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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. fractured vertebra during her escape from the blaze. She was, she claims, faced with the choice of undergoing surgery or six weeks of bed rest. She makes the choice? I thought a doctor did. If It is really fractured, i dont think there is a choice, but surgery. But ok maintenance (wink) in Thailand.
  2. They say up to 5 grams you will stay focused and more then the focus will slip away. Up to you what you want
  3. Hey not only Thai will do so. Every year 5 million TONS of plastic is dumped into the water. Meaning criminals getting rich on dumping it. Can you imagine that pile of plastic in your garden? 5 islands as big as Texas floating in the oceans, merely Great pacific, where all is concentrating due to streams.
  4. Only 2 million baht, but ok all helps. In "my" country we had a fund raise on tv and brought up 106 million euro. (incredible) Meaning people gave over 15 euro/household. Of course even more as not all gave money. There were even people driving up to Poland and pick up refugees ! No one ever did for Syrians or other refugees. It is amazing. Understatement, im flabbergasted. I wonder again how many millions will get lost. Incredible, as in Yemen there are people having it way more bad then Ukrainian people. A long lasting war, costing many their lives and kids are dying of not having food, water or healthcare. For that matter, you see the same in Afghanistan, 20 years of building up country and gone in a jiffy. I agree with Biden. They had 300000 people trainend in military and police and instantly surrendered to Taliban. And now all is a mess. Or Haïti, they said they would help building up after the quakes, but .....? And i think to myself : what a wonderful world, o yeah
  5. If you read about why Thailand forbid kratom, you think otherwise. Only for money, it affected the opium business in Thailand, thats why. You can read it in Wikipedia You can read only 9 countries forbid kratom, now 8 as Thailand starts kratom business. Even Indonesia (a moslim country !) is trading in kratom ! They have lots of kratom trees over there. Now Thailand wants to invest, of course too late again. However there are already Thai making good profits with kratom.
  6. My car is safety checked every year and if just a tiny item isnt correct, then it fails the test. However the F35 is flying around with 600 faults in it and they MUST fly otherwise the list will increase. Also red stealth was old news, they can be spotted and they can not carry some bombs, which the F16 could. And they cost a lot. "My"country ordered 80 of them, but for now end up with just 38, due to developing costs. And we dont even yet have those 38. So more cash needed for many more to come, with 600 faults in it, just being flying crash dummies.
  7. Now i wonder what will China do? Will they think , ah the world is busy with Ukraine, now we can take Taiwan back! It would not surprise me and then we are in a total ww3. Maybe the nitwit in N-Korea thinks , hey i want to join and also starts?! History tells us over and over again, leaders arent leaders but just destroyers. No matter where humans, with leaders are involved, always devastating. Human way.
  8. If you are infected with the virus, you are a carrier and can spread the virus. It doesnt matter if you are vaccinated or not. A vaccination only protects you when you become infected with the virus, And even those people can end up in hospital. The virus doesnt make a choice, you are vaccinated or not. It just enters your body no matter what. If you arent vaccinated, you could end up in the horrible effect of the virus. Vaccination only helps you to get symptoms down and you could survive the attack. However you also can still get sick, being hospitalized and maybe die on covid, depending on how your body reacts. Yeah there are people who deny the virus. Also are against vaccination. Also people just too late to have vaccine. There are even doctors who think it is not responsible to give covid vaccinations. For masks, in the beginning of covid, my government said, mouth caps were BS. However there was a demand for hospital personnel to send mouth caps. As there was a shortage. But the population didnt have to wear it. And then later in time, it changed, we need to do it and again later we need a specific one.
  9. !.8 teaspoon? Guess it is merely in products sold in food in supermarkets. So thats the place you should go the producers of food. Not by increasing tax. Ok, you can tax the foodindustrie, but that tax can not be in food price for consumers to get it back, then you make a point. You will see how fast producers change.
  10. Yup , take it easy. If someone makes a pic under water with marine life, then he is hanged , banned, fined. No problems if you loose oil to destroy marine life.
  11. My government spends 17.5 billion baht in Thailand, does that also counts? I can work with Thai eleite?
  12. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but i think she can contest for Miss Thailand and Universe. Maybe just a bit more meat, muscle and she looks perfect. However that said, the real beauty is always, the inner beauty. If it is not there, you have rag doll.
  13. Yesterday in Thailand, next week in USA or where ever. Parent, you are responsible for everything ! 24/7 Ive been there and my kids are still alive, as far as i know. All though now they are stupid adults. And hey remember what you did when you were younger, it can fail any time. From my own memory i can recall when i was about 4-5 yo. Me and a friend found wallpaper in a cellar and we thought it would burn good. So we stole matches to get the fire started. Happily we failed as the paper was to moist. But i still remember that child stupidity from long time ago. Or seeing a young guy with burnt skin allover his body, already operated many times on it. His father was starting the BBQ with alcohol, bottle was lit, father threw it away, exploded and covered his son, who was on fire then. Being parent, it is a hard job !
  14. A famous song goes like this "money, its a drag" If you do 15000 pounds, $/monthly income, you can easily do just a 20 kbaht/month, or some more. Have no clue on what is your income and is a controlling factor. Yup well do limit it , otherwise you pay for whole Thailand. Minimum wage is 250-350 baht depending where you live in Thailand, so lets say 350 over 25 days= 8750 baht. Rounding up to 10 kbaht and then final, over, out. No more sick buffalo stories. If you are Bill Gates, then what should it matter, you give? However for Bill and all those other filthy rich, it does matter somehow. OK thats another story?
