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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Louisiana? Isn't that the sate where everyone is a close relative to each other? Or am I thinking Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia?
  2. I've been to many majority Thai events/establishments over the past 30+ years I and can say most of them do not have this occurring in their restrooms. Besides when that occurred to me over 20 years ago why wasn't that so called roving masseur going up and rubbing his Thai counterparts while they were taking a pi$$? Maybe he knew he would likely get a 'throat punch' or perhaps he was just seeking out the few farangs looking for a tip? But, you seem to be the expert so I'll believe whatever you say since this is the Internet. BaaaaaWaaaaa
  3. Exact same thing happened to me during one of my business trips to BKK over 25 years ago.
  4. Don't just give her the tip, give her the shaft as well as the nads.
  5. dingdongrb


    My uncle is not a worm but my aunt is a butterfly.
  6. Good job! It appears someone has finally got a pic of Bignok.... ????
  7. For the USA it's: 'Come visit and let me smell you, I'll pay for your school.'
  8. A name doesn't mean squat these days. Example: 'Cell phone' - 'Mobile phone'.... 'Phone' to me means to make and receive an audio call.......but as we all know they are used for much more, right? I hope you find someone that can use them. If I were still in the area I would come by and probably grab 10 or so as I can think of a few things I'd use them for providing they were in satisfactory condition. Cheers!
  9. Moving blankets are made from different materials. I have personally seen and used different variations of them. Yes, some are better than others and some can be used for other purposes than others. So, it would be best to actually understand what type (and condition) those free blankets are......but hey, it's your choice to make assumptions. You might want to educate yourself a little about moving blankets: https://www.lodimetals.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-moving-blankets A few quotes from that site but other sites say the similar thing: "Pets are attracted to moving blankets as they provide much more heat from the layers of fabric than traditional household blankets." "Moving Blankets are safe to sleep on and are commonly used inside vehicles. Most of our customers who are not using moving blankets tend to keep them in their vehicles for moving applications and while not in use an emergency blanket that also serves as a warm blanket to sleep with or just to keep you warm during the cold winter months." NOTE: Maybe your dog needs educated too.... ????
  10. Why not? If one is cold enough they will use leaves and branches. Sure, many of those moving blankets may be made of wool and that might be itchy but that wouldn't be so much of an issue with wearing some clothing. At a minimum, toss one or two in a corner for the dog to curl up on.
  11. My local (Nan) Makro (pic taken earlier this week). I didn't see any import that day but there usually is some and IMO the local potatoes always look better.
  12. '80% of the population is ignorant and the other 20% live off of them'
  13. NOTE: The title is using a comma instead of a decimal point. There's a huge difference when using these symbols with numbers.
  14. I see you're still milking this useless thread.
  15. The only fee I am charged is when I make a deposit to my BKK Bank account from outside the province I started my account in. I have used my debit card numerous times outside the 'home' province and have never been charged fee. For the life of me I cannot understand why they charge for the deposit.
  16. But she enjoys being whacked in the side of the face with the big salami.
  17. Let's just say that I've heard stories about some of the things that have occurred at that particular facility. Nothing was ever proven, nor did I desire to seek out the truth. It could be just employees (my friends) ranting about their employer. I guess I threw that tidbit out there and probably should have not. However the one thing that I do know for a fact is that facility allowed the employees to drink on the job. Yes, they had taps (kegs) of beer setup for consumption at the employee's breakroom (canteen/cafeteria). Employees were allowed to partake but not to overindulge. That was all back in the 80s and was put to a stop when an employee neglected the benefit and there was a serious auto accident. As far as US beers, I've had many, and yes, they were all good in my younger days when beer was beer and I wasn't going for taste/flavor. But from about the late 80s & early 90s my preference was a good microbrew. (Too many to name.) Budweiser is just a typical 'blahhh beer' to me much like others such as: PBR (Pabst Blue Ribbon) Miller Coors Busch Schlitz Michelob The best thing about Budweiser (Anheuser Busch) is the Clydesdales...and they have always (until recently) had some great TV commercials.
  18. The next concern/question would be: 'Are your scales calibrated to ISO 17025 standards?'
  19. Always call and never trust Google for hours of business. I don't think it's Google's fault, it's just that nobody updates the info for Google. I have found many times a restaurant says open and find out they had closed their doors years ago. It's best to call before going.
  20. My better half believes in God. She must have screamed out 'Oh God' seven times last night! NOTE: Seven times is an indicator it was a lacking performance by me.
  21. Day time...... (I hope that helps) NOTE: Not all stores, restaurants, etc. open at the same time or even during the same day so it might be best to get an acceptable answer is to identify which shop you are wanting to know about.
  22. Having grown up on Bud and living just miles from one of their largest breweries where many friends work I know that it's definitely a chit beer. Coors is only a slight step better (IMO). May I ask, what method do you use to verify the accuracy of the alcohol content?
  23. Google is your friend: https://www.google.com/search?q=moving+blanket&sca_esv=569170401&hl=en&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKlUpvYOcRbsO-XEppNCaW8Bu9x3ZQ%3A1695918922180&source=hp&biw=1241&bih=511&ei=SqsVZfuWB8Le2roPyrSj2A4&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZRW5Wvsf_uOJBgZWEu4INqlwafdU0ruo&ved=0ahUKEwj7466n3s2BAxVCr1YBHUraCOsQ4dUDCAc&uact=5&oq=moving+blanket&gs_lp=EgNpbWciDm1vdmluZyBibGFua2V0MgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABEiaQlAAWN43cAB4AJABAJgBbqAB-wqqAQM3Lje4AQPIAQD4AQGKAgtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ICBBAjGCfCAggQABiABBixA8ICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIIEAAYsQMYgwHCAgQQABgD&sclient=img
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