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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I don't think it's a problem for that man. I think he's exactly where he wants to be, in an intractable conflict which means that he likely will not be locked up till it's over and seems that every time it looks like a negotiated end is likely he comes up with some way to prolong it. With him pulling Biden's strings he can probably extend it indefinitely. With any luck Iran will do something he can use to really kick it off and wham bam the US boots are all over the place. I'm wondering when the part of the world that isn't an American poodle is going to just ignore the UN security council and sanction netanyahu and his cabal up the ying yang. Hopefully this year.
  2. Words fail me, or at least words that I can use on the forum to express how I feel about what I just read. If talking about hate and antisemitism, there is a certain country where one lot of Semites are attempting to eliminate a different lot of Semites, and they certainly talk about them in a hateful way. If the White House is concerned about Columbia they might want to look at Biden's actions ( as opposed to his words ) which are giving free reign to the one lot of Semites to blow the other lot to bits with all those big bombs that Biden has been sending them. One day Biden is going to wake up and realise a lot of Americans are not impressed with what he is doing in regards to that, and hopefully it will be on the day he finds out that he is unemployed, later this year. When it happens I wonder if he'll blame all those "antiSemites" for being a loser.
  3. How long ago did it happen ( 2006 )? Yet they waited till now to do something about it. Stop pulling my leg, you've pulled it so much it's getting sore.
  4. So what was the attack on Iran's consulate if not an affront to the values of liberalism and democracy upheld by the international community? Seems that western ideas of values apply only to western countries, and it's not at all hypocritical to complain when Iran sends a few drones, but to say nothing when israel blows up a consulate.
  5. Ignoring that israel struck the first blow on Iranian territory, I do wish western media would stop proclaiming that a mere 300 or so drones and missile was a relentless onslaught. It was nothing of the sort. They apparently gave advance warning of the attack to the US and sent only as many AFVs as could be eliminated by israel's much vaunted air defenses ( interesting that at least one got through anyway- perhaps it's not as vaunted as claimed ). A "relentless onslaught" is israel's continual bombardment of Gaza which has eliminated much of the area's housing and social support buildings
  6. What an arrogant numpty Blinken is, IMO. Perhaps China has a different opinion as to "global security interests". Who knows, they might even consider unconditionally supporting a country that is actively breaking international law every day to be against "global security interests".
  7. About flippin' time. If it's good enough for a man to travel half way around the world to invade Britain in a leaky boat, than it's good enough for the lazy IN Britain to get off the couch and go find a job.
  8. Don't members of the criminal fraternity favour hoodies? Can we expect a rash of such messages on their hoodies in the future? Will the messaging work? I hope the Met will arrest anyone that commits a crime, regardless of the criminal's ethnicity or any messages they may write on them.
  9. Since when was that an excuse for paying criminals to illegally enter a country? If they want to have a better life they do what I did, get qualifications for a job that needs immigrants the legal way. I spent many years gaining the qualifications that the Saudis needed to employ me legally. I didn't pay gangsters to put me on a leaky boat to Saudi, despite having nothing they needed to employ me, and then expecting a better life to be dropped in my lap.
  10. Bunch of numpties, IMO. Anyone with half a brain cell knows that the battle against illegal immigrants can only be won if they know they won't be able to stay in the desirable country. As long as they think they have a chance they will pay criminals to get them to the desired destination. Australia stopped the boats by not allowing any to stay in Australia. Trump had been winning with his stay in Mexico policy and the wall would have completed the job. If they couldn't cross the border likely they would have stayed home or gone elsewhere. The present fiasco is entirely of Biden's making, IMO
  11. That has to be a classic, even for you. He never ran because the Dems sabotaged him, knife in the back and all that, and who did they do it for, why that woman, who lost to Trump of all people. Any half decent candidate would likely have outvoted Trump two to one after his pussy tape fiasco. I was astonished that he won despite that. I underestimated how much US citizens loath Washington and the elites.
  12. Are the Dems just super slow when it comes to making political court cases, or are they so desperate that they'll clutch at any straw in hopes of it being the one to bring the Donald down. What a pack of dozy numptys.
  13. I see the propaganda machine is working overtime. Clear as mud to me. It's just as likely that it's revenge attacks by Putin for the drone strikes on Russian soil.
  14. It could all stop tomorrow if Zelensky called it quits, and called up Putin to arrange negotations. How many more Ukrainians have to die because he wanted to fight the bear. Would Zelensky have agreed to fight a real bear twice his size with a gun that had no bullets and half a knife?
  15. The poster that you quoted seems to have a very simplistic view of Zionism. There is a bit more to it than just wanting a homeland. I'm sure that it's possible to agree that israel should exist within the 1948 borders without wanting to ethnically cleanse the original inhabitants.
  16. Isn't it so funny, haha, that the US seems to have forgotten all about that law. Perhaps someone told Biden about it but he "forgot".
  17. Gee, Mr Putin should take lessons from netanyahu as how to avoid sanctions then. Does it involve writing a polite letter to whom it may concern saying sorry for breaking all those international laws , and he'll do better in future?
  18. Do tell us how they adhere to international law when it's blindingly obvious that they don't.
  19. Is israel going to have to repay the US taxpayer for their help, or is it a "gift" to a nation that has been claimed to be wealthy in it's own right? I believe the US made the UK pay back the money it was given by the US in WW2. The 1% thank the US taxpayer for helping out with the petty cash. Those missiles for israel ain't cheap.
  20. The tv series ran longer than the actual war! If one watches series 1 it was far more cruel in it's humour, like the movie, than in later series when it became much more "gentle" Getting rid of Hot Lip's squeeze was just the start of making it a kinder series. After he went there wasn't anyone left to hate.
  21. For a moment I thought Wendy was Sally field. I was a great fan of Field in Gidget, but I thought the nun series was daft. Again, a petite woman.
  22. No offense taken. I like em petite, and I guess I was always destined to marry a Thai woman that barely came up to my shoulder.
  23. They made much of the fact that Barry Lyndon was lit only by candles. Other than that I remember nothing of it. I certainly remember Dr Strangelove. Who could ever forget Slim Pickens riding the bomb that would destroy the world, waving his hat as he descended to oblivion. Of course, the movie that made Kubrick was 2001. To this day I do not understand what the <deleted> he was thinking when he made the journey through time or whatever it was at the end. Perhaps he just liked the pretty patterns. The rest of the movie was memorable, but none as memorable as the opening scene set to Strauss's 'Sunrise' theme.
  24. Nah. The wild Bunch made Peckinpah and was the best one he made. I kept expecting a repeat of it in his after movies but they always left me disappointed.
  25. I guess we vary in our liking of women then. She left me indifferent, but Wendy Padbury ( one of Dr Who's assistants back when the series was made in black and white ) really stirred my hormones.
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