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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Lots of doctors in hospitals with real diplomas which equate to a GCE 'C' grade in Biology held by many 16 year olds in UK.
  2. There's an exit on 2nd Rd but its imposing entrance is definitely on Tai.
  3. It also captures the million times road users break the law endangering themselves and others every day. Footage is ONLY consulted post-mortem! Speed kills and should be the easiest sin to eradicate given the battery of cameras at the BIB's disposal.
  4. It's been going on for years & it's not just bikes but cars as well; not just Laos but Cambodia too.
  5. Me too. I am now late; I thought I'd brought everything they could possibly ask for. For proof of address I gave them a copy of my Car insurance Certificate complete with seal/my name/address. This was sufficient last year; not so this year; likewise my driving licence which has my address on the back. They are insisting on my rental agreement which is a mere Word doc, easily mocked up by anyone who can use the Internet. Pattaya Immigration was swamped yesterday; not looking forward to today's battle.
  6. She is a slow learner, like most dog owners here.
  7. Like many Thai hi-sos who appeal & appeal until they are dead. At 82 he might not need more than a couple.
  8. I've been complaining for decades about the slow-moving speaker vans that some stupid companies & politicians think will enhance their public standing. Their effect is quite the opposite. Their message is inaudible; any visual recognition immediately puts them on my (s)hit list. Their contribution to the carcinogenic air quality should not be underestimated.
  9. They will be if they are caught. That's why they flee.
  10. That would have been a nasty way to die.
  11. Speed kills yet the offence is ignored by Thai police all over the country.
  12. When I came here 20 years ago, I got 73 to 1 UKP. I used to import 5K = 350,000 baht regularly. I spent freely; a new car every 3 years; an expensive house/furniture/clothes; meals out in top restaurants; etc. Now I have an ailing 8 year old car; a rented property; cook all my meals at home; and check supermarket prices to save a baht here & there. Any further attacks on my income will drive me to the Philippines where I will unfreeze my UK State pension and receive the equivalent of a 450,000 baht increase in my annual income.
  13. A new record for photo-cops; 9 surrounding the arrested thief. The use of CCTV helped catch the culprit within hours; it could make the roads safer if any of the above camera-cops cared to watch before an incident takes place.
  14. If he was living quietly, why did Pattaya police suddenly decide to raid his apartment?
  15. I am about to send my usual 5K UKP this weekend. I usually put personal expenses. Kicking myself that I didn't do it before sterling slid back against the mighty baht.
  16. Puts the tourists-peeing-in-the-sea story in the shade.
  17. I think you missed the irony in this oft-repeated clause.
  18. Insensitive, failed dog owners should be put out of their neighbours' misery by a vet-administered lethal injection. Usually someone lobs a quantity of rat poison over the fence.
  19. The car was in Cambodia. The thief confessed to three counts of similar offences; two of the cars were recovered.
  20. Previously unrevealed information: she was letting out her car (probably illegally to supplement her meagre nurse's salary.)
  21. Do you know how much a nurse makes per month? Would you have paid the 10K bribe to a crooked cop? I thought so.
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