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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Especially when he himself has said that those taking the 5th are guilty! ????
  2. And of course it wasn't him in the video about taking the 5th. Alex Baldwin's portrayal of Trump is really good isn't it?
  3. Oh dear- upcoming "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" TV series. "Jennifer Walters has a complicated life as a single, 30-something attorney who also happens to be a green 6-foot-7-inch superpowered hulk."
  4. We have a few Chinese friends and I recall them telling me that in those days the going rate to expedite the visa on arrival was 1000 baht in the passport!
  5. Just waiting for a really big Trump insider to do a plea bargain and then watch the cards fall!
  6. Probably part of the deal when his party sold out to Prayuth and co. Cannabis was a big part of it so maybe the top job eventually was also in the deal.
  7. The military will still be in power even if he steps down. For a long time. Could be worse than him though probably difficult to achieve that distinction.
  8. Saw a couple of recommendations for Fauda. Anyway, just finished the first season in two days, excellent. Thanks whomever.
  9. Trump is a prime candidate! For euthanasia.
  10. Having sat throught the whole incredible experience live don't reall need to see a replay.
  11. We have a small family run from home business on our moo baan and they provide THE best Kao Soi chicken I have ever had, awesome.
  12. Oops sorry, you said grammar!
  13. Why stoop so low as to insult the OP's grandma?
  14. Looks like somebody just got a good deal on some meds that need to be moved.
  15. Another recommendation for Undeclared War, just finished today, very enjoyable. Watched the first episode of Sandman, looks like good escapist TV.
  16. The one country two systems worked out well for HK - not! You can't trust the Chinese and Xi wants his legacy. Pelosi did the right thing reminding China that the USA and majority of the rest of world will not be blindsided by Putin. Well known they are in league with each other and if Putin had been successful in Ukraine chances are Xi would have already attacked Taiwan. Interesting scary times!
  17. Will they be sending the aircraft carrier and submarines?
  18. Don't you get the feeling someone knows where all the skeletons are buried?
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