatdeadhorse.gif dude trying to get your point across to some. thumbsup.gif

  6. Obama may well have it in the bag. He is leading the polls before the debating ? Obama is a pro at debating, far superior to Romney. I eagerly await viewing Obama chewing up Mitt and spitting him out.

    Obama's Poker Tells


    Yes. You will always have your pro's and no's .However I believe that Obama showed great debating skills during his primary and subsequent election campaign 4 years ago. Truly inspiring stuff. Sadly he hasn't performed as well in office since.

    I agree that he did a good job in 2008, but he did not have a record to attack. Now he has a whopper of one.

    Indeed. An arduous task for anybody in a debate. But if he is as good as I believe him to be, both he and his team will be working hard preparing for him to defend his record and convince the electorate he is the better man and deserves a second term. Which 2 term presidents seem to be the norm these days. Either way I am really looking forward to the this debate. Will be a cracker.

  7. I generally don't bother to follow the news too much, but off the top of my head, the girl ramming the mini van and the guy in the merc ramming the bus shelter.

    What about the four BIB that got the death penalty for murder then were released on bail pending an appeal. Hahaha. Classic !

    Don't recall that. So what happened with the appeal?

    There's a former police chief still in jail for involvement in the murders related to the Saudi gems scam.

    They were released only a few months ago. " Appeal " is still pending. There is a thread on it here that you may like to have a look at.

  8. I generally don't bother to follow the news too much, but off the top of my head, the girl ramming the mini van and the guy in the merc ramming the bus shelter.

    What about the four BIB that got the death penalty for murder then were released on bail pending an appeal. Hahaha. Classic !

    Don't recall that. So what happened with the appeal?

    There's a former police chief still in jail for involvement in the murders related to the Saudi gems scam.

    They were released only a few months ago. " Appeal " is still pending. There is a thread on it here that you may like to have a look at.

  9. The Thai press noted that the victim was wearing a pair of Woolworths brand underpants made in South Africa.

    I haven't read all the previous posts so I don't know if the man's nationality has already been established.

    I'm not saying that just because he was wearing South African underwear that the guy was a South African......but I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be the case.

    They noted the underwear were made in South Africa before they made the I.D.

  10. Obama may well have it in the bag. He is leading the polls before the debating ? Obama is a pro at debating, far superior to Romney. I eagerly await viewing Obama chewing up Mitt and spitting him out.

    Obama's Poker Tells


    Yes. You will always have your pro's and no's .However I believe that Obama showed great debating skills during his primary and subsequent election campaign 4 years ago. Truly inspiring stuff. Sadly he hasn't performed as well in office since.

  11. Over the years there have been a few Thais who have made comments about wanting to murder me. each time it was someone I had never even communicated at all with.

    1. guy in bar at birthday party because his gf said i was handsome

    2. motorcycle taxi guy who worked in front of apartment building, no idea why

    3. friend of cousin at some family event, no idea why

    It kind of puts a drag of living in the country where so many of the locals have zero education, are addicts/alcoholics and fly off the handle at any given moment. it seems like we average about a farang murder a day now.

    would love to see the Thais sort their society out.

    I think there is a great big difference between hot winded threats and actually acting on them. BIG difference indeed.

  12. In Thailand, as in most countries that maintain a relative state of civility, acts of violence, and murder specifically, are rarely as "random" as many seem to believe. There are usually many junctures where one can consciously decide to avoid such outcomes.

    Yes. A large percentage of acts of murder in developing and developed countries stem from the victims' choice of business partners and spouses.

  13. Oswald Heinrich is a 50 year old south african who was working as a manager for a design company.

    He was out with a group of 6 friend at a restaurant until 1am on the 29th september. He then left with his female work friend in a taxi and return to where they were staying. The next day Ozwald caught a train back to pick up his vehicle that he left with a friend the night before cuz he was too intoxicated to drive. At 1300hrs he called to tell his female friend that he was going to see his 3 year old son from a previous wife. That was the last time he was seen or heard of.

