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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Don't you mean, spend 179 or less days in Thailand and MAXIMISE the amount of money earned and remitted during the years where you spend less than 179 days. I haven't quite decided if I will be taking a couple of 'long holidays' this year myself but I will do so in the next couple of months. Then if I take the long holiday as I won't be a tax resident I can submit as much money as I want knowing that it's 1 Earned in 2024 2 Remitted in 2024 3 I am non resident in 2024 No need to apply for a TIN as non resident. Same applies to any subsequent year
  2. Almost certainly - without that visa he was probably facing outright denial of entry. The writing was on the wall for this kind of thing 9 or 10 years ago which is why I started using the Thailand Elite visas.
  3. You're a wind up, I suggest you stop interfering with posts about other peoples experiences. Did it ever occur to you that some elemnts in Thai immigration are doing anything they can to deny as many people as possible - like they often did before the pandemic. They were denying entry for all sorts on nonsense reasons, using laws that didn't exist. Then they were humbled for a few years as the economy was crushed back to the stone age. Now it's back to business as usual and the denying resumes.
  4. I bought a few of these from amazon.com last year : The products listed in the OP are obvious fakes which is very common with storage sold online. The above Kingston drives are now less than $100 - these used to cost $1000 and up only 5 years or so ago and they were bulkier as well. I've got a few of these and they perform well.
  5. I would like to see a comparison for the month of Decembers Covid death figures each year from 2020 to 2023 inclusive to see if it's getting better or worse. Comparing December with November is nonsense.
  6. If you're considering doing bad things but 'resist' as you put it then that in no way makes you a 'good' person. It makes you a bad person who hasn't yet acted.
  7. Nope, no gossip in the Thai language facebook groups either.
  8. Nonsense, it's anecdotal at best - for all you know I could be making it up so you shouldn't rely too much on anything you read here. There is currently a massive wave of covid sweeping across Thailand since a few weeks ago - lets face it - if anyone gets any kind of ailment where the symptoms match pretty much exactly then it's highly likely to be a part of the same huge wave of illness spreading everywhere, especially on a night like New Years Eve.
  9. So what? I couldn't be bothered to do a test. Those tests are not very reliable anyway.
  10. My symptoms started late at night on January 3rd, coughing with a runny nose. This is something I definitely caught on New Years Eve, I hadn't left the house for at least a week prior to NYE nor after. The Mrs then proceeded to develop a 'cold' about 3 days after me which suggests I caught it on NYE and she didn't, she caught it around Jan 6 - we were not in the same places for the entire night, I met up with her a few hours after I went out for the evening. So from observations I caught it on day 1, became symptomatic on day 4, the Mrs then became mildly symptomatic on day 6 Compared to when I was last infected in summer 2023 this one lacks any kind of fatigue, malaise / tiredness. In fact I feel normal apart from the runny nose and coughing which appears to be clearing the bronchial tubes of mucus so it has a productive cough and I'm taking an over the counter mucolytic (Ambroxol), the cough has now mostly gone but occasionally returns for a good 10 minutes at a time a few times a day but it's on its way out compared to last weeekend. My father has the same thing in the UK right now - he's had it worse than me and he did a test which tested positive. Same symptoms but with tiredness. I still believe this is on its journey to becoming classed as the 5th known cold caused by human coronaviruses but it's not quite there just yet. To put things into perspective - I have had worse colds in the past, they were not flu (that's much worse).
  11. If you have a Thai TIN then are they notifying the Revenue Department of Thailand from a Thai bank? For sure if you have a TIN or not but don't tell your home countries bank then they're not sending anything anywhere as they won't know.
  12. Well today is a kind of special day for Bitcoin if you follow it due to an ETF approval deadline in the US. In the future a huge proportion of Bitcoin will be traded on NASDAQ / NYSE and others assuming todays announcement goes the way people think it will. Officially one ETF either needs to be approved or rejected today (ARK) but there's about another 10 which have until March for approval - reported SEC movements all point towards them being approved at the same time which the good people over at ARK are probably not too pleased with - after all they got their ducks in a row first. Still - if 10 ETFs launch this week / next week for Bitcoin - everything changes and it's the beginning of a new era. TODAY!
  13. Nonsense, and we're not all old and retired so there's a lot of stuff that will apply to a lot of people - not you perhaps but it will to me and it's important. So fack off and leave him alone.
  14. Lol, I've been getting facebook ads for the various types of cannabis for some time now.
  15. You're supposed to 'transfer' your entry and recent extension stamp over to the new passport at immigration but you can also take both the old and new passports with you when you leave. I last used the two passport method some time ago - like 13 years ago or something, since then I had another new passport and did the transfer at immigration during the covid lockdown periods.
  16. Yeah perhaps, I think they might also report account throughput but can't remember for sure, was a while back when I looked at it in any detail. There's a lot of people who seem to think that whole transaction level bank statements are sent automatically - that's not what happens. There was also something different about the volume of the account and how it's treated, if you have got like less than a million (dollars I think) in or going through your foreign account in a single year then it's treated differently to the big guys. But what exactly are you talking about here? Thailand sending details to your 'home country' or your home countrys bank sending details to Thailand?
  17. Once a year, account balances on accounts at end of year, now this is the important bit this will happen where you have told them that you're a Thai tax resident. If you have a bank account sitting in England with an English address on it like many of us do then they're not sending anything to anyone, ever.
  18. Those two aren't mutually exclusive, they could quite easily both be true
  19. Interesting that they seem to take a 'last in, first out' approach to the foreign account. I can't see them returning to the old style system but even if they do I guess simply paying whatever they deem due will get rid of any restrcition. I read elsewhere that there's something like a 3 year backlog of audits - are people supposed to wait 3 years and travel nowhere? For me it's going to be a very simple calculation, zero tax paid anywhere else so all remittances are taxable if I stay for more than 180 days and get a tax id. I will then pay whatever is due but I'm going to send a massively reduced amount of money in order to control how much I pay.
  20. Perhaps you would like an audited statement of his account? Why? Are you looking for people to rob? That's the first 'vibe' I get when someone asks a question like this.
  21. Yeah, that didn'thappen did it. I went to stock up on Cognac a few weeks back and the whole alcohol section at Gourmet Market was closed off during the prohibition hours. Not planning on drinking any of the stuff for days as I already had some left I couldn't help but feel the rule is somehwat returded.
  22. In fact having read up on this a little more it does look like it was never an actual 'law' to begin with - just an interpretation / ruling by the RD at the time. In other words - this 'following year' thing which can be referred to as 'Resolution 2/2528' because that's what made it the rule back in 1985 is just a memo like the one they recently issued reverting it.
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