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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I am talking about illegal immigration. You know, like in the title of the thread.
  2. Ah yes, they are all Doctors and Nurses. They just lost their medical certificates at the same time they lost their passports.
  3. That is not what is happening. We already have a million unemployed to fill the low skilled jobs. It would get them off benefits and give them a bit of self respect at the same time. Win win. No need to bring in unskilled immigrants, often with intolerant belief systems and criminal backgrounds to do low skilled work.
  4. Yeah Michelle Obama's little speech made me smile. Talking about those born into wealth (like her kids) and those who have more than they need (like her and her husband). Like most leftists, she is exactly what she claims to stand against. A greedy, nasty, race baiter.
  5. The UK has over a million unemployed. Bringing in more unskilled workers only adds to the problem. I'd reduce/remove benefits for those who are able to work. Encourage them into the workforce, rather than bringing in more unskilled grifters looking to further exploit the benefits culture. Skilled workers for industries that need workers will of course continue to be welcome, as long as they pass stringent background checks and are willing to assimilate into British culture (or what's left of it).
  6. Choose one. You can't be a serious player while completely dismissing Israel out of hand to appease a load of "Progressives". This is a complicated issue, maybe too complicated for the SNP's narrow minded nationalist support base. In the circumstances, I would suggest you revert to the default position and blame the English for everything, sorry I mean Westminster.
  7. I remember them saying this 7 years ago. Nothing changed. Maybe K.Anusorn has his eye on some luxury waterfront condos at basement prices from terrified chicken little sellers. 😃
  8. Yes it's telling that it's always the "trans women" wanting to compete against real women, rather than "trans men" wanting to compete against real men. I agree on the non physical sports, but actually it's the same story, men consistently outperform women in sports that do not require physical strength. It's related to things like perception of distance, spatial awareness, strategic thinking etc. The type of skills that were required to hunt animals in the not so distant past (in evolutionary terms). Not being sexist by the way, just presenting the facts. I still enjoy women's sport. Especially the beach volleyball.
  9. No problem. I'm always happy to remind people how responsible dog ownership works. Besides, my dear old grandmother also had memory problems so I don't mind helping people with such conditions.
  10. Well that appears to be your friend's fault, not the dogs. Sounds like he didn't bite anyone anyway. They tend not to, if you train them and treat them properly. I'd imagine some of the people at the market would have felt uneasy if your friend had brought a 7 foot tall black man with him. The answer would not have been to put the black man in handcuffs and a Hannibal Lecter face mask, it would have been to educate the people that not all black men are seconds away from killing them.
  11. It would be great if they would. But then unfortunately you have the Meghan Rapinoe's of this world. The ultra Woke purple haired females who believe that "trans women" (men) should be allowed to compete against real women. You also have the nutty feminists. The type that believe women can beat men on a level playing field because a woman once beat a man in the local village cycling race that they arranged (3 laps round the village green). There's one like that on this forum. 😃
  12. Naaa sounds like someone who prefers people think she is stupid rather than open her mouth and remove all doubt. Wait until the debates. She will be destroyed (assuming she is decent enough to participate).
  13. Because the left love to control language. They invent new terms and then shout BIGOT at anyone who refuses to use them. It's a power play, keeping you on the back foot. As for this "women's" team, why not just abandon women's sport at this point? It's ludicrous.
  14. Unfortunately the leftist do gooders already have lawyers in place to challenge any decision to deport people. So expect lots of taxpayers money to be wasted in the courts followed by one or two token deportations but no real change. Expect more incidents like this.
  15. He sounds like Yvette Cooper. Trying to regain some credibility when all the virtue signalling comes home to roost. Maybe he could go full Starmer and start jailing people who question the policy of allowing undocumented criminals and terrorists into the country? Shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted. A day late and a dollar short.
  16. Typical of the BBC. They often try to legitimize Hamas, calling them freedom fighters, military operations etc. when they are nothing more than murdering Islamic terrorists.
  17. I understand your anger. Lots of people are angry at Murray for predicting all of this.
  18. Thank goodness for diversity. We'd never get to experience such anti-semitism from Muslims on British streets without it. It really is our greatest strength. Viva Diversity.
  19. Nah, they don't believe it. Just more gaslighting. Labour were as bad in opposition as they will be in power. Well, actually maybe not quite THAT bad since they now have the power to put their loony ideas into practice.
  20. Nothing weird about stating the truth... I will state it again. The climate doomsday cult used her when she was a child to front for them. A child deity. Many religions have them. Using her in such a way is weird. Enabling such behaviour is weird. Stating the fact it happened is not weird.
  21. Hardly, there is plenty of violence every year it's just the police let it go and the left wing media ignore it (2 Tier Britain in full effect). Go on YouTube however and you'll see brawls, violence, criminal damage etc. Drugs being taken openly in view of officers. Weapons being carried. One incident I remember from last year was when a woman slapped a man and he punched her unconscious into the side of the road. Lots of cheers from the crowd etc. No England shirts or flags though, so the police ignore it. "Mostly peaceful" blah blah.
  22. Hardly. It's the doomsday cult who are manipulating children into doing their dirty work. A cynical ploy so that any criticism of the cult can be dismissed with "but she's just a child" etc. Pretty disgusting when you think about it. Good to see you enabling them though...
  23. Yes, the creepy doomsday cult will need a new child deity. She's old enough to go to jail now, let's hope the authorities do their job and treat her like any other consistent law breaker.
  24. Back in reality, the Conservatives left Labour with a very healthy economy, outperforming much of Europe. Let's see what Labour do with it. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cq82y55jg35o
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