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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. I know, I know ! after a little time Come on, Eileen Oh, I swear (Well, he means) At this moment You mean everything You in that dress My thoughts, I confess Verge on dirty Oh, come on, Eileen
  2. Sing along! Don't let go Don't lose your mystique Wait a little longer Tomorrow brings another feast Don't let go Don't lose your reputation Thank God you're still alive You're still in one piece [Chorus] Hang on in there Don't lose your appetite Hang on in there Forget the danger signs Pray for that magical moment (straight ahead) And it will appear Don't fight for lost emotions! Wait for the sunrise And everything will seem so clear (Look straight ahead, look straight ahead!) Hang on in there (hang on in there) Hang on in there (hang on in there) Your wish will be granted All your problems will disappear Don't be a fool You might also like Chinese Torture Queen Was It All Worth It Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Queen [Verse 2] You haven't reached your peak You got a fast car racing up inside you Your life is incomplete [Chorus] Hang on in there Hang on in there! Pray for that magical moment and it will appear! (Wait for that moment) Wait for the sunrise (Ah) Just wait and see, and it will seem so clear (duh duh bap bee dee bup bup bup, duh da dup dee da, hey!) [Bridge] And let's go, let's go! Okay, now do the change up Yeah! Hang in there! (Hang on in there) Yeah, hang on in there! Yeah!
  3. New York has now more rats then humans and they dont know how to get rit of them. The newest thing was on holes in the ground (dens) to flood with CO (carbon monoxide). How ever CO can be very explosive, so dont know if it is really done this way. It would be very effective, as CO is replacing the oxygen in your blood and you just die. What about having your car exhaust for CO2 (carbon dioxide, however also some CO in it, some as catalyst is converting CO to CO2) and put the hose to the attic. Of course you cant stay in the house then, as you can also die on CO2. And maybe first through carbon filter to filter out odors of additives. I guess "odor" is solvable in water, so otherwise wash it through water. Make a gas washer. Barrel with one long pipe in and short out both on top and fill barrel with water. Just let the gas bubble through water in closed vessel and then further out to attic. Of course exhaust gas is hot. You can keep it until maybe a next time. Or have a CO2 or N2 (nitrogen) container pure. Those gasses arent explosive, but no one can live in concentrated CO2 or N2. We all (not in water) live on only around 21% of oxygen in air. You have CO2 fire extinguishers. You could buy big one and use it, dont know if it would be enough. But maybe. You can do refill again and keep it, then have a fire extinguisher in case off. 2 in one blow. Be aware when using it, CO2 is compressed, will get out end expand to gas. You can get ice on outlet and it is very cold, you could burn yourself. NOT a powder extinguisher, as that is on another principle. CO2 extinguishers are best for all kinds of fires. Electrical, car and others. powder extinguisher is mostly for solid fires, certainly not for electric and if you use at car tiny parts can get in everywhere and destroy your car. IF you inhale, you can get diarrhea. However if the rats die before leaving, then you have another problem, decay of bodies. Also, after flooding the attic with CO2, N2, you MUST flush it again with air. An entrance made to see on attic, you can leave open, so the gasses will fall down and then venting by open doors and windows, afterwards. Or/and with fan If and or when they leave watch every section of roof where they might come out, so those places need attention for closing. It's just a thought. Gas GETS everywhere, BUT be aware it is not getting to you.
  4. Generally: when it comes to money, be aware. This was a scam. Even do shopping. Had experience in 7/11 in Phuket, they returned from smaller bill. However I knew what i gave. So made a fuzz and finally got back from what i handed over. They just tried. and even with more people at counter. Ever since then, when I pay, I say out loud with what im paying and really check !
  5. VID-20191222-WA0001.mp4
  6. It is almost the same as with this band. They got known by a ballad "more then words". Then at that time someone told, they were totally different with other songs on CD and let me hear. I believe I have all CD's in possession now in the time they were running. From first CD pornografitti took this number, number really starts at 1:10 minute, there is an intro.
  7. Great find, loved it ! So tried to find more and came up to this and then was bit flabbergasted, as on this CD they had lots of 6 ties songs! Quite different then eagle rock song. If you click to see in youtube you get whole cd. You will be amazed.
