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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. It's not just conscripts calling for regime change. Russian enemies of Putin are plotting his demise as well. I do wonder what sort of danger they've put themselves in with this sort of talk. Putin's assassins are going to be busy. [Russian Enemies of Kremlin Meet to Plot Violent ‘Elimination’ of Putin] [Anti-Russia activists and former Russian lawmakers opposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin have been gathering in Poland in recent days to discuss what removing Putin from power would look like nearly nine months into his war in Ukraine.] [Some of the scenarios the anti-Russia group discussed include Russians staging a civil war, taking up arms, and killing Putin, according to Euractiv.] [A guerrilla fight may be the only way to take down Putin, said opposition activist Viacheslav Maltsev. “The main goal is to physically eliminate Putin,” Maltsev said.] https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-enemies-kremlin-meet-plot-170358474.html
  2. Rasmussen?? Totally right wing bias. Do you guys ever read anything that's not right wing propaganda?
  3. Shocking, but not surprising. Many more revelations to come. The Trump Administration will go down as the most corrupt in US history.
  4. Or maybe barriers could be erected to stop cars going in the moat ? A tad overreaction? Thousands of vehicles drive pass that moat every day without incident. Just because some idiot drunk ends up in that moat once every blue moon doesn't make it the moat's fault. I'd venture to say many drunk drivers drive pass that moat regularly without ending up in said moat.
  5. If the Republicans do take the House/Senate, there's almost zero that they can do to improve the economy/inflation. What they can do is gut social security/medicare, something they're already hinting at.
  6. I recall that torrid love affair between Trump and Kim Jong being over. It was Kim Jong that called it off.
  7. This only has to do with the House Ways and Means Committee's request. All other Trump investigations ongoing with the NY AG, SDNY, Georgia, DOJ, Mar-a-Lago, etc. will continue undisturbed. But yes, any congressional investigations (e.g., J6 committee) will go away in Jan 2023 if the GOP wins back the House.
  8. Absolutely not true....especially among the MAGA types. These people have zero interest in the truth. They just want to hear something that they can agree with.
  9. Because there's nothing sexier than a hot young sweating female in a bikini.
  10. This is interesting. I wonder if khun Musk will censor this.... [Here's what we know: 1. Trump is dead (died badly) 2.@elonmusk has suppressed this news (or has he?) 3. Donald Trump Junior is now just plain Donald Trump please like and share.] https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumpisdead-trending-twitter-verified-user-000443923.html
  11. Appreciate the honesty, but you shouldn't keep beating yourself up about past mistakes. You know what they say, you learn much more from failure than success. You can't change the past. Perhaps that's a big mistake--dwelling on the past.
  12. I use the KTB netbank website all the time, never a problem. Don't use Lazada, so have no idea.
  13. I'm amazed any Thai would even know Jeffrey Dahmer. I'm pretty sure a lot of Americans don't even know who this sicko is.
  14. Not sure I can narrow it down to any one thing. But if you know you're going to die tomorrow, could you say that you've lived a good life? If the answer is "yes," then you've done alright.
  15. Santitham? Haven't been in ages, but used to be loaded with restaurant/bars and plenty of hot serving girls. Mostly caters to Thais, not many foreigners.
  16. If you had bothered to read the article, you'd know that it was the parents who alerted the authorities. [Pol Lt-Gen Jirabhop Bhuridej, commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau, said today (Sunday) that police had recently received a complaint from the parents of the young girl, claiming that their daughter had been lured to work in Malaysia and then forced into prostitution.]
  17. This guy is a total nutter who has embraced just about every right wing conspiracy there is. Unfortunately, there are many like him. So more violence and arrests to come. Wait until after midterms. If certain candidates lose and start screaming "rigged election!", there will be more nastiness. Hope they set an example with this guy with a lengthy prison term.
  18. I don't recall Trump ever mentioning Singapore as his ideal model. Trump prefers ruthless dictators like Putin and Kim Jong, not responsible people who actually want to govern for their citizens.
  19. This guy is going to get nailed. Didn't take the police long....
  20. Amazing that the lawyers for the accused would use this defense.... [“In this country, you are allowed to talk the talk but you only get convicted if you walk the walk,” Musico’s attorney, Kareem Johnson, said in his closing remarks.] If this were true, then law enforcement would never be allowed to stop a crime from happening.
  21. If Hershel would just come out and say it happened but he regrets it due to his newfound beliefs, I would have more respect for him. But he's denying it all and just flatout lying. Over and over again. It's embarrassing to watch.
  22. Lordy. If I say that "in my opinion," the Earth is flat, I can certainly be wrong. Understand? Exactly. Your observations aren't scientific, but you're relying on them to render your opinion. And you're expressing your opinion as being fact. When you say that the Thai culture accepts or condones underage sex, you're not accepting the reality that you could be wrong.
  23. Can you accept that your opinion is wrong? Or perhaps that your "observations" (whatever that means) aren't exactly scientific? To quote YOUR comments, I don't think you're that stupid.
  24. You're making yourself out to be an expert on Thai culture and you clearly are not. I can only assume you're getting your information from the people that you associate with. Sex with underage girls is not accepted nor condoned in Thailand. Does it happen? Yes it does. But it doesn't mean the whole of Thai society accepts it. Does it happen in my home country of the USA? Yes it does. But it doesn't mean the whole of American society accepts it. I will concede that enforcement in Thailand is not as rigid as the USA. I just read an article about an American doctor trying to engage in sex with a 15 year old. Of course it was a sting and this dude is toast. But it doesn't mean the whole of US society is like this... [A now-former pediatrician at Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa is accused of trying to meet up with who he thought was a 15-year-old for sex at the Arizona Mills mall in Tempe. On Oct. 11, 36-year-old Bryce David Olsen reportedly messaged an undercover officer posing as a teen on a social media dating site.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/pediatrician-accused-of-trying-to-meet-up-with-teen-for-sex-at-arizona-mills-in-tempe/ar-AA13poWx?ocid=wispr&cvid=c3437538ea6b4acdb55021e7f9074e15
  25. Some of you guys should really read up on Thai law regarding this matter. It may save your life.
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