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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Economies built on death and destruction. No thanks. I'd rather have economies built on making things people want. War is evil, companies that make death are evil, IMO. I have no problem with making defensive weapons, but not offensive ones like 2,000 lb bombs.
  2. Seems some are clutching at straws to denigrate Putin. I didn't watch the entire parade, but I did see plenty of armoured vehicles, and the ones with great big missiles, presumably the ones with tactical nuclear warheads.
  3. LOL. Are you saying the vdo of the destroyed infrastructure was AI generated and there is no destruction in Gaza? Al Jazeera doesn't just have talking heads telling lies.
  4. For information about the weapons the US is sending israel to use on unarmed civilians. That is just what has been paused, not what has already been sent. The have probably used more bombs than there are Hamas fighters. IMO the plan is more about destroying Gaza infrastructure than killing Hamas fighters. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/why-the-u-s-paused-the-delivery-of-2000-pound-bombs-to-israel-ahead-of-a-possible-assault-on-rafah As it targets Hamas’ underground tunnels in Gaza, Israel has relied on powerful 2,000-pound bombs provided by the United States. But now those deliveries are on hold. The U.S. is pausing a shipment of 1,800 of the bombs, as well as 1,700 500-pound bombs, U.S. officials said. The decision comes as Israel is planning an assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah in an attempt to root out the final elements of Hamas.
  5. Seems Biden finally grew a pair and stood up to the israeli lobby, though perhaps it's more about the election than Gaza.
  6. One suspects the Biden policy on free speech is "it's OK if I agree with it" I checked out his stand on the anti Vietnam war protests, but all I could find was this, so not much to go on. https://theintercept.com/2021/04/27/joe-biden-vietnam-war/ He professed a “lack of moral outrage” at the war. He described walking through campus with law school friends one day and seeing other students occupying office buildings in protest. “They were taking over the building,” Biden said. “And we looked up and said, ‘Look at these <deleted>.’ That’s how far apart from the anti-war movement I was.” In Biden’s words, “The war had just been a tragic mistake based on a faulty premise.”
  7. It's always been a toss up if he wins or not. For sure he will gain support from a conviction, but there is nothing to say that it would be enough to win. IMO the requirement for secret service protection will mean no real prison, as it would cause massive disruption, so likely to be house arrest somewhere, or one of those holiday camps for rich criminals.
  8. All I get is the photo which is from Getty images. No context or a way to get information about it. You need to provide a link to the article it came from. That's what I said before you sent me searching for something that isn't there.
  9. Wrong. IMO they are now seen as no worse than the IDF that have killed thousands of children. In any event the world wide protests are in support of the innocents being killed by israel, not in support of Hamas.
  10. Yes targeted on families. Several families with small children blown up in residential buildings recently, as seen on Al Jazeera.
  11. Stating the blindingly obvious. IMO the evacuation of Rafah is so they can destroy it, then they'll move the people out of the remaining area and destroy that too. Surely they can't possibly believe that they can eliminate Hamas- it will have more recruits than it needs, but they can destroy the infrastructure so there is nowhere for Gazans to live. I don't see any other reason for destroying so much infrastructure
  12. You just lost any respect I had for you with that vile comment. Off to ignore with you.
  13. IMO this case is going to be a lose for Trump, in which case it's going to be very interesting to see what the punishment will be. If he is jailed it will have unpleasant consequences, and if he is fined a huge amount he'll just say that he can't pay it. I don't envy the judge having to decide on it ( or does the jury decide? ). Even a conviction does not stop Trump winning in November, so that does not come into it. If anything, a guilty verdict will increase Trump's chances of winning, IMO.
  14. Significant word is paused. Similar to a "pause" in fighting while hostages are released , then israel can get back to blowing up everything with no need to hold back. I'll be more impressed if the US stops sending the bombs and bullets PERIOD.
  15. I can't even imagine trying to use AN on a phone. The small screen would drive me batty. Apparently some have so little in their lives that they have to be on here every waking minute.
  16. Exactly right. Some changes do not make our lives better and some changes on this forum make it worse. I'd rather not have it at all than where it is now.
  17. Indeed, somewhere else would be just peachy, but even better on the right hand side or nowhere to be seen if that can't be done.
  18. For a brief period it had been transferred to the right hand side of the screen and I thought common sense has triumphed. Sadly IT'S BACK on the left side of the screen with all the problems I pointed out previously. Yes, let us remove the <deleted> thing PLEASE.
  19. Is this a case of rewriting history? By what measure is Ukraine holding it's ground? As reported on this very forum, it lost a significant chunk of land not so long ago. It has had a few minor wins, but nothing that looks like pushing Russia out of the east or Crimea. IMO the only way for Ukraine to "win" is if Gorbachev is resurrected as president, and withdraws. However, as I don't have a working crystal ball, I'll have to admit that by some incredible happening Ukraine could force Russia to withdraw to pre invasion lines, though I have no idea what that happening might be.
  20. Why don't you ask someone that does? Most of us don't have legal services on retainer.
  21. I take it that doesn't include the Russians then? Apparently it's OK to hate them ( and the North Koreans, the Chinese, Palestinians, Gazans, Iranians etc ).
  22. Apparently not. Biden trying to equate anti zionism with anti semitism. Just as well it's not working any more.
  23. I agree, as long as it is ALL of them, and not a select few. Pity it wasn't used against all those politicians that violated the law then, like Nixon and his IMO partner in crime Kissinger, or Reagan, with his Contras, or many others with similar crimes like Bush the younger and his IMO lies about WMDs, or even the one IMO colluding in war crimes.
  24. So what. They were hardly going to overthrow the constitution and send all the liberals to gas chambers as some apparently like to believe. Insurrection
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