  15. It can be a good business. Ive seen some movies about "beggars", collecting money in this way. Paying of just fine. I have no problem if i see a someone with no legs, begging to get around and even collecting maybe 3000 baht. It is possible. Some make it their daily job, it can be very profitabel, as i saw on USA movie. In Philippines, once i had situation with kids, saying they were hungry, but asking for money to buy. I was with, at that time she was , a good woman and she said, no it is a scam. Dont give money but buy then some food. There are kids gangs led by adults to roam for money. Ok to test, i bought food and gave it to them, amazingly (NOT) they were not interested. OK there you go with your good intentions. It was what she said. But said in last line of article, it is everywhere and there are scams even more horrible. So be aware.
  16. In my country, they make phone calls to you. They introduce themselves as bank workers, they also somehow know what is your bankaccount and also know to mention many personal things from you. Then they try to let you move money as there are problems. It seems a very good organized way to do so, as many people take the bite. How they know lots of your personal stuff? They dont know. Even educated people fall for it. So dont pay attention when they call and say they are employees and bla bla bla, HANG UP.
  17. And still we continu with separation bs, it doesnt matter. Vaccination is only for yourself, so you dont get real sick and up in hospital. And even if you are vaccinated , you can end up in hospital. You still can get covid, you can be a carrier. A QR vaccination code also doesnt prevent anything. The covid virus is now used for indoctrination of all people, to make lots of them sick, berserk in mind. I did 2 shots , only for myself, to protect me. Now they say you need booster, they dont even know when it should be given. 6 Months after shots or earlier or, well they dont know. Israel is already on shot nr 4. In other countries they are not even on shot nr 1. Beside all , now they already have and develop medicine for it, so what is the big deal? Guess that one will only be used for people with money for now. The vaccine business is thriving for just 2 companies to get filthy rich. There is no really fighting covid to save people, it is just business. Money.
  18. Once red water and suppliers in Thailand were/have to be checked. You ll have to find out about that. However it is Thailand. Dont know if Thailand has those water inspectors. Even if you make a well to drain water, it has to be checked first and registered. My Thai wife had a well made and first didnt know about rules, but her mum did. You could have fines and of course a shut down. A sample of the water has to be checked in lab. Weird, as it is just once. You want to use the lake water, but what filter system then? A RO filter system? That one also looses a lot of water in regeneration. It cost a lot and also in maintenance. But then you have really clean water, even all minerals are out and you have to add them again. Pure water isnt healthy enough for people, you need the right minerals in the water, if you want to drink. If you drink pure water, then you can desalt, deminiralize your body, which isnt good. Using UV light to kill germs and bacterie are good. In my country they switched to that instead of using chlorine. But as said you need to change them some time, as efficiency goes down. You also have to prevent growing of bacterie and keep the water cool, not warming up in sunlight. Especially salmonella Also there could be a brain eating amoeba in the water, which can cause death. I red about such cases in the USA, clean clear water but with the amoeba. Another bad ass bacterie is legeonella, but that one is more effective in waterspray, but can be in water. So a UV system is a good final cleaning of the water. However if you treat water not right , you can be back at square one at the end.
  19. There are no plans, they are trying now with all kinds of stupid wild measurements. Lots of swinging with their arms, screaming. North Europe? My country is below sea level and i have red some about their "plans", as sea levels rise. But not yet any solution or work on it. They have to decide, building up "walls" in the sea or just let the country be flooded and we all move. I would say, limit the number of people on the earth, cut it down. As with the exponential growth of people , we see exponential troubles rising. Extreme, shocked, as i say so? It is a logical decision. No more babies, stop.
  20. Probably you had/have a good life and think all beneath you is scum, also if they have other ways of thinking. I agree you cant let a religious group take over all. However there is one religion working all the time, money. long time ago, we had the same thoughts. We had inquisitions, you were burnt alive on a stake, not going to church or didnt believe. As a woman, if you were to light in weight, you were a witch then and get burnt alive. Knights went out to the holy land to kill the unfaithful (Muslim) as they had another believe. So still there are religions, you can even start your own one, and abuse people who believe you. That is given in any religion we have and had. Religion is a control of people by indoctrination of people, as they need to believe in a god. You think Thai treat you with respect? Hey they respect the money way more better, they dont give a damn about you, white boy.
  21. No solution, it is in human. If you replace leaders, you have other leaders, doing the same or even worse. You see that in history of humans all the time, any time. In any group we form, may it be religion, politic or whatever. But cutting back on humans would be a good idea, as we are with too many. Stress could get less. No more babies anymore for a period of beginning for 2 years. We control animals in growth, so why not humans? Or did we already try with corona?
  22. professional work. What is the definition of that one then? If you are volunteer in Thailand, you need a work permit, you do all kinds of work in which you arent professional all the time. So there goes professional work. Once asked Siam Legal what was the definition of work. Of course they didnt answer. In Thailand they keep it hidden, so they can use it against you sometime, somehow, when they think it is needed. Or not? I met a Canadian once in Thailand, His gf asked to move a tv and he refused, due to "cant work". Was afraid (said so) to loose visa then doing this. Dont know if he really ment it then, was just a fake story or was lazy.. In fact if you are alive, your body is working and even if you die (you rot), So only time not working is when you turn to bone.
  23. Get an infuse for continuous vaccination all the time.
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