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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Many Democrat supporters celebrated the previous assassination attempt. Lots of posts on social media bemoaning the fact the would be assassin was unsuccessful.
  2. The most amazing thing is there is no jail sentence for deliberately lieing about a conviction for enslaving a child while applying for a job teaching children. She must be thanking her lucky stars she didn't post on FaceBook.
  3. Yes, we have a registered Democrat who supports BLM, defunding the police, Palestine etc. who was caught while attempting to assassinate Republican candidate Donald Trump and we have the usual gaslighters on here claiming it is "nothing to do with the left". 😆
  4. I know it must be difficult for you when an immigrant commits such an abhorrent crime against a child. Especially when it involves modern day slavery.
  5. I had already corrected the typo via editing before you made this post. I wasn't the one who raised the subject of dictionaries. PS it's "going to be" not gonna be. 😃
  6. I do not support Trump. If I watch Liverpool beat Manchester United 3-0 and observe that Liverpool are clearly the better team, that does not make me a Liverpool supporter. While you've got that dictionary, you could look up the difference between your and you're.
  7. I am not a Republican. Nor did I storm the capitol. But as a neutral observer it is interesting to see which side is trying to assassinate their opponent in the lead up to the election.
  8. Totally agree. Credit as well to the Republican support base for not retaliating. It's strange how the side labelled as the "unhinged stupid rednecks" are the ones patiently waiting to cast their vote while the "grown up, smart people" are trying to take out their main political opponent.
  9. YEAH!!! Let's hype them up even more, the rhetoric clearly hasn't been ramped up enough . I think the Democratic candidates might have had something to do with it.
  10. Hardly hyperbolic after 2 assassination attempts in 2 months.
  11. I'm actually concerned that he won't make it to November. Maybe CNN could put out some more nonsense about Harris leading the polls by huge margins. That might calm his opponents down a bit?
  12. If the right do it, an evil hate crime instigating political violence. If the left do it, just a joke, a coincidence. Anyone who says otherwise is a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Oh wait a minute, this has nothing to do with left or right. My bad... 😃
  13. Yeah, weird. It's almost as if he was tipped off or something... 😆 I wonder if Trump was using the same security team that decided not to shoot the first assassin who was led on the roof with his gun pointed at trump until he'd unloaded his gun? At least this lot acted before he took the shot.
  14. So if/when a registered republican does something crazy like for example, try to assassinate Pelosi/Biden/Harris it will be "nothing to do with the right"? Just trying to clarify the rules here... 😃
  15. Well I wasn't going to mention it but since you did... It's reap what you sow, not sew. He's not doing backstitch. 😃 I read it. Here's what you wrote. So what exactly did Trump "Sew". And why should that mean he "reaps" an attempt on his life?
  16. So anyone who supports the right to bear arms deserves to be assassinated? Are you guys completely deranged?
  17. To say that a registered Democrat trying to assassinate the Republican candidate 2 months before the election is nothing to do with the left is gaslighting in the extreme. There are plenty on the left who support this type of thing, you only had to look at the comments from Democrats after the first attempt ("shame you missed", "better luck next time" etc.). You'll be saying it had nothing to do with politics next. Maybe he took offense to Trump's golf swing? Yeah, that'll be it. 😃
  18. You said "It's nothing to with the left". That is completely untrue. Laughable. He is a registered Democrat for goodness sake. Stop gaslighting.
  19. You can try to divert all you like. In 2024, the year he tried to assassinate Trump, he's a registered Democrat. Your claim that a registered Democrat (and BLM supporter) trying to assassinate Trump has "nothing to do with the left" is ludicrous.😃 It's like saying one of the terrorists who flew into the twin towers once went to a church service in 1993 therefore the 911 attacks in 2001 had nothing to do with Islam. 😆
  20. He once voted Trump, then changed his mind, became a registered Democrat supporting BLM and the like, and then tried to assassinate him. Is that your definition of "nothing to do with the left"? 😃
  21. More gaslighting. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13853645/Ryan-Wesley-Routh-Trump-golf-course-shooter.html
  22. They didn't "give" me anything. My LTR visa cost around 50,000 Baht and had very strict eligibility criteria. Try entering Thailand illegally and report back on what the Thai's "give" you.
  23. Always good to stay informed and not remain in little echo chambers. You should try it. I follow it very closely. That's why I wasn't surprised when they elected Wilders.
  24. I wonder what we'll have more of by November. Trump assassination attempts? Or Kamala Harris interviews. I think it's 2-2 at the moment.
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