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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Oh yes indeedy, we should all believe a woman that won't use her real name of nefarious actions many decades ago when she was 13. Was she dragged licking and screaming to Epstein's house, or innocent as driven snow when she went there voluntarily? If I claim to have been raped by a well known rich character will I get a big payout? Yet Trump haters will ignore this and focus on repeating alleged accusations for infinity and beyond. I suspect they will still be ranting on about him long after he's dead and buried.
  2. Look it up- Trump was apparently a Democrat from 2001 till 2009.
  3. It has been and both are on it ( as seen on Al Jazeera this morning ). No accusation that either are guilty of underage sex though.
  4. I too was completely sucked into the myth, but I didn't escape it till I learned that he was flying around in a private jet. Not a good look for a climate warrior! Since then the gap between what they preach and what they do has widened to a vast chasm. I also believed in the Vietnam war till I heard about Thiew tried to escape with tons of gold. https://www.nytimes.com/1975/04/16/archives/huge-losses-are-taken-as-thousands-set-flight.html Time said South Vietnamese officials asked Balair to fly “some personal belongings” of Mr. Thieu and Marshal Lon Nol out of Saigon. But the airline learned that the shipment was 16 tons of gold and refused, I was a very gullible person back then. I've become more cynical since.
  5. The Self is just another word for God or Cosmic Consciousness I really like that. It's how I feel, but better in words than I could have written. I'm happy that the thread has been resurrected as I'm still learning from it.
  6. I sometimes wonder if I'd have been happier if I had been like them. One couple I know is comfortable in their lives, but I don't know anyone that is actually happy with their life. It's like all the joy got sucked out of everyone's life. Too much greed, too many problems, bad governments, wars etc. The news just makes people depressed. Perhaps that's why people drink alcohol too much.
  7. That's great, for him. Win win for everyone.
  8. Home news on tv is so woke/ PC that I get nauseous watching it, so I don't. Only news heard is on radio and that is so minimal as to be useless- 2 minutes and usually shorter than the sports news.
  9. The only thing a farang needs to bring to the table is money. Works every time.
  10. Most will want kids- that's what women do. It's even more important when marrying a farang ATM as it gives them a hook for life, or at least till the kid leaves home.
  11. You were just lucky. Relationships are IMO always a gamble. Apparently 50% of western men gambled wrong and got divorced.
  12. BS. There isn't any difference if they are after a farang for his money. Most "decent" Thai women would never, IMO, have anything to do with a farang, as it likely brands them in Thai society.
  13. That is not a small amount for a Thai on a low income. If a farang starts off by being "generous" they will expect that in the future. That played a large part in the end of my Thai relationship, when I was no longer able to continue being "generous". BTW, IMO never fall into the trap of feeling sorry for them and trying to make them feel better with money eg a monthly amount, or a car, or a house etc. While one can pay as you go with holidays, clothes etc, just giving money is IMO a very bad idea. She has a job ( if she doesn't, you are asking for trouble ) and can pay for her personal stuff herself. In my experience, Thai women have a knack of making farangs fall into stupidity, and do things they'd never do for a woman back home.
  14. The main point I made is that the relationship will never be just about the man and the woman, so why bother getting married unless want an instant family more than a relationship one on one for a while? Does any farang go to LOS with the intention of being a father to someone else's kids?
  15. I bought my wife a washing machine ( not a cheap one either ) as she wouldn't use a laundry, but she still insisted on washing her clothes by hand before putting them in the washing machine! She didn't insist on me washing them by hand so why would I care though?
  16. 2 points 1/ why be married if one is never at home except to "rest" 2/ as long as she told hubby to be that she would not iron his clothes BEFORE getting married it's OK not to do so. I can't stand women that pretend to do certain things to get married ( like ironing, cooking, house cleaning and having lots of sex etc ), till they get the bit of paper, and then show their true colours. My theory on my partner's wants, was that if she wanted them, she did them. I'd bring the laundry in if she was at work, but ironing, never.
  17. The issue with water is that it has no net energy until you add some. That energy has to come from somewhere not intrinsic in the water. ?????? Surely the energy is in the hydrogen atom, not the water. Once water is broken into O2 and H they are not water any more. It's early days on storage. Had as much money been spent on that as on EVs we'd probably have working hydrogen transportation by now. They seem to get by on space craft on H storage ( for fuel cells ), and they do not have a lot of spare space This may explain it better, and note the first part about using hydrogen in cars and the bit about storage. Way back in 2003. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20040010319/downloads/20040010319.pdf Fuel cell technology has been receiving more attention recently as a possible alternative to the internal combustion engine for our automobile. Improvements in fuel cell designs as well as improvements in lightweight high-pressure gas storage tank technology make fuel cell technology worth a look to see if fuel cells can play a more expanded role in space missions.
  18. Simplest way to look at religion is the same way as most of this man made world- follow the money. If we can accept that the 1% have always been with us, and I do, look at every man made construct and ask how the money is being extracted from the masses ( or in the olden days, how to get the peasants to front up with the fatted calf for the sacrifice ( the BBQ ) ). The Vatican wasn't built with a few pennies from the faithful. It took me longer to work out "follow the money" than it did to discover that God exists ( but not in a church or a mosque, or a temple, and definitely not in a book ) but it works most of the time.
  19. Simplest way to look at religion is the same way as most of this man made world- follow the money. If we can accept that the 1% have always been with us, and I do, look at every man made construct and ask how the money is being extracted from the masses ( or in the olden days, how to get the peasants to front up with the fatted calf for the sacrifice ( the BBQ ) ). The Vatican wasn't built with a few pennies from the faithful. It took me longer to work out "follow the money" than it did to discover that God exists ( but not in a church or a mosque, or a temple, and definitely not in a book ) but it works most of the time.
  20. You confuse God and the men in funny hats that make money off the believers. You need to take you complaint up with men, not God. BTW, God doesn't give out presents for believing.
  21. You are confusing 2 issues. You are saying that being killed in a war negates a person's character- it does not. We all die sooner or later, but while we lived did we live a life of kindness, generosity, patience, peace, goodness, modesty, kindness, joy, charity, self control, faithfulness? If we did we were good people and death by any means does not change that one iota. Life is not a game where goodness is rewarded with a trouble free life. Seems some can't see the forest for the trees.
  22. 4) The Iraq invasion was the worlds biggest ever tank battle, tanks don't drop bombs. Do you want to rethink that? Google doesn't even mention that when "the largest tank battle in history" is searched. https://medium.com/war-is-boring/the-biggest-tank-battle-in-history-wasnt-at-kursk-e0c10334271 The Biggest Tank Battle in History Wasn’t at Kursk The Battle of Brody in 1941 was bigger, and is largely unknown Try looking it up first to avoid being corrected.
  23. Yes, there were several news items about it a while ago, so not a new thing. If it's true, IMO netanyahu is really in for it once the conflict is over and he has to face the public without the protection of being a "war time PM". Even more so if, as seems likely, many hostages will die in the israeli bombing.
  24. One wonders how israel is going to pay for more months of war. All the reports I've read about it say israel's economy is in trouble and that after only 3 months. Given war seems likely on the northern border, that's going to require even more reservists leaving jobs, with everything that means to the economy, and all those reservists have to be paid by government, not employers. If they are saying that it's going to take even longer, it can only be because Hamas is doing a better job of stopping the IDF than expected, and likely many hostages will die in the bombing, which will cause huge domestic trouble for netanyahu.
  25. IMO you can expect your US $ to be worth a lot less. If you depend on a US pension to stay in LOS, you might be in trouble.
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