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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Mmmm, first once , long time ago, it was there and then it was gone Now a "The response was fantastic, with overwhelming support for the idea" Never seen and i do read every day newsletter from thaivisa past and asean now today Will it get a bookmark tab for easy acces?
  2. Yes, in Phuket. They gave me back too less change money. However knew what I gave and started with louder voice, telling her she was wrong. Panick, starting to all kinds of things, telling register was broken and so on. Got money back and even it was already hidden in bra ! As from that, I could see money coming back. Was too focused not seeing that .
  3. And there we go, next whining. Ever seen what is in your food? Ever aware what they use for chemicals growing your food? You cant eat red meat, peanut butter, eggs and so on. Spinach for instance is bad when reheated, nitrates to nitrites, not good. However you can work in a chemical plant and have some "professional diseases". What about working shifts? Even shifting normal time to summer time seems to be not healthy. You can have "medicine", however working good for one dysfunction and creating another. If that is not enough you can have corona or the latest new one MHPV or something like it. No, we pick one thing and this time it is alcohol to be very bad and whine about it.
  4. Guess who has already set up an online gambling site, starts with t and ends on haksin. Billions in the pocket in no time
  5. It is about this sexcase and if it is "weird", so comparing with other sex things, we can say it is not. Now it has been brought out in the open, some people maybe amazed, shocked. But it isnt really in this world. That would be my point of view. You could not maybe understand and then think I had some drinks. Find out yourself and see if this situation is really so weird.
  6. Let them have a parry with Assad and have a drink with cyankali
  7. Well happy anniversary !! It is way much better then a stupid Christmas and a happy new year .
  8. A cigar in a pussy is a good idea What did JFK did with MM? Cosby was THE father to love , but in real? Epstein hang himself. Hefner , guess you wouldnt know half of what he did. I dare you to go to crazysh*t.com, look at brutal or extreme. Be aware you didnt eat, as you will throw it out. My search term then was "funny movies" Any kid can go there, no limit at all.
  9. The weirdest things can happen. Once had contact with a for me known adult Thai woman. She married an Aussie and lived in Ozz. The Ozzie told her, she should have sex with his friends !! Not drugged ! . I told her to leave that "man". In India girls age 7 and up are sold or kidnapped for having sex in the bigger cities, prostitution ! And the list goes on and on. Endless. In South America, some country,it is normal to learn to have sex and to practice, the guys use donkeys ! No drugs.
  10. Mall totally wrong, they are responsible ! Brains could be affected, but can take a while before it shows Fingers were red and swollen, a miracle the kid is alive Especially as the kid is still young. A simple RCBO would be very effective, probably not used. And metal, touchable, should be grounded, again wrong in mall Otherwise, you should have had low voltage light with the high voltage completely separated from touching zones !! Again easy way of thinking about electricity in Thailand. Sue mall, owners, builders. constructors, engineers for millions ! As maybe later, kid can have problems in learning abilities in everything. Parents should do, zo it would be aswell a leaning experience for all other building and electricity.
  11. Wow I see the pic I took right in front of me and then see it is 7 and not 2 feb. I think the jetlag was still working, or whatever, incredible what a dumbass, I was and am. Have to apologize for my story. Good Maestro asked for a pic and I was confronted with my error, jeepers, what a blunder. 😔 incredible.
  12. Well already posted dates , but if you want to see prove, here it is and it is not from photoshop
  13. Just visa exempt, straight from EU, so would be 60 days. Nope. I have no terms to enter Thailand, only by Thai rules, but seems there are various rules. 60 days normal, but got special negative discount, december month, or dumbass farang or whatever negative discount. However a fact.
  14. Entering Krabi airport. Woman IO just starting shift, "lured" me as first, hoppa very fast. Well not super big linings, but first inline with her. Didnt check stamp, way later, too bad 5 days short. 10 dec arrived and valid stamp to 2 feb Visit immigration, one starred officer, lots of bla bla. Didnt ring any bell yo me However not giving 60 days, didnt make sense to go on and left.
