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Everything posted by transam

  1. I do know a bloke who paid out quite a lot of money for a wedding where the master of ceremonies was a guy dressed in white, followed by a big party. The bloke thought he was now legally married, when in fact he had paid for a booze up to confirm it was OK with family for a leg-over...????
  2. Very funny post, but I wish folk wouldn't chop up my posts to do their thing, very naughty....????
  3. So you know all about each one's desperation or search for a yellow brick road, cos I don't, and nor does the Gov.........? This fact is costing the UK zillions, yet the lefties want them all moved in, cos they could pay for it, weeeell, they eventually would find out they can't, but hopefully they never get the chance...???? PS. Chompers could post photos of his back garden though....????
  4. Not from me.....???? The UK has provided a safe haven in Africa for folk escaping from what they are escaping from, I do not see a problem with that, but I can see a problem for people who were hoping or paid for that UK yellow brick road. ????
  5. But they have taken folk in, but they are dealing with naughty folk too. Traffickers are making a lot of money promising the UK yellow brick road. The UK has a problem housing these folk, when a roof is found, say an abandoned barracks, they and the UK lefties complain, a trial solution is Africa, now that is wrong. The main problem is there are different groups, those with real problems, and those with none. The Gov. of the day is trying to sort both, blimey, if Corby was in control there would be a stampede of two legged folk...????.....????
  6. I think you are missing the point, folk have crossed many countries to get to the UK, I will say that again, the UK. The vast majority, it seems, have paid naughty folk to get them, wait for it......The UK... ????
  7. That has nothing to do with eventually putting illegals feet back on the ground in their own country, does it. ????
  8. Typical left wing BS, and you want the UK to take in thousands of folk looking for that yellow brick road, yet have not thought about where they will live or the long term costs. Yes, typical socialist lack of thought...????
  9. Well yes, folk in their own country, not folk from around the world trying to put a tent up in your back garden. PS. CCTV may help you with that at your place....????
  10. You forgot to mention the speed of the bike, with no sign of making any move to slow down. I do not see the front forks dropping hard with breaking, perhaps the guy thought he could sail round the problem. As an ex professional driver (and a bike rider), I was taught to read the road ahead at all times, plus, if you do hit the rear of a vehicle you are in the wrong unless it can be proved otherwise, so, we go back too, read the road ahead.... The SUV was already on the main road before the bike appeared, anyone coming down that road would have seen the SUV, did he read the road ahead. ????
  11. This is not faragland, where it took many decades and financial backing to have the services farangland has today, in other words, folk must pay for that first class service...
  12. The anti-UK brigade should really read up on the facts, but being anti-UK, it must be expected. Sadly...????
  13. Illegal immigrants, are folk doing so to get out of their country, so what does it matter what country they end up in...? Of course, they all want to creep into the UK as they have been told its an easy touch and has yellow brick roads. So why didn't they set up shop in one of the many countries on route, eeeer, my second paragraph..????
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