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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. So impatient. Syria only changed dictators a couple weeks ago ( oh, you thought some carefully scripted words means he's a fan of western style democracy, LOL ) and the revolutionary guard don't play nicely like cops in nanny states. I think we can wait a bit longer before making any statements regarding anything in the M E. Always remember that a leopard can't change it's spots. Take your example as Egypt, removed one dictator, flirted with fundamental Islam and went back to dictatorship. Western minds claiming to understand the M E are doomed to disappointment. As for Russia, many many have claimed to know what is going on there, only to be proven wrong. If half of what has claimed about Russia over the past 2 years on this very forum were true, Zelensky would be sitting in the Kremlin as I write, with Putin in a small cage.
  2. It's always about money. Power too, as they get the best looking groupies.
  3. I hope you are being sarcastic. Avocado sandwich and carrot juice is so funny. As for the masses gulping down a bucket of KFC followed by a 36 oz coke, it's natures way of culling the herd.
  4. Who is denying science? No one! What we are doing is to expose certain abuses of science for the scams they are.
  5. It's amazing that some people still come on threads like this and say the same thing they said a dozen times before, while ignoring what it's all about The message the Christ brought is the important thing, not the story of how he was conceived, yet you and your ilk never talk about that.
  6. It's well known by those who's lives don't revolve around social media that Christianity co opted lots of pagan beliefs and rituals. EG Christmas was actually a pagan festival.
  7. I look at the world as it is, and I doubt there is any rational thought being applied to the way humans exist in it. There is no way a rational species could have an election between the 2 on offer for the recent US farce. That's only one example of thousands how barking humanity has become. The only species capable of creating cities, flying to the moon, or inventing an AI, yet we behave as if we emerged from the cave yesterday.
  8. IMO you are out of line for that insult. People are entitled to believe anything they want, without being lambasted by an anonymous poster. In a society where some actually believe that a boy can become a real girl it's not that far out. If one can believe that people driving ICE cars are making the temperature rise, one can believe in anything.
  9. All of which had nothing to do with the message that the Christ brought. Christianity the religion was used by the powerful to control the masses, and had little to do with the teachings of Jesus.
  10. Indeed it does.
  11. One can see such things all day long on any porn site, by consenting and willing women. Having some knowledge of female anatomy ( part of my job ) and knowing something about sex, unless they used a gallon of lube, IMO there is no way a woman can wake up and not know that she was involved in sex. As for the drugs, some induce forgetfulness, but if they were used I do not know. The Date rape drug has been around for years. That is the part I find most troubling. I doubt that 70 men could be found willing to rape an unconcious woman and not tell their friends about it. It's just too many to keep it a secret, IMO. With that many men, IMO at least one or two would have talked to someone about it. That it went on for so long without being exposed is the doubt in my mind. Given I know that some women will do such willingly ( as seen on porn sites ) I suspect there is more to this than has been told.
  12. If government functioned properly 70 % of the bureaucrats would have to get a proper job that pays less. If the regulations that add unnecessary costs didn't exist entire departments could be closed.
  13. Not being any worse than 2024 is about as good as it can be for me.
  14. On that I agree 100%. The world functioned reasonably well, at least for western countries when world population was about 3 billion. It's now 8 billion and rapidly increasing. That might not matter except for the fact that AI robotics is going to remove the work that most of them do when they illegally enter western countries. I see nothing but societal chaos when that <deleted> hits the fan. IMO it's going to get really nasty and there is no telling what the human world will look like when it's over.
  15. Because the solution will not happen. The elites benefit from the present situation ergo nothing will change.
  16. The French aristocracy worked along those lines till the revolution, and many literally lost their heads. The present cabal of "elites" might do well to remember that.
  17. In countries with too many people wanting places to live that don't exist, because of government policies, rents increase. While they may be cheaper than buying a home, both are unaffordable to many.
  18. Well you certainly got that right, unfortunately the politicians are also dumb.
  19. Well you certainly got that right, unfortunately the politicians are also dumb.
  20. Simples- the gov'ment has been printing money backed with nothing for years. More paper floating around means it's worth less.
  21. It's quieter in front of the engines. I always got a seat right at the back, but that was so I could get on before the mob, not because I thought it was safer.
  22. Part of living in Lala land is that one imagines one could have done things that they could not have. There was no walking back that debate debacle. I'm sure most of us have imagined at some time that it would be great to be a president or a king, but we never thought it would actually happen.
  23. Of course they do. Ignoring that she was so bad that she lost to the worst man on the planet. If they had longer would they have wasted 2 billion $? The thing they did wrong that lost the W H was not putting someone that could speak in understandable sentences in.
  24. Whenever I see the gaggle of <deleted> at the "top table" I'm reminded of Animal Farm, in the last part of the book where men and pigs are cavorting together and the rest of the animals couldn't tell which were men and which were pigs. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Orwell was a very wise man.

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