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Everything posted by ignis

  1. Have no wish to move but if had to, then most likely Philippines, maybe Malta or back to Portugal [lived there for some years]
  2. Mine is also called a suitcase, has been packed for years, mostly warmer clothes/shirts/trousers that have never worn here. have a carry-on case with a few bits in + a paper list + list on PC so my partner can fill the rest up-to-date things [Med's/passport/phone/new Documents/USB HDD and so on] Have within easy reach a shoulder bag, has passport/Bank books, up-to-date pill box + spare insulin pen, Hospital book, up to date Dr Prescription etc
  3. To give some idea here is one https://www.bnn.in.th/en/p/desktop-and-all-in-one/all-in-one/lenovo-all-in-one/lenovo-desktop-aio-24irh9-f0hn0020ta-cloud-grey-197530035432_zpqxxo?ref=category
  4. ?? OP is looking for a All-in-One 24" PC he said so in his opening post
  5. https://www.jib.co.th/web/product/product_list/2/28 Page of All in One, different makes and spec + price, many with Windows already installed also Office Why not email them, state what you want and what it is for and they will suggest which one, there very helpful jib.online[at]jib.co.th
  6. Acer Thailand website do not have ?? the OP is looking for a AIO with 24" screen + 16 GB Ram to replace his aging Lenovo All-in-one
  7. Be sure you send any letter with "Air Mail" sticker on... Asked a few years ago, was told "Air Mail" goes via air, Cargo plane, non "Air Mail" goes via Singapore and ship, Registered/EMS goes via next plane to UK
  8. or maybe try this No handle needed 🤣 https://shopee.co.th/Tt-หมวกร่มกันแดด-กันฝน-แบบพกพา-พับได้-ป้องกันรังสียูวี-สําหรับตกปลา-ตั้งแคมป์กลางแจ้ง-i.348255413.23541889484?publish_id=&sp_atk=a74dc86c-a5e4-449c-8805-da28758d420f&xptdk=a74dc86c-a5e4-449c-8805-da28758d420f Myself have 3 x Golf types ones, with plain Vivid colours Problem with the cheap ones here . if rain there is wind they blow inside out,,,,,,,,,,, of course if your very thin then a Golf umbrella will maybe blow you away
  9. Look the other way Royal Mail UK to Thailand > https://www.royalmail.com Copy from there website UK to Thailand Max 100g | Max L 24cm x W 16.5cm x D 0.5cm e.g. Greetings cards, personal letters and postcards Delivery aim 56 days People no longer send me anything told most not to bother. except Pension folk to see if I am still alive, , in 9 years on Pension only ever received 1x form from them + arrived 19 months after posting according to the postmark on the envelope !! Why O why will they keep sending this way? they have my email address.. Few years ago used to send Xmas Cards + Birthday card to UK, maybe 30% arrived Yes send "registered" lot cheaper than Recorded or EMS
  10. https://www.advice.co.th/ I find is often cheaper + delivery is free within 2 hours + they have shops everywhere in Thailand
  11. on the Web it appears I am not alone 'easier faster and smoother on a computer' many reports resent 2024 and going back to 2017 eg: The reason why streaming is easier and smoother on your computer is because your computer is more powerful than your android box, Because streaming is so intensive, it affects the quality of how the stream goes. Usually for most, it cuts your framerates in half. Your android box are not as powerful as your computer and probably don't have a dedicated graphics card, so they have a hard time streaming. Hardware Differences: Your PC likely has more powerful hardware compared to your Android TV box. PCs typically have faster processors, more RAM, and better storage capabilities than most Android TV boxes. This extra processing power can make a significant difference in how quickly the Kodi application can search for and retrieve movie links. + 100 more of why a PC is easier and faster on your computer than most Android boxes but again it all to do with price you want to pay > Android Box 1,400+ vs decent Mini PC 12,000+, mid range good PC 30.000+ Some people have it installed on there Laptops, when at home plug into TV to view on big screen
  12. Why do you think I would do that ?? Have shortcut Icon on Desktop named TV = takes me direct to that Harddrive to all I want to watch Few years ago Not Possible so yes used to use Bluestacks Android Emulator, for watching on PC not anymore > uninstalled Bluestacks last year off my PC as no longer in this day and age needed Kodi is available as a native application for Android, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Windows operating systems, running on most common processor architectures + all the other TV programme's I watch also run directly on PC Just download the APK for Windows on PC or Android for a Android box > so have the same sites on both No idea about the New version Android 14 box + speed > my newest box is Android 10 also have a Android 3 + a 5 + a 7 box
  13. 20 years ago had all TV via a Sat Dish, still have the 3 x dish's on the house 2 x small pointed at different Satellites back in the day + a Motorized 3 m dish, worked well. then came TV over the internet and the Satellites programs moved/stopped working. No option but buy a box Android 3 box back then. updated the box a few times..... For years have the same TV programs on the Android box + PC [Monitor is 32"] so fine....... Somehow it is easier and faster to use on PC .. maybe because better faster CPU ? better Graphics card ? far more Ram ? So can understand why some would rather use a Mini PC over a Android box..... these days can download the APK in Android or Windows or for that matter Linux or macOS
  14. Some OAP's appear to like something bigger others just going to the local shop 2 km trip a little electric bike is just fine.. Another old guy in the Village has a Honda Trike 49cc still 20 years later still uses it to go to the local shops.