  8. Well the list is way longer and will get longer as they all age and eventually ...die. Some times before their time. Give you some more names Johny "guitar" Watson James Brown Prince Michael Jackson Stevie Ray Vaughn Status Quo ( 2 members) The Sweet (mostly all, only Andy Scott is alive ) Eddie van Halen Garry Moore Chuck Berry And the list goes on and the list goes on
  9. Why every sugar cane grower should have their own machine? You can set up a coop (government controlled?) in cutting, so more growers use the machine, efficient. Government to subsidize such machines in a company. You can even move it around and have more growers use the machine. As growers dont have that money to buy such a machine them selves. In another countries you have combines for grain, to rent. Companies owing those combines will cut. So Thailand can go there, it sure helps to reduce pollution. At first government to step in and set up. Maybe later in other business constructions. King Bhumibol provided 2 wheel tractors for the farmers once. Maybe the man who owns 38 airplanes, 300 cars, 52 boats can sell some and invest in the farmers as well.
  10. ANd many many years ago, I saw a docu about Russian mob in Pattaya. Russian women lured and forced to work in prostitution by the Russian mob, in Thailand Pattaya ! The docu showed special taskforce to work on it. Never ever heard a follow up on it or any news from it. So where would this lead to? Thailand is covering its dirty cases from media, or media is not interested anymore. Same as many years ago, there was unrest in the forest with the army. It turned out army had a lot of business going on for own gain. Like owing malls, hotels, houses and so on. I never heard of military officers going to jail for it. Certainly not even Prayut. Was said in article, he could stay in his house, because he did so many good things for the country!? The assets were allegedly transferred to government and then all got quite. Big joke, not long ago there was some rumble with him, fake , misplaced or also buried? As now he has this case. Governments and their workers, a crying shame.
  11. Need surgery probably to get all plastic out.
  12. Looks like the world is thinking, what we do next, now covid is in the back ground. cop 28 would be a good target now, Israel on the go, Yemen already 10 years at war, Sudan also busy some time and getting worse again, USA ships provoking at China waters(red this week USA warship), Russia still on the go and some other powder barrels to about to explode. Maybe to throw in a financial crisis to stir it up. Ah wait, there are some ships we can fire upon and even a USA warship, lets do it. All is waiting for new virus to overrule all? Aliens to land down? And we WILL have instantly our first intergalactic war. The dumbest thing we ever did, launching contacting probes with info about us. Nucleair power, enough to kill aliens who find it? They will be angry or not, as they probably know about radio activity. Or the AGI getting born and it runs out of control? See where it can go to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFx_UNW9I1U&pp=ygUCYWk%3D Sorry, the youtube AI didnt allow me to embed it in her, only link. Now leaders of countries and or groups with no IQ to start killing (dictators they all are), due to system we thrive in. There are always everywhere bad people on top and making it all a mess. History shows, it is just human nature. Well just a Monday morning reading this and think wtf now again.
  13. Well it is just a phrase, anyone could use it for anything. It is not forbidden and not only for lawyers.
  14. You can have a doctor, fixing your illness, or perform a surgery. But maybe he is not able to drive a nail into wood, cook a meal, or whatever. Rest my case.
  15. From what (high) blood pressure you started having BP medicines? Or did you had medicine preventive, due to age maybe? Did you check regular in the past and how much it dropped down then in first situation? And how much did it dropped down now again to the 110? All things to know before going to doctor. You can tell him then. 110 now on your age, I think ok, good. However you said it dropped down since a few weeks. Your measuring device still good? No cracks in plastic connections or tube? Age of device? As said by Sheryl, (additional new) other medicines? Or you have other food? If you go to doctor, take your device with you, so you could do a check on measuring. Is your device still good? You can see then if there is a difference in measuring. The doctors device SHOULD be up to date and working proper. The doctor should be the one to tell you what could be wrong or not. He did a medical study. However I had to tell my doctor, the headaches I got in time was due to statines. He didnt made that connection and also not me at first. was taking them for already 3/4 of a year. He simply stated migraine, probably true, but it was due to statines. Well all is just a pump/pipesystem, only the controlling is more complicated. The doc would be the mechanic.
  16. VID-20200520-WA0002.mp4
  17. They once were made ! First I thought it was a handmade, but no. Daihatsu mira, funny car.
  18. Im not amazed, that is Thailand. However amazed not anybody else ever hurt himself on that, or did? Should have press clamped the wiring, now it spreaded wide and brought harm. Sue government.
  19. Something else then my last post. Heard them in Graham Norton show and song appealed to me. Also it is not past but just brand new, but what ever. Great numbers , I think.
  20. No facts ! IF you stick your head in the sand, you dont know. for instance: https://www.ad.nl/buitenland/bijna-oorlog-met-venezuela-na-neerstorten-mh17~aee2027e/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com%2F https://www.amnesty.nl/de-aanval-op-hawija Im not going to show all, find it your self. Facts ! All I mentioned is in docu's , news, internet. But if you are watching dumb sites and tv, you probably dont know. And as I already stated, I voted for Geert.
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