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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. It's on threads like this I miss Britman2. He always had something insightful to add about the "insanity" we describe as "love".
  2. Indeed. I agree with your OP, but we all think ( at some stage of our life ) that we NEED "love". I think Prince Charles said it best in relation to Diana when he said "Whatever 'in love' means." We all hate being dumped, and IMO the worst part is that we often don't know WHY? Sometimes we work it out years later. I'm sorry to say that I too have been a dumper, and didn't tell them why either, but that was long ago when I didn't know much of anything, if that is an excuse. Sometimes perhaps, the truth would be even more hurtful than not knowing. I told my ex partner that I was leaving her because of her children, but would she have preferred being told I was dumping her because she had become an intolerant, using, nasty, monstrous <deleted> and losing everything to be rid of her was "worth it" to not have to be around her anymore?
  3. Excellent answer. The world would IMO be a better place if people were more neutral and prepared to listen to both sides of a discussion, instead of trying to shut down any conversation that doesn't fit THEIR viewpoint.
  4. Your father was a very wise man, but seems that the world I live in has been taken over by those that seek to make the world a safe place for the least fit to survive. I even heard that schools no longer have "winners and losers", which seems a strange way to prepare young minds for the real world that exists outside the school "bubble of unreality". However, if another world war does happen to occur, a lot of reality might be suddenly thrust upon those least able to handle it. Far as I know, they haven't yet turned all the swords into ploughshares.
  5. Not a problem for most of Thailand's 69+ million inhabitants, and they are what is important, no?
  6. If you think that's expensive, don't try to get a bit of decent lamb in LOS.
  7. I've been seeing that sort of comment a lot on the forum recently, but perhaps such posters live in a different Thailand than I did. In all my years visiting and living in LOS I never ever experienced xenophobia. I experienced a lot of other problems, such as ever increasing bureaucracy at immigration, and the usual incompetence by those "in charge" ( not something unique to Thailand ), but can't say I ever thought I was being disadvantaged by "xenophobia". If we use the definition as provided by google ; dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. I have seen a lot of that in other countries, but Thailand, in my experience, was lacking that particular problem.
  8. People need to vent, and in too many cases people can't vent to other people in person, so they do it on anonymous forums. Nothing unusual there. In the past they might have done it down the pub, but in these strange times that's often not possible.
  9. I agree, but I think I may be referring to a different clique than yourself, or not. I haven't read enough posts from yourself to know which side of the divide you are on.
  10. I agree with what you said. It was particularly apparent on world news when it existed, but one "side" was so dominant that the other "side" more or less gave up, and the dominant "side" ended up talking to each other. Hardly conducive to a robust debate. Perhaps it was an example of "cancel culture" before such a term became popular in media speak. Personally I'm happy that world news got the fate it IMO deserved- oblivion.
  11. Would that apply to all of us then? Happy days with no visits to immigration needed for extensions.
  12. I believe in certain western countries the criminal overstayer gets to stay indefinitely while the state funded lawyer argues the case and the subsequent appeals.
  13. Are you saying the cops have the right to ignore the law? I thought it was up to the courts to decide whether he should pay the penalty or not. Had they let him off, no doubt posters would have been complaining about criminals getting let off. Something about not wanting to do the time so don't do the crime comes to mind. Mind you, I'd love it if I could have avoided all that hassle about going to immigration to extend my visa- just turn up at the airport and be allowed to fly out even with a long overstay.
  14. The media exists, IMO, to make small unimportant things large and important. Problem is that some apparently don't realise that and actually believe things they see/ hear on the media. Eg, the local news will tell me that people died in a plane accident in Alaska, but tell me little to nothing going on locally. They even spend more time on "sport" than actual news.
  15. LOL. It'd probably break down and become a tourist attraction in its own right.
  16. Nothing simpler in LOS than having a fake vax document. Would have to have some sort of blood test, and we know that being vaxxed doesn't stop anyone getting infected.
  17. Err, that was only last year. Why would the girls need a jab when they would only be in the bar and could wear a mask? It's not like they would be going off to the customers hotel or anything like that, as that would be prostitution, and we have been assured that prostitution does not happen in Pattaya.
  18. Easing of property laws for foreigners should not price Thais out of the market Did his nose grow longer when he said that?
  19. What is the new concrete construction left side of the lower photo? Is it a pier, or a big drain taking the water out from the shore?
  20. Seriously? Ever read a Thai newspaper, and just who is filling the jails to overcapacity?
  21. IMO that's the way it always was. I'm surprised any on here think it should be like a welfare society, when it never has been.
  22. To be honest I thought she was looking for exactly the response she got.
  23. Why would that be a problem for farangs? Farangs can't buy land, and they shouldn't buy it in someone else's name IMO.
  24. I get the impression that some posters never leave Bkk. I agree with everything except your comment about the sky train as I don't know why it would be a good thing.
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