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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Thirty years of oppression hasn't produced any results positive for Palestinians, and the rest of the world has ignored them. The rest of the world isn't ignoring them now. Perhaps Hamas thought sacrificing some Palestinians was better than living under occupation for ever. However, I suppose they thought the response would be like every time before, and didn't expect the wholesale destruction of Gaza and the indiscriminate bombing killing so many. By the time they realised, it was too late.
  2. They could relocate them to the Negev desert, but they won't because they would still be in israel. They obviously want them out, but Sisi isn't going to play that game. America likes immigrants, so they could take them. That might make up for giving israel all those bombs to kill so many Gazans.
  3. It's not a war when one side can kill the other side with impunity. That's a massacre.
  4. IMO there are 2 possible reasons. One is that intelligence knew and the government were waiting for an attack to use as an excuse for a final solution to Gaza ( I'm sure it's not the first time in history of such ), OR they were incompetent. If anyone has a different opinion, lets see it.
  5. The israeli government ain't that stupid, I assume. Actually ordering soldiers to kill civilians would hopefully result in a visit to the ICC, but by not charging soldiers that do such it sends the message that it's OK to do such. An individual soldier that does it is guilty of a crime, ordered or not, but as in the case of the journalist murdered by an israeli soldier, it's going to be covered up by the superiors.
  6. You think you have an actual democracy in the US? LOL. I can't think of any western country that has actual democracy, though Switzerland comes the closest.
  7. Given that would exclude Biden, HRC, Harris and most of the politicians in Washington, I can agree with that.
  8. Trump must occupy your head 24/7. I never even mentioned him in the post you quoted.
  9. You don't reply to the point I made that if israel can be defeated by a few fighters with rifles and rpgs, it's not going to survive anyway. Killing thousands of Palestinians to kill a few Hamas isn't going down well with much of the world, for obvious reasons. It was the Palestinian's homeland before Euro people half the world away took it and gave it to someone else. You wouldn't be happy if someone came and threw you out of your house to give it to someone else, or would you go willingly? The other point I made was that the hatred being built up now isn't going to go away and israelis will be living in fear for a very long time, maybe hundreds of years. Is that what they really want?
  10. NO, I'm not saying that. They wouldn't outright do that, but if they don't charge soldiers that do, it is all wink wink. The military stand by and watch while settlers do the dirty work and do nothing. The leaders know that using large bombs on residential buildings kills lots of children, but they do nothing to stop it. However, I doubt they actually ordered pilots to murder lots of children specifically. That's why so many people around the world oppose israel and what they are doing.
  11. Tis you with the double talk. I thought you were better than that. When the allies went into Japan you are right, they didn't massacre the population, UNLIKE what is happening in Gaza where they are massacring the civilian population, including over 7,000 children. Had the allies gone into Japan and blown up thousands of children, would the Japanese be of the same mind now? I'm done with you for that post. Carry on without me from now on.
  12. As I pointed out to another poster, a trained soldier shoots only what he aims at. If they shot unarmed men under a white flag it was deliberate, because they thought they were Palestinians, IMO. It will never be admitted, but if they were Palestinian men, there would be none of the wailing and gnashing of teeth about it. Probably be cheering the shooter.
  13. All the liberal men probably want to be females and the females probably all want to be men. I went through a short lived phase where I wanted to be born a female as I could sucker some rich man to support me while I spent all his money, but then I worked with lots of them and changed my mind.
  14. What does Zuckerberg know that we don't? How to sucker enough millions to be a millionaire.
  15. LOL. Defend against whom, exactly? Are they not mainly engaged in stopping Gazans fishing and such like important stuff? Oh and blowing up Palestinian houses with Palestinian children in them, of course. It's good to see a navy being gainfully employed..
  16. Socialism, large S is IMO a synonym for Communism. I liked when NZ was socialist ( when I was young ) as it was a better country then, before it sold it's soul for greed. Britain is still socialist to a degree ( the NHS is socialist ), but nowhere near going communist. Perhaps it easier to see the bigger picture outside the US, but IMO Biden has been awful for the US, but he's a geriatric, and much older mentally than his years, IMO. I don't actually want Trump as POTUS as it would be a replay of 2016, 2020, but I'd like someone that wouldn't start any wars. Enough young men have died to keep even the devil satisfied IMO.
  17. Errr, you do know who has most of the guns in the US, don't you? If your wish came true ( do you really like death that much? ) it's likely your side would be the losers.
  18. A "decent man"? Pull the other one. More like a man good at covering his misdeeds IMO. I trust no one that has sucked on the taxpayer teat for decades. Politicians should all be limited to 2 terms to keep them honest, IMO.
  19. Trump was pretty popular before he became POTUS. I've even seen photos of Hillary and Bill sucking up to him in earlier days. Funny how people forget how they liked someone before they didn't, not.
  20. LOL. Cheney didn't get the boot because she voted on conservative principles, IMO she got the boot because she is a horrible person and other people didn't like her. If you can't even be popular with your own party's voters, you don't make a very good politician, who's job it is is to get along with people. If a politician is so bad they can't even pass a primary, they are done. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/17/politics/liz-cheney-worst-defeat-house-incumbent/index.html The surprising story out of Tuesday’s Republican House primary in Wyoming wasn’t that Rep. Liz Cheney lost. The pre-election polls all showed her losing handily to eventual winner Harriet Hageman. The big news from the Cowboy State was her margin of defeat. Cheney’s loss is one of the biggest on record for a House incumbent
  21. Ah yes, the old misogynist attack designed to frighten away anyone that thinks any woman might be bad. Doesn't work on me though, as I worked with thousands of them for many decades and had hundreds as my bosses. Men that don't actually know many women other than their mothers and a few girlfriends don't actually know much about women, though they may think they do. Bit sad IMO.
  22. I gave that a heart because Trump didn't murder anyone , so you must be talking about the other guy, the man who voted for a few wars, while not actually fighting in one himself. Politicians are great at sending other people's sons to die, aren't they?
  23. He made my life better when he ditched the IMO vile APEC disaster in the making. He also made a lot of young men's lives better by not starting any wars. If he wins and doesn't start any wars, he'll be a winner in my book. Finishing the wall would also be a good thing for the USA.
  24. Trump MAGA supporters didn't just appear one day- they were created over time by Washington, and are so hostile to Washington and all who sail in her that they will even elect someone like Trump to burn it to the ground, after which they will dance and sing hallelujah that the wicked witch is gone. Seriously, asking why people voted for Trump without understanding why they did so is just <deleted> in the wind. To understand why they thought America today ( or in 2016 ) is/ was so bad that they had to elect Trump, just take a long hard look at Washington. Perhaps it's easier to see Washington's faults when not living in America, but I can certainly see the rot behind the edifice, and there is a lot of rot to be seen. Trump isn't someone that would have a hope of being POTUS except that Washington is so bad that someone had to be elected to attack it from within. Trump might have done better had not he chosen the IMO vile Sessions who abandoned his responsibilities and left Trump to the haters to try and destroy. If hell exists, Sessions is headed there IMO.
  25. a/ That's debatable. IMO he was brilliant at upsetting the wokesters, and for me that's a victory. b/ Most people on here don't believe God exists, so God isn't coming to help you. c/ You and me both. IMO the bad joke will be unleashed on the world if he wins when he either dies of age related problems, or has to step down as too senile to continue and Harris is inflicted on us all.
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