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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Any money made inside Thailand is regarded as Thai income and Bitkub is inside Thailand. So it's taxed as personal income tax in the usual bands. Would be a different situation if you were trading in some other country like the US, especially if you're a non US citizen. Kraken.
  2. Lets not kid ourselves here, this elephant didn't need saving, they were saving the Durians.
  3. Have you tried using the OpenAI app on a phone where you first tell it to translate anything it hears next from X language to Y language and giving it a go. We're down in Cambodia and both me and the Mrs have used it to translate English and Thai directly into Cambodian - and translate the replies - it seems to work very well so that might be a decent option. I pay for the OpenAI subscription, not sure what you get on the free level.
  4. Indeed, a lot of people seem to think you can just pick and choose your residency back in your home country - as you found to your detriment, you can't.
  5. All issues related to CRS are mostly irrelevant with the current remittance system in place, remember it exists for western countries to tax those with offshore bank accounts. Thailand with the remittance based system doesn't really stand to benefit from any of this information and if you're no longer a tax resident in your home country then they're not going to care what you have or do in Thailand unless they tax non residents - which they don't in almost every country except for 1.
  6. Perhaps it would be best all around if they used Thai made airliners as well as pilots.
  7. I find you get what you pay for, if you have any items shipped directly from Amazon via the global priority shipping you get full tracking information up to and including delivery - but you didn't pay for that, did you?
  8. Just a few short years ago nobody cared about overstays and you could pay the 20,000 Baht when you exited the airport and start again the next time you arrived. Wasn't an issue.
  9. Is there a list of the offending URLs ?
  10. This can not be true, I remember 'Big Joke' making an announcement about all overstayers being cleared from the country and it definitely wasn't 10 years ago. Could he have been lying to us?
  11. Lets not assume that the tax allowances remain the same or even continue to exist under this new system. A true flat tax is across the board on all income. Why have they been attempting to get all the street vendors into the tax system in Bangkok? I think we now know why.
  12. Kasikorn issues visa debit cards on saving accounts. But if you want a name on the debit card then they have to mail it out to you, the one they can issue in just a few minutes inside the bank when you open the account will not have a name embossed on it but it will still work.
  13. I was talking about me and what I may or may not do personally
  14. I was wondering when they got around to the elephant in the room : VAT
  15. Right, he should have got out and accepted the beating from the mob - this is why almost nobody ever stops at the scene if there's a crowd of angry onlookers - regardless of whos fault it was.
  16. One of the big accountancy firms did release some note clarifying that people can be taxed on profit made during resident years even if it's later remitted in a non resident year. Can't remember 100% which one it was but may have been Sherrings. So if they decide to audit you and suspect you were a resident when the money was made they will want to see a source of funds even if you were a non resident in the year of remittance in an attempt to catch you out. I imagine they are quite thorough when doing an audit. So remitting during a non resident year may make things a little easier to prove should the need arise, especially if it's the same year that the assets were sold for profit but when it comes down to it they can still demand all sorts of proofs with the default being - you owe tax on this plus penalties. This kind of thing can get messy real quick as the years go on as people sell things and reinvest in other things, etc over the years. It's a definite minefield.
  17. Only if the year of remittance is the same year of the sale of the assets and you're also a resident. To ensure there is no liability whenever the funds are remitted you need to sell the asset(s) during a year you're non resident in Thailand and that's what makes the difference, not when you bring it into Thailand. So sell something for some large profit during a non resident year and it's treated just the same as 'savings' from Dec 31, 2023 or before.
  18. That only applies if you're a 180+ day resident during the year you sell your house, condo, pile of gold, etc. If you're not a resident during the year of sale then it is also not considered as income and certainly not taxable in Thailand regardless of when it's remitted. For example if you're non resident this year and sold your $2m million house and sent over $1m this year while non resident then you have zero liability on that remittance. Now, if you're audited at some point in the future then they're going to want to see the date / source of those funds and that you were non resident in the year they were 'realized' - that's all that matters - residency during the year you make the profit, not the year of remittance.
  19. It's not unintentional - it's quite deliberate. Not enough money then you're not welcome. It's clear as day and always has been. If we bring some money with us then they tolerate us, at best.
  20. Being non resident in Thailand means you can send as much as you want so long as it was profit from a year when you were non resident.
  21. I'm in Cambodia, got a 1 year multi entry business visa through an agent in Phnom Penh named 'call kim' - highly regarded - there's some other agents who are also highly regarded and likely many who are not. 1 year visa with express fee $500 in 1 day, you can get it cheaper but I just wanted it quick and it's 100% legit, I've left and returned to Cambodia a few times this year - when you come into the country there is no exit date, no 90 day bs and if you extend the visa you don't need to leave I believe.... I'm paying $700 a month rent - will keep the place for a full tear, so in US Dollars it's less than $10k for a full year before any incidentals like food and electricity, etc, and that's for me and the Mrs who I also purchased a 1 year business visa for - she's Thai and had no problem getting the same visa as me with the same agent. Oh, i you want to live comfortably in any apartment you're going to need to buy a load of stuff like decent fridge, freezer, big TV, some furnishings, etc so I probably spent like another $5k on all that stuff as well - including a full office setup and powerful new computer which cost nearly $2k alone. But each to their own I guess. I'm going to continue doing this for a few years, maybe 4 or 5 years and I will be checking out Siem Reap next year, who knows, maybe I'll move there.
  22. The penalty for such a heinous crime should be a fine of a few thousand baht per year - not confiscation of every Baht the person ever earned. It's a massive corrupt cash grab and you know it.
  23. No, get a taxi / green plate private service driver
  24. Now watch them stop checking them and the burglars already know where they are....they're outside the peoples houses which contain something of value.
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