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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I liked the story, but alas, real life isn't so easy. If I could give up my baggage the first thing I'd give up would be this forum ( except for this thread ), as it keeps me head down looking at the dirt. That's the problem with addictions though. The story reminded me of a nice yuri anime I watched a while ago, so two pluses.
  2. Agreed on that. Claiming that one has had thousands of young non bar girls and desperate MILFs isn't something to be proud of.
  3. Young bargirls are sexier and they are a guaranteed happy ending, unlike the non bargirl that has to have presents and dinners before putting out, maybe.
  4. Most of the posters on here are not under 50. Those friendly single women are not going to want to hang out with us. Apparently you like to exploit desperate women. Next.
  5. Mine always had a job. I wasn't one of those fools that pays their wife to do nothing and get bored. My wife's work ethic was not something I would criticise.
  6. IMO BS. The west has been giving the Palestinian people a horizon towards a better future, the future of having a state of their own for decades, and it always comes to naught. Cameron could have done something when he was PM, but did zero, so it's a bit rich when he starts pontificating about it.
  7. Meaningless as there are waaaaay more than 4 involved.
  8. So why did you post something meaningless?
  9. They can only replace Australian influence if those countries prefer China. The question is why they would, and what did Australia get wrong?
  10. Do you imagine that China will be on America's side in a Middle East conflict?
  11. I don't know if that quote is just wrong, only applicable outside London, or the situation has changed since I left the NHS, but I worked in a London hospital for over a decade, and spent a year doing agency in many London hospitals, and the % of foreign nurses was far higher than 27.2%. More like 90%. Sometimes I never saw an English ( white ) nurse. When I started most agency nurses, which hospitals relied on for staffing, were Australian, but the government didn't like paying agency rates, so they replaced them with permanent staff from Africa and the Phillippines as the pay rates were significantly lower. So low that even overseas nurses wouldn't work for it, and the government was forced to give a substantial pay rise to lower grade ( the ones that did the work- not managers ) nurses.
  12. He did his best against a lot of opposition.
  13. Thank you for proving that your past posts about there not being a huge number of illegals trying to cross the border were not true.
  14. What is wrong about closing the border to illegals?
  15. As usual you provide zero proof, so are you making that up?
  16. In a civil court which has a low standard for evidence, and IMO means little in the real world. Next.
  17. Are you capable of posting without insults? Seems not, which says a lot about you, though it seems to be a common situation with anti Trump posters.
  18. No proof of that then? Without proof it's just your opinion. That entire post is just your opinion as you provide no proof of any of it.
  19. Didn't you post yesterday about how polls this early are of no use?
  20. It's all a bit pointless making lists, as any NATO vs Russia conflict is almost certainly going MAD. Frankly, I don't think Putin is that insane and IMO it's all sabre rattling by some NATO cold warriors trying to make themselves seem important.
  21. One wonders just what the <deleted> is going on in Washington? Running towards a war in the Middle East and edging towards nuclear war in Europe. Are they completely divorced from reality in their "bubble"?
  22. I'll get back to you after Zelensky is forced to negotiate, which IMO won't be too much longer. Without US money they are doomed, and it's looking ever more hopeful that the GOP is going to stop throwing good money after bad.
  23. Some of us will be cheering if the israelis are forced to accept a ceasefire, but I suspect the conflict isn't going well for them to even consider it- so much for never stopping till every Hamas is destroyed!
  24. I hope the world repeats the actions it took to end South African apartheid against israel. It's the only hope the Palestinians have for any sort of freedom from israeli oppression. Israel is probably never going to voluntarily give up it's land theft of Palestinian land till it is all israeli's and all Palestinians are refugees. If sense doesn't finally force israelis to accept being expelled from the West Bank and a Palestinian state without any israeli control at all, likely the conflict will continue indefinitely. What many on here seem to ignore is that nothing lasts forever, and the israelis will not be able to oppress the Palestinians forever. It only takes a change of government in the US to end the israeli experiment.
  25. If any other country was doing what the israelis are doing to Palestinian prisoners the western world would be outraged, but when it's israelis doing it there is a resounding silence. I don't actually understand why western leaders are so willfully blind when it comes to israel, but it appears to be reality.
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