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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Not a chance if someone thinks they may have a chance.
  2. Surely the responsibility is to the passport owner to ensure they renew well ahead of time?
  3. Tempting but probably not worth the round trip from Chiang Mai.
  4. Not correct. They will not delete the account. Just log out and forget it if you really want to.
  5. Vaxing is vexing to say the least. He can at least take the occasional puff to relieve his distress.
  6. There may be another one apart from yours.
  7. Pang Suan Kaew- We were one of the first to stay there, just about everything to ourselves. Very pampered. Adjoined to KSG and yes, like a labyrinth.
  8. Use Bravecto on our dogs have not seen a tick for a couple of years since we started using it.
  9. Not quite but in a similar vein I had a topic closed in the Farang Pub as it was "not Thailand related" Fair enough if that was the case but as there are many topics in the Farang Pub that are equally "not Thailand related" that have not been closed what is the exact criteria? Thanks
  10. Liked Banks, not so keen on Justified
  11. Er indoors likes the older detective series. Currently watching Murdoch Mysteries and Poirot (Daivid Suchet), easy viewing.
  12. I think it was 120 million. I would probably be OK with that. ????
  13. The sort of headline that would be considered scaremongering. He did receive it , and then passed it on to charities, that's it.
  14. Took extra notice today after the recent announcement. I did not see one Thai on a motorcycle not wearing a mask and there were a lot of them at one particular set of traffic lights. Quite a few not wearing helmets. One heavily tatooed foreigner riding in flip flops, singlet, no mask and no helmet.
  15. My thoughts- the Supreme Court of the USA is an abortion in it's own right.
  16. The hawkers were part of the enjoyment when we used to frequent Jomtien beach but it was quite some years ago.
  17. Was reading Trink back in the late eighties your post brought back fond memories.
  18. Turkish Delight most definitely does not taste the same nowadays. I think I used to like it, now the taste difficult to explain, or maybe just my memory. But wagon Wheels, surely less than half the size as when I was a kid?
  19. See if there is a LINE group and ask your neighbours, there are a lot of them.
  20. How do you sink a Thai submarine? Put it in water!
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