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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. How can you maintain what it never had?
  2. Walking or breathing; both highly dangerous with the death toll many thousands annually; yet NOTHING gets done about either! Until Thailand gets a police force they will continue to be a 3rd World Banana Republic.
  3. 'a large quantity of black dust is accumulating' on my mesh fly screens. I vacuumed them yesterday ready for another dose of carcinogenic air today.
  4. Several times. I understand the need for alcohol if cooped up on a dry site for weeks. My grouse was his refusal to consider those people with normal jobs and those with young children.
  5. At 82, I've realised how stupid drinking yourself into a coma is + I've had my fill of screeching bargirls.
  6. My next door neighbours are Swedish and, in the past, were guilty of noisy drunken parties long into the night (complete with cackling bar girls.) I complained to the Thai owner of my house (a rich influencer locally.) As proof I sent him recordings made at 1am/2am/3am. The police raided it on the holiest night of the Buddhist calendar. They have been much more considerate since.
  7. So CCTV does work if the BIB would only consult it before an incident. Would Pattaya cops have bothered if the victim was not a foreign tourist?
  8. Thus forcing people into the hands of the meterless taximeter Mafia ably supported by their brethren in the Uniformed Mafia.
  9. A Thai communicating with a Russian? In what language?
  10. It doesn't help that a large proportion of road deaths are young males in their teens/ twenties.
  11. Did not find any reference to a police check for DUI in the above article. What does the driver's father do?
  12. SOP for getting rid of domestic/agricultural trash. Part of the reason Thailand's air is so toxic.
  13. No outrage among Thai residents. I've lived here 20 years and see Thais urinating on the verge of (busy) roads every single day.
  14. 54K per tooth! I've been quoted 35K in Pattaya. The dentist's main selling point was 'guaranteed for 30 years'. I declined on the grounds that I was 82.
  15. loose / loose situation - are we talking about the Thai's elastic in his shorts?
  16. The writer has a fine sense of irony.
  17. It wasn't Prawit, he returned them to his dead friend's estate.
  18. A six hour shopping spree? Long enough to sledge hammer a way into a safe? Hmn!
  19. The officers concerned have a nice little earner by ransoming farangs' imports already. My son had to pay exorbitant duties to import a quantity of cough sweets to cope with Bangkok's toxic air.
  20. Racism in Thailand? In Pattaya, of all places, which depends on foreigners' money for its very existence!
  21. Have you thought about the final solution?
  22. Actually 'Rod Stewart' which I don't mind; except at 3am.
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