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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I knew that on his first day in office, but I'd still support him if the alternative was her ( or Harris ).
  2. Didn't we already know that? If anyone didn't, were they asleep for the 4 years he was POTUS?
  3. As I have little knowledge of the politics behind the US/ Ukraine connection, other than it's a pit of vipers, I am unable to respond to that.
  4. I agree. IMO socialism ( small s ) is the best form of government ( the UK has it in the NHS ), but so called "Communist" ( big C ) countries have little socialism in reality. IMO there is little difference between fascism and Communism except the label.
  5. Were not all the investigations of Trump fishing expeditions too? None of them caught the big fish.
  6. What you and the poster you quoted reference are part of the reason enough Americans hate Washington enough to elect someone like Trump. If Washington wasn't so bad, Trump would never have got past the primaries.
  7. I'm not disputing what you say, and they were murdering tyrants, but they were Communist ergo de facto left wing. It's things like that which make labels like left or right wing a nonsense, and I disregard them as being meaningless.
  8. You claim that Biden has implemented no reforms in 3 years, Gee wizz, you got me there, except I never claimed that Talking of trolls, have you looked in the mirror recently?
  9. I thought the US was already in a state of almost uncontrolled violence. They seem to have a mass shooting every other day, and those that oppose the Washington elites are armed to the teeth. If it only takes Trump's election to start civil war, the US is probably doomed anyway. If not Trump, the next one perhaps. In a country where so many hate Washington, when Trump is gone another will take his place. I'm puzzled though. People hate Trump, but Bush the younger started a war based on lies ( WMD's anyone? ) that killed hundreds of thousands, including many US and UK boys, and he isn't hated. I wonder why. Trump didn't send boys to die in a far off land, but apparently that counts for nothing. Very strange.
  10. Biden may yet have his own war, having sent 2 carrier forces to the area. He probably voted for a few during his long time in congress. Trump didn't vote for any.
  11. You keep deflecting. I wasn't talking about Joe in that post, and Obama has nothing to do with this thread.
  12. You are deflecting again. Try harder.
  13. If he wasn't cancelled because of "pussygate" I doubt a guilty verdict will dissuade the voters. After all, the court cases against him are regarded as politically motivated by many, and have actually increased his popularity, as pointed out on threads on this forum. Apparently there is nothing in the constitution to say that a convicted person can't become POTUS. I guess the Founding Fathers never envisaged how broken the US would become a couple hundred years later.
  14. You are deflecting again. He didn't start any wars. He did his best to solve the southern border chaos and it wasn't his fault that bumblin' Joe stopped the wall being completed. He didn't start any wars. He gave the reluctant to pay their share NATO countries a shake up. He pulled the US out of APEC. He didn't start any wars. Good enough for me.
  15. It was a brutal and inhumane blockade of Gaza prior to October 7. Collective punishment is a crime against international humanitarian law, though apparently israel does not recognise humanitarian law when it applies to Palestinians.
  16. That'll work 555555555555555555555
  17. It was you that said the visit to an israeli port was off. Are you saying that was not so and the ship will be visiting an israeli port?
  18. I think Washington deserves him, as they have had 3 years to reform themselves and done nothing about it. They had the chance and blew it big time, IMO. Also, if they are slowly rotating hysterically about him they ain't causing trouble elsewhere. Perhaps it wasn't that Trump didn't want to start wars, but that they were so mental about him they didn't have time to go looking for a war somewhere. All good. The boys that lived are grateful, whatever the reason they didn't have to die.
  19. While I support certain socialist ( small s ) policies, such as public ownership of health, major industries eg railways, and support for those unable to help themselves, I loath other socialist policies such as dole for the able bodied, not locking up bad people for as long as possible, and paying people to have babies etc. I am for personal responsibility, protection of the borders from illegals, and penalty taxes on all income over a million $ per year. So, I'm not left or right, but choose the policies I support from either side. You support left wing, but Mao and Stalin were left wing.
  20. My bottom line is ANYONE would be better than Harris, even Trump.
  21. Seems the message was received and understood. Should be less ships going to israel now. If anyone did contact me for advice, it would be to avoid any contact with israelis.
  22. All good. Let the games commence.
  23. I agree. I was a fool to think it was a good idea to become a nurse and put up with bully managers so I could help the sick and dying for a pittance. I'd be sitting pretty had I gone to work in the Aussie mines instead. I'd even have been better off becoming a tube driver. So yes, I was just a fool. Sooner or later all the other nurses are going to wake up and leave for a better occupation without bullies that pays a decent wage. Guess who is going to suffer on that day? A while back I had my teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist. She came from a nursing family- mum and sisters- and they told her not to become a nurse- it's just not worth it.
  24. A big idiot that thinks people will believe lies if told by a POTUS.
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