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About Dario

  • Birthday 02/13/1946

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    Pattaya & Isaan

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    Deep Isaan

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  1. I googled "glycemic index fruit". Reading the whole list is very, very interesting. I made for me a little list of the fruit with the lowest GI and GL. I see that all berries are the once with the lowest. Thank you, Sheryl! Grapefruit is also very low on the list. One of my favorites, but don't find any nowadays, probably can get in Bangkok city, but I live out in the sticks.
  2. I want to give this a try. Yesterday I wend fruit shopping at Lotus. I got bananas, kiwi, oranges, pomelo, pineapple, dragon fruit and Nam Dogmai mangoes. I already had some grapes at home. This morning I had a dragon fruit, an extra long banana, a kiwi and grapes, altogether half a kilo. I ha now a supply for several days, maybe a week.
  3. I think you shouldn't worry at all about having 1/2 a kg of fruit every morning if your hb1ac is around 6.0! Mine is still 9.0 which is much too high. I have been having diabetes type 2 for nearly 20 years.
  4. How about good bread and pastries like in France, Switzerland and Germany? Any people missing those? Christmas cookies when year end is in sight? I for myself bake a lot.
  5. Yes, I remember very well. I lived in Zurich, Switzerland at that time and bough a light blue Fiat 1500 1961 model like on this picture, but it had a very different soft blue.
  6. Dear Rimmer, what you forgot to mention is that during cold weather (like we have now in the North east, 11º in the early morning) everybody pee much more than usual.
  7. I had the same problem with a WD Elements 2TB external HD. I bought a new connecting cable at Shopee and my HD works again.
  8. Update: well, in the end I was able to open the statement, I did not read the message with which the statement was sent. The password goes like this: your birthday XX Day XXX month xxxx year add your last 4 digits of your mobile number registered with UOB, so that could look like: 01Feb19601234, I went to my Bangkok Bank branch at Robinson Surin and the lady who served me was extremely helpful. She was able to put UOB again back into my BBL account. After an initial trial payment of 10 Baht the lady asked me to do, UOB confirmed that they had received the transfer, after that I made the full transfer to UOB and that worked! Voila, this really saved my day!
  9. When I tried to pay from my Bangkok Bank account to UOB a couple of days ago, I wasn't able to transfer, Last month it worked. Why that happened, is beyond me. I called UOB three times within the last 24 hours. Every time I was told they would send me a statement to my email address, but so far today at 09:35 I still have not received anything. I will go now to my local Bangkok Bank in Surin province and ask them to help. I will update later again. Update: the statement just arrived, but I'm unable to open it.
  10. And nobody will object that a 38-year old young woman will become the next Prime Minister! There is absolutely no question that she will be coached by her father Taksin Shinawatra. And nobody will object to this? Just amazing! Just beyond me.
  11. What I could absolutely not live without are tissues. When I left Europe 39 years ago I used handkerchiefs. I believe that anyone on this forum couldn't live without paper tissues.
  12. The only good solution is a coup d'etat. Anyone from the Pheu Thai will definitely not help the foreigners, the ones who are debating in this forum.
  13. Yes, dear George, a coup would be the only good solution.
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