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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Are not women just as guilty of profiting though producing nothing of worth? Most rich men have rich wives, or at least wives living a wealthy lifestyle.
  2. I'm very happy that our side won WW2. WW1 was IMO the epitome of a pointless war, but I'm really happy I'm not living under Nazi rule.
  3. Only modern subs do. The old ones ran on batteries ( unless they were German subs after the snorkel was invented ) and went slower under water, and when the battery went flat they stopped. Actually, go back to the early days of subs and they only went as fast as the man cranking the handle could manage.
  4. I suspect he used to fly on Thai Airways. However, they stopped giving me one long before I stopped flying.
  5. Perhaps they come from countries that pay people a proper wage, and don't need tips to be able to live. Also, why should I have to bribe people to do a good job? Should employees not give good service as part of their employment?
  6. Being human we like things that are bad for us, like overeating into obesity, or lots and lots of sugar.
  7. I was much older than yourself before I became pre diabetic. you have time yet. 2 teaspoons isn't going to kill you, but enough teaspoons may make you lose a leg.
  8. The God of religion IMO has been replaced by the god of greed. The god of greed is doing just fine controlling the masses.
  9. You overlook those from many other countries that fought and died on the allied side in those conflicts. Saying America was the MAIN protagonist would be acceptable, IMO.
  10. I think he was only referring to western people dying in large numbers in pointless wars like WW1.
  11. Your last sentence is right, but never going to happen, IMO.
  12. Indeed we had it great, except for one fly in the proverbial ointment, we also saw woman become able to take our houses off us with the full blessing of the law. I lost my golden egg to an undeserving woman. Not all baby boomers benefitted, or should I say that the ( ex ) wives did at the husband's expense.
  13. The future is already here and IMO it sucks.
  14. Sure, sure. I've no doubt every young woman from a poor family in school dreams of working in a sweat shop for a pittance, and would never ever take the easy way to riches by engaging in sex with farangs.
  15. Sex needs no justification, and it's hugely enjoyable, as proven by so much money to be made by providing it to men that can't get it from women in their own country, including many married men. If you want to point the finger, point it at married women that won't.
  16. Yes. In my experience they can sleep through any din. I suppose it comes from listening to music so loud it makes my ears bleed.
  17. I've had fatter one side than the other for years and I'm still here. Had an abdominal ultrasound for something else a while back, but if there was a problem they'd have picked it up. However, if worried about it always a good idea to see the medic.
  18. Don't have ranches in NZ, and how do you make out that "horses" means "sheep"? On the big sheep stations they used horses to round up the woolly things you have affection for, but I suspect it's helicopters now. Choppers just don't do it for me though.
  19. but very enjoyable. No problem eating too much as long as one uses enough energy to use it up. I eat big breakfasts every so often, but I'm losing weight. Still got 6 kg to go to get back to my weight in the 90s.
  20. That looks like what I eat for breakfast sometimes, not everyday, except I don't have toast with it, preferring hash browns. Don't have black pudding either. This morning I ate 4 small bacon slices, baked beans, 3 hash browns, 3 fried eggs, fried onion and mushrooms. Yummy. If I have sausages I won't have bacon. I won't eat anything rest of the day, though I might have a hot dog for a snack later. Yesterday I had a banana for breakfast and 2 salad sandwiches for lunch.
  21. Everything ends. Sunmaster has better things to do, I won't reply to the same questions as 50 times before and MauGR1 was all alone, but seems to have gone awol.
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