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Everything posted by billd766

  1. I feel more sorry for the recovery crews and the hospital staff who got him out of the car and to the hospital staff who had to deal with his body. They must have very strong stomachs and no sense of smell.
  2. More likely someone has been reading them to her.
  3. Assuming that he has irrefutable proof of course.
  4. And just who are you to decide what should or shouldn't happen? You, like me and just about every other poster on this forum, are just an alias behind a keyboard, or have you forgotten that part? Who elected you as Grand Poo Bah?
  5. I don't expect that Trump would listen to any advice accept from the yes men he is surrounded with, let alone understand it.
  6. Why? Don't you like the truth when it is put in front of you?
  7. I am glad to have been of some help.
  8. I underpaid HMRC by the vast amount of £3.60. However as they are the ones who actually do the calculation, I have simply ignored the letter. It must have cost more than that to process the claim and post it to me. They will probably increase my income tax by 30p or 14 baht a month over the next year.
  9. As odious as yet another military coup? AFAIR going back as far as 1993. NO military coup has done any good for the Thai people or for foreigners.
  10. Well said, Captain Mainwaring of the Walmington-on-Sea Home Guard.
  11. It would be interesting to see how much real money has been saved and how much DOGE is actually costing. All I have seen and heard so far is a lot of hot air and NO figures on the actual savings and costs. It would also be very interesting to see the quoted figures and get them independently fact checked, to see if there is a difference. If you lay off people, the cost will rise due to the number of years that people have worked, The payments of course will have to come out of the current years budget and any savings may not show up until years into the future.
  12. And what punishment was meted out to ALL the generals who held illegal military coups over the decades. If a coup is illegal, then any punishments meted our under a coup government must also be illegal.
  13. Is that the same National Debt that rose last time Trump was in power?
  14. Ian Dury and the Blockheads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WGVgfjnLqc
  15. IMHO Starmer is starting to realise that talking the talk is a lot easier than actually walking the walk. Being in Opposition and complaining about the government is one thing. Being in government and having to deal with real life is not as it looks. Being surrounded by people who have no real idea is simply self inflicted and his personal problem to sort out.
  16. How strange. I ordered 1 kg of black raisins on Monday morning from a company in Bangkok. The stuff was collected by Flash from the supplier on Monday afternoon and delivered to the house in rural Kamphaeng Phet by 4pm this afternoon, Wednesday 19th February. It took about 52 hours from order to delivery some, 350 to 400km.
  17. More likely to have got it at the Trump University which closed down in 2010 and only ran from 2005 to 2010.
  18. But that is not always correct. As a taxpayer I paid NIC for 44 years and my reward for coming to live in Thailand my pension was frozen from my 65th birthday. In addition if I were to return to the UK, unless I were at deaths door, I would have to wait for a NHS appointment and pay for my treatment at a higher rate than I would if I were in Thailand. Fortunately many years ago I registered with the Thai authorities and get treated the same as a Thai though I pay more than a Thai. If I want to see a doctor in Thailand I just register and join a queue. I have nothing against the NHS who do a great job though they are well understaffed, very underpaid and overworked.
  19. At todays KBank forex rate of USD $33.51 my wife buys a tray of 30 size 0 eggs at the local market for 150 thb, or about 1.16$ USD for a dozen large eggs.
  20. It will only affect you and your family personally IF you or they make a donation, and donations are purely voluntary.
  21. Another one? Perhaps the USA is no longer the promised land, and perhaps Trump is no longer the messiah he claimed to be. Well he was voted into power, and those that voted for him may start to regret that decision soon.
  22. It won't hurt Trump either, as ALL his bills will be covered by the US taxpayers, so why should he care what the price is? He doesn't even care about the US taxpayers or the US citizens in general.
  23. And who should pay his bills? Thailand, the British tax payer, Go Fund Me, his previous insurance company, his family, you, me, somebody else?
  24. Says a poster who lives in NZ where many of the population are leaving for other countries. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce8j88gym3ro Meanwhile, people are moving out of the country in record numbers. Official figures show that there were nearly 130,000 departures last year - though that was offset by the arrival of nearly 160,000 immigrants. "New Zealanders are voting with their feet, leaving in record high numbers," Labour MP Barbara Edmonds wrote on X on Monday. "Is their real tourism plan 'Everyone Must Go' - for Kiwis?"
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