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Everything posted by billd766

  1. It is not the higher ranks of the military that are the problem. It is, and always has been the politicians who send the troops out to do all the killing and the dirty work. They stay safe making sure that their hands never get dirty, and then abandon those same troops when the crap hits the fan and the mess comes their way.
  2. My FIL in the UK had that same problem. He lost his right leg at about 5 years old. The local garage fitted an extra throttle to the left of the brake pedal and the other end was placed on top of the existing throttle. it was a steel rod with a throttle pedal at the left end, and (I think) a clip or a clamp at the main pedal end. The steel rod was clamped to the floor of the car with U brackets. I can see it in my mind and describe it, but I have no picture to show of it. When able bodied people drove the car a small box was placed over the extra pedal. The car was a Triumph 2000 with an automatic gearbox. An alternative may be a hand throttle, but that may be more difficult to fit to a car. Sadly I cannot ask him as he died in 1998 and the car probably was sold or scrapped.
  3. Are you really that simple that you think that a fully trained can be churned out in 6 weeks from scratch? Before they even get near an aircraft the need basic military training. then they will spend a couple of months on basic flying training before being streamed into what they are best suited for, helicopters, transport aircraft or fast jets. A very few are further yrained as instructors After that they then undergo further training on aircraft specialisation before being posted to their squadron where they undergo further type training before being allowed anywhere near combat. As for producing Ukrainian combat pilots in 6 weeks, you will find that the Ukrainian pilots were already fully qualified pilots already combat trained and were undergoing cross training on a different type of aircraft. Why do you bother to post on topics that you know nothing about. Try doing some research before you post.
  4. The sad thing is that many of Trump's supporters in the USA still believe him, and sadder than that, some posters on AN believe in every word he says as well.
  5. WTF has it got to do with the USA. The Ukraine is NOT a US territory, and the USA is no longer trusted in the real world. IMHO the USA is, or was, simply a supplier. They have NO right or authority to speak on behalf of the Ukraine. legally and certainly not morally.
  6. 'ey up. There's trouble at t' mill.
  7. Damn. I was half way through replying to your post, when I looked for something and completely lost the reply. I will try again tomorrow. Sorry.
  8. Send his dog with him at his expense as well and see what will happen if his dog bites somebody there. Also ban him for life from Thailand.
  9. I think that they are simply emoji clicks.
  10. Thank you. The problem with ignoring a poster as TBL will find out (if he cares), is that you only ignore that poster, but any posts that you make on a forum are still available are still open for anybody to see. I am not sure if TBL is in a race to become the first poster to reach 100,000 posts.
  11. I wonder what the US would do, if they sailed it in international waters and it was hi-jacked (ship-jacked?) by a country not friendly to the USA and taken elsewhere for closer examination, or simply held for ransom?
  12. How many likes did you get for that post?
  13. Wow. A 9 year old well out of date video. Is that the best you have?
  14. Really? All you need to do is prove it. Can you?
  15. What a wonderful thing honesty and truth is. Do you have any actual verifiable proof that will stand up in a court?
  16. And it took you only 68.7k posts and 16 years to get there.
  17. This is part of the problem when you have people in charge that have no idea what they are doing or saying. You cannot blame anybody in the military for simple following the orders from the people in charge, when the people in charge have no idea what they are doing or saying or even why they are doing or saying it. The people you should blame are the people who ordered the clearance in the first place, and you don't have to look very far to know who they are.
  18. Try looking at the other posters responses at the bottom of your posts and mine, and try to spot the difference.
  19. What is terrible about that? The more you stake, the more you win., but the more you stake the more you will lose if you don't win. It is called common sense.
  20. But the average farmer will not be allowed to enter the casinos, and where will they get the money from to gamble for higher stakes?
  21. And those are just some of the reasons he is on my ignore list.
  22. Just to prove their ignorance, do a simple search on the internet for Ukraine. here is a history lesson for both @Yagoda and @Harrisfan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_of_Ukraine#:~:text=Ukraine is the official full,Ukraine during 1941–1944). AI Overview Learn more Yes, Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It's the second largest country in Europe, after Russia. Location: Ukraine is located on the northern shores of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov It borders Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and Russia The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv History: Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (U.S.S.R.) from 1922 until 1991 Ukraine gained independence in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union Ukraine helped found the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Government: Ukraine is a unitary semi-presidential republic The current president of Ukraine is Volodymyr Zelenskyy The current prime minister of Ukraine is Denys Shmyhal Language: The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian Economy: Ukraine has wide, fertile agricultural plains, with large pockets of heavy industry in the east https://www.britannica.com/place/Ukraine There is a lot of information contained in those links, which of course will be decried as "fake" by the ignorant amongst some posters.
  23. How many poor Thais will be allowed into the casino? Rich Thais, yes So if only rich Thais and tourists will will be affected and lose money, why does if matter to you? BTW rich Thais rarely spend time gambling and losing, that is one reason that they are rich.
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