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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I believe the 'China travel corridor' was talked about in the news as recently as last week. They haven't given up on this idea - it's their only hope. Personally I hope it fails completely and China remains locked down for another 5 to 10 years. That would put a few people in their place.
  2. The risk is not from the unvaccinated, it's from the infected. There are massive numbers of infected people in Thailand and you are living and mixing with them every time you walk outside your door.
  3. They won't do anything that affects a potential 'travel bubble' with China. It sounds crazy but I believe this is the driving force that motivates everything they do. It's all about getting a special arrangement with China and I predict this will end very badly for them.
  4. If they introduce any lockdown measures again then the truth is out - it will mean it's out of control and they can't handle it. Just watch and see. They don't have to say anything, it's what they do that matters.
  5. Are they having a laugh? There's less than 20k cases per day if you believe the numbers ???? I suspect the truth is about to come out. They will know the prevelance by surveillance testing if they've bothered to do it. It will be interesting if they reintroduce lockdown measures again.
  6. I wonder if they're still getting 'Delta' cases in Thailand, are there any figures? The more suppression there is then the longer Delta will be in circulation.
  7. Anyone considering coming on holiday / vacation to Thailand should consider this when planning their trip. Would you be happy for one of the kids to be separated from you for a week or two because of a covid infection positive test?
  8. Well it certainly wasn't gambling, in gambling there's a chance to win, this was a straight up scam and should be investigated as such.
  9. There's absolutely no chance the number of infections is lower than 100k a day already. If they ever find 100k confirmed cases per day then it's because there's many times more than that.
  10. Once they have your funds what do you think they do with them? Sit on it keeping it safe or relending for far higher interest rates on a shorter term basis......???? Anyway, it's not a requirement that you specifically understand it, it is a thing.
  11. On some exchanges you can provide liquidity for traders who pay interest to use either your coins or your fiat to leverage their trades in both directions by many multiples. I believe it's not cheap to do this type of trade but it is very widespread and this is where the short term borrowing at higher interest rates begins - that's just a part of it though.
  12. No, it's literally being lent out on exchanges. It's not staking as in 'proof of stake' - completely different and quite modern. If you were an 'expert' in the wider crypto field even 5 years ago then you won't be today unless you kept up to date, a lot has changed.
  13. He's not out of the woods yet, those words will likely come back to haunt him.
  14. This is an excellent idea and I assume it will apply to all forms of paid for transport. I am specifically referring to the 'Tuk Tuks' - if somehow they slip through the cracks then that needs fixing, because if it's needed for taxis then it's definitely needed for Tuk Tuks...... I notice the word Tuk Tuk wasn't mentioned in the article for some reason.
  15. It sounds like you also have to buy the visa as well as the investment.
  16. I'm very much a night owl, you won't see me out and about drinking alcohol during the daylight hours, ever. For me it's generally 9 or 10pm at the earliest. Needless to say with recent restrictions I haven't bothered going 'down the pub' since some time last spring and I'm certainly not changing my whole routine because the pubs are closing early. As far as I'm concerned when they open up at night properly again I'll go for a few beers, if they never resume opening up late again then I'm never going, it's as simple as that. I won't go for just 1 or 2 hours, I will make a night of it and stay for 4 or 5 hours or I won't bother. I speak of going down the pub because I don't drink at home, it's a social thing for me. When I was younger I'd often have a couple of pints during the day, perhaps at lunch with my colleagues while eating but those days are long gone.
  17. It will be China and those who do what China tell them to do for various reasons.
  18. It requires far less investment to just incorporate then employ yourself if you're so inclined. But I guess if someone already bought a 30 million Baht condo and has an Elite visa already and for whatever reason wanted to take a job then the option's there. I doubt many will bother with that route but you never know
  19. I note that once the tulip chart crashed it never did inflate again, the same can't be said for Bitcoin. I will illustrate this little but important point with this image : Once the bubble pops it doesn't reinflate so you have to wonder if this crypto thing is still just getting started. If a 'bubble' lasts more than our lifetimes can it ever be considered to have ended? The tulips thing lasted about a year, if that, it then went away (popped) and left large industry which is still active today in its wake.
  20. They could keep up this current system for the next couple of years based on whatever it is that China demands to activate 'the corridor' and keep it running. Make no mistake, this is all about the long road towards getting Chinese tourists to come back to Thailand
  21. Open the gates and let them all in, it's not going to make any difference. This will all be over in a couple of months time, the longer they hold out the more stupid they will look in the medium to long run.
  22. It burst multiple times already and every time it reinflates, just like the stock markets after a big crash.
  23. Can't you take a nap during the day to catch up on missed hours or is it the same all day long? If I get woken before I'm ready (like after just 5 or 6 hours of sleep) then I often go for a nap about half way through the day
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