  15. Isnt ther anybody in Thai government , who should say something about, Thaksin to buzz off?! He is a criminal and not a part of government. Incredible and again loose of face of Thai government and Thai people
  16. Stop drinking and listen🤣
  17. Comes close to the buying a banana for 6 million $
  18. If all is nonsense, please enlighten me. I picked, copied the Emirates gestures in flying with them. It is on their site. You let me know now, it is not like that? So I called Emirates and asked about it and they stated, there is no holding back/blocking you in your flight. I can fly Emirates to Thailand. That is the answer on OP question. I fly in december and have return ticket in new year, longer then 60 days Specific mentioned dates. Then the second part is Thai immigration, E visa site, in which is stated you can stay 60 days and extend then at immigration office. Copied that one from site in blue. I filled it in on the tourist visa check with a 150 days to go. Nothing in red with warnings, only a SUGGESTION of doing a visum at Thai embassy. And that one is for getting in Thailand. Theoretical also not a problem, but then if there was, you then should book on onward ticket, though you already have a return ticket, never mind the date. But that is getting in Thailand and not on plane. The other part, is maybe helpful for him to know when he is in Thailand. Just put it in extra, as pre answer on his next question when he is there. OK, off topic then.
  19. Emirates, IATA says , as you can fly, same ruling as IATA Extension of stay is possible. Passengers are allowed to enter if their stay will exceed the actual visa-free period as long as they hold a return/onward ticket. Warning: Visitors who are visa exempt but do not hold return/onward tickets could be refused entry. E visa site, they give you approval as you can extend ! Only as a SUGGESTION they come up with a visa to order. And that is a very official site. With a Tourist visa, you can stay in Thailand for no longer than 60 days. If you wish to stay in Thailand for more than 60 days, you can extend your stay with the Immigration Bureau. Suggestion : You may apply for visa at the following mission(s) Royal Thai Embassy, London See video from George (deeper dive) page 11 and scroll down: It all should be without problem , entering Thailand and extending, according Nurachai Ninnad, Deputy director general of ministry of foreign affairs. Every time it is said. However there are air flight companies , blocking you. Like KLM and EVA air. KLM demands a visum and EVA let you sign a contract, they are not responsible if you get refused. With all reading, I also decided to fly Emirates on exempt with having a return ticket on april . It should be enough is my conclusion and sure hope the IO also approves. Just red BilliBobsteeth experiences about doing borderruns, he pays 2000 Baht to have a new 60days exempt but not staying in Malaysia. https://aseannow.com/topic/1339320-border-run-to-wang-prachan-malaysia/#comment-19267306 As is said, you should stay out of Thailand for 1-2 days when going for a new exempt. So by paying 2000 baht, he avoids that rule and get in right away. Also red a story about another border runner (Laos or Cambodia) and also could get in after paying 2000 baht ! It is not according to rules, but for a farang very handy to know.
  20. First time with mentioned settings, too much, though rice was still "ok". but too dry. My micro wave does 900 W and halve is 450 W. Second time, some more water and reduced second time by 2 minutes, Way better. Well it is just experimenting with it, but at least the rice didnt cook complete dry. Guess I will throw away the old rice cooker with the plastic bottom.
  21. It may be big, looks like a moth. As said wide glass or bucket , gentle force it in and release outside. You better worry about tiny animals, they could be lot worse, like this one in Thailand: Doesnt bite, BUT dont ever touch it ! rove beetle.mp4
  22. THanks for the idea, Always did in electric rice cooker but with plastic coating. Should stop with it, as coating will be PFAS and is not good. It is so easy in the cooker but at the same time also like this and no worries about the PFAS.👍 Stupid I didnt think about it my self.
  23. Well they are not Hinkley's , but who is going to pay up and exploiting it? Private companies as wel? Still there is a lot of gas, but countries are switching, they must. CO2 problem. ME countries want to sell gas, but on long contracts, which isnt appreciated. Of course a USA dont care , buy the gas and export it again, fast big money. Ships going to USA and then sell and again back to everywhere in the world. Or would they be sensible to export direct then and them as a in between "person"? Russian gas is still sold to an EU, only then it has to come in with a ship, excluded from sanctions, yha right. And as consumer, you pay the bill. But maybe Thailand also has to go nucleair. It is waiting on nucleair fusion. Just red this week Thailand also wants to expand on solar and then H2?
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