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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. ๐Ÿ’ก Stick a large balloon in the hole and fill the balloon with foam.
  2. For me, they use their copy of the first map I drew for them. But I do pay a small extra "fee" for them to do my paperwork/photocopying.
  3. This is because they solicit 500 baht from a farang not wearing a crash helmet?
  4. They work well when demonstrated in Makro or a shopping mall. Most forgetting of course that both places are already airconditioned so the air coming out of these, said, coolers feels cool.
  5. So what has changing an image got to do with the price of eggs? Hand-drawn is what they want. Of course, if people can't write or draw by hand. I have heard there are people living today who can't write.
  6. As has been said, Many have extensions issued at far away Imm. offices. Anyone can download a Google image. But a hand-drawn map is unique to the person who drew it. That doesn't mean a hand-drawn map cannot be mailed to the far away agent but adds another level of complexity to the process. Such as providing two photos for an extension and then having a digital picture taken at Imm office. To prove you were actually there.
  7. I can sometimes be found in Malabar.
  8. They are the police. You think they can't find your house๐Ÿง
  9. I didn't say it can't be done in Pattaya just why maybe not. The fact that the shop in Bangkok gave you to old number makes me think there is something dodgy. See if you can find an "agent" in Pattaya. I assume the Bangkok shop gave you a receipt for the frame?
  10. Bolt in Pattaya/Jomtien works seamlessly.
  11. I see the problem as that the bike was previously registered in Phuket but to be registered in a different province, Chonburi, it needs the frame number recorded in Chonburi. Obviously, the new frame swap has to be recorded in the province in which the bike is currently registered. Or a couple of thousand baht and the testing station guys can photograph the old number or get an agent or a more friendly dealer. However the bike will still not have the new frame number registered in Chonburi. Not a problem until it is sold. What I don't understand is if the frame was sold and installed in Pattaya and came from Honda there will be a receipt and a paper trail. Reason: I'm sure there is no bike theft in Thailand and dodgy bikes roaming around Morale of the story? When moving province get the bike registered there immediately.
  12. Neither do I๐Ÿง
  13. I think it only matters what Immigration say or want. FWIW if you can't hand draw a map of where you live you obviously don't live there. There is an irony though as most Thais couldn't draw a map either.
  14. Whereas the PM of Thailand is unelected.๐Ÿค”
  15. The correct answer from a taxi driver and not a load of techie BS from forum F1 engine assemblers.
  16. More of a Jessica Alba chick flick but does show how to learn a foreign language in SE Asia๐Ÿ˜€
  17. Are you standing on it? Is the power switch on? Last resort? Give it to a 6 year old. According to the lazada pictures you have the wrong remote but that might be model specific But this customer if real got the same remote as you.
  18. Does it have Bluetooth. Maybe you need to download an App. Is there a Mode button on the side of the front of unit. Maybe it is standBy mode. One short press. Is the remote responding? Maybe it has a small plastic strip isolating the battery that you have not removed yet?
  19. "What have the English ever done for us"?
  20. If it has 3.5hp written on it then you are correct. Sounds silly but did you press the top button with the circular arrows on? Then the + button.
  21. Is the belt powered or do you have to run on it? ๐Ÿค” The plus or minus may simply be the amount of resistance.
  22. Yes, but I didn't comment on anything but the first item. Please keep arguing away without adding anything new to the collected body of knowledge.
  23. It says So weirdly I assume it was an App. on his phone.
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