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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. What's boring is bringing up this same issue over and over and over again. Right wing media has been pushing this agenda even before Biden got elected. Boring. Yes, we know Biden is old and getting older. Yes, he's diminished. Yes, he's not the same man he was 30 years ago. Yes, he forgets things. Blah blah blah. Is Biden preferred over Trump? Yes.
  2. Why don't you respond to the accusations? Just about every high ranking official who has worked for Trump agree that he is incredibly dishonest, corrupt, lacking in intellectual curiosity, self-serving, transactional, creepy, and just downright stupid.
  3. If Trump wins in 2024? 2016 was an anomaly....no one knew what Trump was really about. But after 4 years and everyone realizing what Trump was, Americans gave him the boot in 2020. I applauded my fellow Americans for coming through. But if somehow he wins in 2024, I will be forever convinced that the majority of Americans are idiots.
  4. 5555....funny. Trump supporters are the king of whataboutism. I see MAGA morons bringing up Biden all the time in a Trump thread.
  5. Can't talk about Biden without talking about Trump. Regardless of how senile you think he is, most Americans would still prefer him over Trump. Now if the Republicans were to put up someone else....then we might have a choice.
  6. Trump will win this case. But he'll lose the immunity case which is coming shortly after. Fine with me.
  7. Most other democratic leaders don't have their political opponents jailed/murdered or siphon funds from the state to the tune of $200 billion (allegedly). Maybe Tucker should have asked Putin about Boris Nemtsov and Alexei Navalny.
  8. The right-wingers are desperate. But it's nonsense like this which will FORCE Taylor Swift to come out for Biden. I mean, who wants to be falsely accused of supporting Trump.... [Taylor Swift is being targeted again by deepfakes, with supporters of Donald Trump posting manipulated media falsely showing her supporting Trump and engaging in election denialism.] https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/taylor-swift-deepfake-x-falsely-depict-supporting-trump-grammys-flag-rcna137620
  9. Trump probably never believed it. But a good number of his idiot supporters did. Just like they believe every lie that comes out of his mouth. But yeah, delay was his primary objective.
  10. You and other Trump devotees can spin it anyway you like. But the fact is that the economy is improving, GDP is up, unemployment going down, inflation going down, wages going up, stock market going up, trade deficit with China going down, etc. Trump can hope all he wants that the economy crashes, but it's not going to happen this year. Pity the orange man.
  11. America made the right choice with President Biden. It would have been a disaster both domestically and internationally if Trump had won reelection. Thank God Trump will never be POTUS again.
  12. Agree. We'll find out pretty quick. If SCOTUS refuses to hear it and affirms the appellate court's ruling, this trial can easily get done before the Nov election. Any innocent defendant would want his case resolved as soon as possible to clear his name. Which is why Trump wants to keep delaying.
  13. It has been US policy for as long as I can remember that America supports Israel. So Joe Biden isn't doing anything outside the norm. But Trump took it a bit further than previous Presidents.
  14. ..."provide the Russian president a platform to address a wider Western audience." Translation: "It will provide the Russian president a platform to lie his a*s off to a wider Western audience."
  15. JFK was a Democrat. If he were alive today and running for POTUS, the MAGA nutters would crucify him for all sorts of made-up nonsense. Which is pretty much what they're doing with Joe Biden.
  16. Your credibility was gone after this statement. So you actually believe Trump's election lies? Seriously? Zero proof, yet you believe the serial liar Trump. You're in la-la land.
  17. Yeap, anybody but Trump. My sentiments as well. That's what these Trump supporters don't get. They keep attacking Biden as if we worship the guy....the way they worship Trump. But it means nothing to me what Biden's age is, or his mental competency, or anything else. I'd vote for Biden because he's not Trump. They can go out and find some random homeless guy and I'd vote for him (or her) over Trump. It's that simple.
  18. I agree....to a certain extent. BUT, polls like this will likely bolster Nikki Haley's claim that she's in a better position to beat Biden than Trump. And that's what she's campaigning on....and raising big bucks.
  19. https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3889
  20. Latest Quinnipiac poll just out has Biden beating Trump, but Haley beating Biden.... [As signs point to the 2024 presidential election being a repeat of the 2020 race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Biden holds a lead over Trump 50 - 44 percent among registered voters in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of registered voters released today.] [In a hypothetical 2024 general election matchup between President Biden and Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, a former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Governor, 47 percent of voters support Haley and 42 percent support Biden.] https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3889
  21. Kanye is a black man....no surprise there. Why are you even on here attacking Taylor Swift, calling her a bimbo??? What the heck has she done to you? Ah, you think her endorsement of Biden will sink Trump. 5555...probably true.
  22. Let's be honest. If Taylor Swift was a Trump supporter, you'd say she was the greatest since Elvis and the Beatles. You know nothing about her.
  23. I don't recall you or any right-winger ever criticizing, say, Ted Nugent for supporting Trump. But nevermind....
  24. Here's just one example. There are many, many others.....
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