  15. Problem is buying a loaded Kodi box, it has been Illegal for a Seller to sell a loaded Kodi Box from 2018 in many part of Europe, and illegal here in Thailand since 2020 So you are buying a Android box = legal, what Apps you put in the box is up to you......... last Android 10 box I bought here there was NOTHING in Kodi icon up to me to put what apps I wanted...... do find the old XBMC Apps was far easier to use So is it a Android Box or a Kodi Box or a Media Player ? Legal so say Kodi Box has nothing on it, yet million of people still call it a Kodi Box 😖
  16. The other thing you can do is pick them before they are black I use a food hanging net, zipped entrance, [about 65 baht] and hang in the sun not long they will be ripe, fine if your making jam... I tend to pick them and eat off the trees every day, the ones I put in the net use to make fruit drink.. neighbour next house down in Village has one very big tree outside, the Postman stops and eats a few, odd delivery drivers will also eat some
  17. Did you have any rain ? Most of my mulberries vanish after rain I have 11 big bushes for some years Re Birds, yes they have some, but also found lots of Ants, Rats/Mice, Lizards round black beetles also appear to enjoy them, seen often the smaller Alligators in the trees no idea if they eat them,
  18. Some are just trying to be a bit Independent, there children and grand children have cars and leave early for work and arrive home late so there home alone for 15+ hours a day Not so sure mid 80's to well into there 90's would be safer owning a car. + some have never driven as they lived in a City most of there working life, then moved [out into the sticks] to be cared for by there children/grand children
  19. problem is we are all getting older elderly yes but still need to buy odd things, sometimes silly item you need now = choose solely to rely on others to take you to a shop when there free, or try to get a Taxi? or use a Electric Tricycle, it is all about being or trying to be Independent when old
  20. appears many 600 -1000W electric tricycle on the market, these days price appear to 10,000 - 15,000.. not long ago most started at 28,000 In my small Village a 80+ year old guy uses his everyday with no problems for over a year, he often goes to nearest shops + Market 2 km away I did look at one myself about 3 years ago 39,000 baht. as prices have come down a lot relooking.
  21. NO such thing as a Kodi Box Kodi is available as a native application for Android, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Windows operating systems, running on most common processor architectures. I have had for many years Kodi on my 2 Windows Laptops one on XP still , the other on Win 7 + Desktop PC Win 10 Pro + on my 2 Android Boxes
  22. I tend to look at items and save to a folder, so I can look again and again at said item before deleting or ordering Some items you need to re read many times, a simple read you can easy miss something, like the name spelling has a U instead or a A, + phones VIVO but a much cheaper phone same code and model it appears in every ways but is a VIVQ, + like the 100% genuine i114/115 and now the i116 Max Pro has nothing to do with Apple i phones. Some giveaways is 'No Brand,' on many items.. No warranty is another so how can it be a WD + on PC items check Advice IT has good prices, so if they sell for say 2,500, how is it possible that you get what you think you ordered for 500 baht.?
  23. Yes but often use the same link on your phone you get the discount, so check item on phone and see if same price
  24. https://www.howtogeek.com/244678/you-dont-need-a-product-key-to-install-and-use-windows-10/#:~:text=Microsoft allows anyone to download,it without a product key. https://passper.imyfone.com/windows-10/windows-10-product-key-free/
  25. Geckos going hungry ? I put a bit of jam on the counter within 5 mins is covered in ants, look a bit later 5 or 6 Geckos are having a good meal, put a plate in the sink same within mins full of ants then Geckos . some Geckos are a bit small so have to help them out of the sink after they have eaten the ants.. Built this house 20 years ago, find it odd it is only in the Kitchen, Ants, Rats and woodworm a plenty, never seen in main house.. Geckos and Lizards are fine
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