    Until his female friend nang sao Ari heard of the death of a foreigner male in kaeng Khoi , saraburi therefore she contacted the police immediately.

    The story goes on to say that he is in the middle of a law suit with his ex wife over custody of their son which was due to be heard on the 8th of this month. Police are continuing to investigate his murder focusing on the the wife and the law suit.


  14. .

    Let's hope the BIB get to the bottom of this ASAP. I guess English media will be picking up the story when the BIB estabilsh the victims identity. wai.gif

    Excuse me, you know for a fact the victim was English? Or that there are only English foreigners in Thailand?

    Of course if you read the whole thread instead of cherry picking, you would find that the gentleman that posted merely omitted the word language after the word English!

    Thanks Midasthailand.

  15. Seems to be some confusion in the news reports about the victims (estimated) age. From the links so far his age has been variously stated as 30-35, about 40, 40-45 and 45-50.

    Last night as the story came out I heard on the TV news them reporting the age as 30 - 35 whilst reading a report from the Thai Rath they were putting the age as 40 +. Hard for authorities to determine his age when he has no identity on him and his large wounds being facial in nature. I guess at this sate he is thought to be between 30 and 50.

  16. Just conducted an extensive search of Thai Language news sources and have found no new information to add. Also searched the English 'language' media and found that there are still no news reports on this case what so ever.

    I guess it would be safe to say that at this, still early stage, the BIB have no idea of the identity of the deceased or any ideas as to why he has been desposed of in such a brutal manner. Would I be wrong to have thought that if he lived in the Saraburi area , word of a foreigners murder would have spread fast and they would have been able to find somebody to identify the victim by now ?

    Are there any members living in the Saraburi area hearing anything from the local population that may provide the forum with some new information ? I recall one poster early after the OP come out posting that he had a feeling that he new the deceased. wai.gif

  17. At this stage we only have Thai language news coming out. From said sources : The deceased was found around 11 am today. Police believe he was shot elsewhere and then moved to and dumped next to a pre-dug shallow grave by 2 or 3 assailants [ maybe they were disturbed as they didn't use said grave]. They [police ] determined this because the body was man carried a distance of 80 metres from where vehicle tracks of a suspect vehicle were found. They also found 1 shoe/ sandle near the body and have taken it as evidence. Other sources are reporting that a police officer stated that he is of the belief that the killer/s led the victim to the area in an attempt to clear a personal matter. When this failed he was shot, killed and then stripped of his belongings to slow down identification and hinder the police investigation.

    Let's hope the BIB get to the bottom of this ASAP. I guess English media will be picking up the story when the BIB estabilsh the victims identity. wai.gif

    Uhh , Where does it say the Guy is / was English speaking or from an English speaking country??? There are plenty of white farang doing dodgy deals here as well, just look towards Pattaya for one such place.

    Where does Coma say that he suspect the guy being English? He says the English media picking picking up the story, as there is not much of German or French or whatever other language media in Thailand.

    Thanks ' Jbrain '. thumbsup.gif

    I guess I could have been a little more clear by typing " English language media " as opposed to just " English media ".

    Sorry to anybody who was confused.wai.gif

  18. At this stage we only have Thai language news coming out. From said sources : The deceased was found around 11 am today. Police believe he was shot elsewhere and then moved to and dumped next to a pre-dug shallow grave by 2 or 3 assailants [ maybe they were disturbed as they didn't use said grave]. They [police ] determined this because the body was man carried a distance of 80 metres from where vehicle tracks of a suspect vehicle were found. They also found 1 shoe/ sandle near the body and have taken it as evidence. Other sources are reporting that a police officer stated that he is of the belief that the killer/s led the victim to the area in an attempt to clear a personal matter. When this failed he was shot, killed and then stripped of his belongings to slow down identification and hinder the police investigation.

    Let's hope the BIB get to the bottom of this ASAP. I guess English media will be picking up the story when the BIB estabilsh the victims identity. wai.gif

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