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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Oh dear, not toeing the western propaganda line that if Putin isn't stopped in Ukraine he'll be in Brussels in a jiffy. That, is obviously a nonsense. Russia was repelled severely in the early stages, and unless he has a secret clone army stashed on a distant planet, IMO there is no chance he will invade a NATO country. Anyway, there is no reason to do so. Europe likely has nothing he wants. BTW I was saying that he isn't going to send his tanks into Poland quite some time ago.
  2. Putin is blustering, as such do, but if NATO boots go into Ukraine it is one step closer to MAD. Putin is not the only member of the Russian government and most likely they are aligned in their thinking. Would Putin carry out a first strike- if pushed too far, who knows? Do any posters on here want to find out?
  3. On the plus side, it has made porn easier to access. No need to get a magazine from the back room in a plain brown wrapper.
  4. I remember the day I was told. I went off sick that day. I only told my boss at work, and no one else ever knew till I had the operation. I was on sick leave for 5 months, and had to gradually increase my work load after I did return to work. Probably affected me for a year physically, and ever since mentally. Not including permanent side effects.
  5. Neither did the Saudis when I worked there. My comments were for western women.
  6. I talk like that with friends. None of them have suggested I'm semi senile.
  7. Didn't he use a teleprompter at the SOTU? I'm sure I saw one. Do you think he can use one in the debates?
  8. No. According to Trump haters, Trump has nothing to offer, so why would they need to lie? The only reason for lying is to make him look bad, which means they don't think he is.
  9. I've never been offered an abdominal ultrasound as part of a check up. However, I've never been given a checkup either, other than taking my BP.
  10. His minders are probably working on a way to make it Trump's fault.
  11. Clutching and straws comes to mind. Biden must be desperate to resort to begging. Does he have nothing to offer other than "vote for me because Trump is a bad man".
  12. In the past merely the accusation was sufficient to shut down whatever the israelis wanted to shut down. That no longer works. Shouting "wolf" too many times has exposed it for what it is.
  13. Given they are not receiving a pension, and sun drenched villas are not cheap, one wonders how they are financing their "new life". One hope that he has a work permit for whatever it is. PS, have they taken the cost of health care insurance into consideration? No NHS in LOS.
  14. History has many such eg the Trojan Horse. Yes indeed, there could be something that turns the tide against Russia, or something that saves Ukraine ( perhaps a million men will miraculously appear ), but as it is right now, it's Russia's war to lose, rather than Ukraine's to win. More reports of Ukrainian drones in Russia. If Zelensky wants to escalate the war, I'm sure Putin will oblige. Ukraine isn't the only country with drones. Expect more western propaganda of old Ukrainian villagers being displaced by the evil orc attacks.
  15. IMO they don't like men having sex outside marriage as that means they don't get to take all their money when the affair ends.
  16. I've known hundreds of women well through work and none of them fit your opinion. They only change their mind because the law allows them to. The law, IMO is an ass.
  17. I hate that anyone thinks they can control other people.
  18. I'm very happy that we don't live in a society ruled by a 2 thousand year old book. If I had to choose I'd go for 18 year old whores over arranged marriages, and I don't believe in marriage either. They only benefit women in the west and men in the rest of the world.
  19. In LOS just leave good stuff on the pavement and it'll get rehomed in a jiffy. When I die, all my good stuff is going to an op shop where it'll be sold for a fraction of what i paid for it. the rest will be burned. Family get the money- they don't want any of my stuff, good or not.
  20. If anyone thought the human race was getting more intelligent that should educate them that it is not.
  21. Soooo, will we be seeing good old dad pardoning his son as a parting gesture before leaving the W H for good?
  22. Seems that idea has been quietly forgotten about. I assumed that would happen, and that it was just BS to try and deflect criticism.
  23. If we are going to discuss proven liars, then the IDF are the champions. Remember the calendar that was supposed to be a roster of Hamas fighters and the sham "command center" in a hospital room? They are also liars about "safe areas" for Gazans to shelter in.
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