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Everything posted by billd766

  1. However as a Thai national (she will be 60 in October) she will also be entitled to the standard 150,000 baht exempted income, and probably the age allowance of 190,000 baht.
  2. I went to this link https://www.gov.uk/guidance/claim-personal-allowances-and-tax-refunds-if-you-live-abroad which is the link to HMRC form R43 and followed it along as far as I could and it seems as though my wife should be entitled to the UK tax free allowance, plus it looks as though she will not have to pay any income tax on my pensions at all.
  3. Thank you. I did not know that. The pensions combined will not exceed the current tax free allowance (unless that changes or is cancelled).
  4. Mathematics from the MAGA school of accounting.
  5. And you have the proof that President Zelenskyy has an unaccounted slush fund? Well if you do have the proof, then post it and prove it. Otherwise it is just another unsubstantiated allegation from an anonymous keyboard user and totally meaningless.
  6. I believe that Zelenskyy does want peace. Just NOT on Trump or Russia's terms whicj involves the complete surrender of the Ukraine.
  7. That is interesting to know. When I die my state pension dies with me but my wife is entitled to 50% of my military pension and 50% of my company pension. However she has never lived in the UK, nor has she worked there and she does not have a National Insurance number. I/We have been assuming that she will receive the full 50% of each and pay no UK oncome tax. Could I be incorrect in my thinking?
  8. He is so much of a clown that he has been re-elected for a third time. What have you achieved so far in your life?
  9. But peace between whom, brokered by whom and on what terms. If both sides that are at war are NOT included in the peace talks, how can there be any peace talks, or peace for that matter? Talk is cheap, peace always comes with a price tag to one side or the other.
  10. Try typing "how many double decker bus crashes in the world" into a search engine and see how many results you get. It is called searching internet news for results. There are dozens of them.
  11. We have a cat like that. It liked it so much that the scrawny kitten adopted us and is now a sociable cat, but only on its own terms. It loves me in the morning because I feed it, after which I am ignored until it is hungry again. It likes my wife and other people, is ignored by my neighbours dogs, and detests their 2 cats who are always trying to steal its food, unless I am on guard duty.
  12. Actually there are some really stupid people in Thailand who do keep a lion as a pet. I don't think that I would sant to take one of them for walkies though.
  13. It is not only the Thai people, but many are irresponsible people in many other countries as well. Mostly in the UK the dogs are euthanised very quickly. However as can be seen in he OP, euthanising dogs (even pit bulls and their variants) is not an easy task. IMHO pit bulls and their all variants serve no useful purpose and were bred solely to fight and kill and again IMHO every single one should be humanely destroyed worldwide. They are not pets, but killing machines. Ignore the owners that protest and say that their animal would never do that, simply because they have no idea if the dog will turn and attempt to kill, and if it does, it will be far too late and virtually impossible to stop it.
  14. But Trump and the USA do NOT pay for even half of the support. So why does Trump, who is lying as usual demand that HE and the USA plus Russia will decide that the war, which it is, in the Ukraine will end when HE decides, without the participation of the Ukraine?
  15. I enjoy the music of the 1920s to the 1990s but after that I have a problem understanding the words and music.
  16. Perhaps the A side of this applies to him, though IMO the B side fits as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xRCbdFrSSc
  17. Snip quote Declaring that “there’s a new sheriff in town,” Vance signaled a shift away from the elite-driven alliance that characterized the Biden administration’s approach to transatlantic relations. As a US citizen he has a voice and a vote is the USA and every right to speak about the USA. He has neither a voice nor a vote in the EU and is not even a EU citizen. I politely suggest that he concentrates his efforts on the USA and keeps his nose and mouth away from the EU and any other country for that matter. no matter what position he holds in the USA.
  18. However your posts supporting Trump were completely unbiased. Also like me, you have no voice or vote in the USA, and like my opinions, they are completely irrelevant.
  19. Many people also know the difference between New Mexico, which is a state in the Southwestern region of the United States, and Mexico which is a country outside of the USA. You seem to be jumping to conclusions once again. If the Santa Fe police deputies don't know yet, and they are actually at the scene, why are you making assumptions based on nothing? Why not let the police do their job which is what they are paid for, and then accept their conclusion based on evidence, rather than your guesswork?
  20. What a surprise that you deflected my questions once again. Can you not answer simple yes or no questions?
  21. Don't YOU think that is dangerous to believe every word that a serial liar utters? Don't YOU think that revenge is petty and childish? Don't YOU think that getting the facts correct, BEFORE you say anything, is foolish?
  22. There is no logic. What Trump is doing is simply petty revenge and is NOT what any person who is elected as president should be doing.
  23. It appears to me that what you are saying is that all the grand juries, all the juries, all the judges and all the witnesses were telling lies and only Trump was telling the truth. Nor only that but all the accompanying documents were also fake and lies. Now that is one hell of a conspiracy theory you seem to have come up with. At a stretch I could possibly believe one set were wrong, but 46 cases under different Grand Juries, juries, judges and different courts, is only for the MAGA world to believe.
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