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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Indeed and this unknown exposure in Thailand may require shoring ups with the foreign currency reserves leaving less of those reserves that are currently proping up the baht.
  2. Too many thai males in Pattaya . And to answer the question: Yes safe crossing are easy but you may have to wait 20 minutes for a clearing- your call
  3. Maybe by destruction of the native natural environment along the beach cities: For example the North end of Jomtien just past the police building : That area to the North was a nice shady sandy area with alot of native Casuarina trees . Now it is a large parking lot with palm trees. And that parking lot has very few cars at any time. The oblivious chinese don't care but for Westerners it's another bogus contract/kickback project at the expense of a nice natural environment. And there are plans to continue this same destruction Southward. Following the same playbook that turned the Pattaya beach promenade into a glorified Rd. As I've said a few times: July/August used to be a mini high season for Europeans along Pattaya beach. The city lost that crowd to endless construction with Chinese tour buss traffic where you could about walk the length of Beach Rd on top of tour busses. Now with the tour busses gone you have beach side pickup party parking.
  4. The Thai economist ,Chartchai wrote an article on the situation. Titled " Why do I Smell Tom yum kung cooking"And among the observations :
  5. Short falls in tourism and exports. Is that why the Bank of Thailand continues to prop up the baht to artificial levels?? We shall see how that works out.
  6. And what an attitude from a country/seaside resort that depends on tourism for major part of GDP: Just don't giva... They are so fortunate that the supply of first time visitors exceeds those not coming back.
  7. Could care less who is running this country from whatever means. Only two things matter in my book: visa requirements & exchange rate.
  8. This is going to be a never ending project: all the feeder roads infrastructure for kilometers are going to be under construction. They can't even complete the endless ****shows all over the place. Photo second Rd endless
  9. But the bahts value now is not in line with fundamentals. And if those fundamentals, tourism, exports, outflows, household debt/consumer spending keep going South then how sustainable is this artificial baht exchange rate. Those foreign currency reserves are going to be needed to cover the aboves.
  10. You can do some searching on what this Thai economist knows about the foreign currency reserves and the Bank of Thailand intervening in the exchange rate.
  11. Teflon bought with billions in foreign currency reserves (37 $billion in past two and a half years) by BOT to prop up/defend the baht. https://www.thaienquirer.com/44229/thai-baht-heads-to-near-37-baht-us-as-bot-defends-its-use-of-19-billion-in-defending-the-currency/
  12. And also stop intervening in the foreign exchange rate. According to Chartchai Parasuk a noted Thai economist: The Bank of Thailand has spent $37 billion defending the baht over the past two and a half years. If not the baht could be at 45/$
  13. And if the Bank of Thailand was not spending foreign currency reserves defending the baht the exchange rate would be about 58baht/pound. According to Chartchai Parasuk,a noted Thai economist: The BOT has already spent $37 billion defending the baht over the past two and a half years. If not the baht would be 45/$
  14. The only thing that is going to change is that this partying is going to get louder and with more Thais piling in. And I could care less. Given up on Pattaya beach day or night anyway. Let them knock themselves out. When I was 20,22 we would stay up and party in Laguna Beach/Ensenada for 2&3 days and nights at a time.
  15. Good ^ And in particular with the big increase in the Thai population here + beach side parking along Pattaya beach the city has caused this problem. Who did they expect to attract with beach side (pickup party parking) Mr &Mrs from Europe. To the contrary those folks are going elsewhere.
  16. They pollute the outside air all over Pattaya. Im on defensive breathing all over this area. Should be a notice on Trip Advisor for nonsmokers. Again this is for outdoors. More power to these officials for taking charge. And they really should up their game an fine "these cigarette smokers" smoking in illigal areas like these lowlifes (by construction) smoking at entrances to public buildings.
  17. They are not tourists , they are Thais and contrary to what some are saying here this has not been "going on for years" at this particular beach. I lived just up the road here about 3 years ago. There was some beach parking parties but it was not so many and loud all night. What's going on is there is major increase and counting in the Thai population here. See related Pattaya beach noise topic here.
  18. Boo hoo hooo. That is why Jomtien is nice: Small seafood places on the seafront and cheap accommodation. While it lasts. Pizza hut displaced some hole in the wall seafood places in S. Jomtien. And now plans to destroy "improve the promenade" like these jerks did along Pattaya beach. Have a look at history:
  19. That's right from Naklua park. Then that glorified road that used to be a nice promenade along Pattaya beach and now on to the destruction of Jomtien promenade. I have really had it with these people. Photo Jomtien.
  20. Those are exceptions inflation is about 10%: Suppose 10 years ago something was 500 baht, now 1500. The compound interest formula applies. With logs and algebra this is shown .
  21. Indeed and besides tattoos also block cigarette smokers . There is a correlation these days.It's bad enough putting up with all these cigarette smoking locals.
  22. Something like this in Cambodia looks goodhttps://www.tiktok.com/t/ZSLQcGHm3/ : Mr Ton from TicToc. * Wait 5 sec for dancers
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