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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Just remember that most middle Americans are probably just as dumbstruck by the coast culture as yourself.
  2. I have that book on my shelf and been meaning to read it for at least a year. Something I must get around to sooner than later. When Brosnan took over the production values improved, but I didn't like Brosnan as Bond. I'm sure he's good in something, but the best part he ever had IMO was in The Long Good Friday.
  3. I liked Moore as a person, but not as Bond. I just could not take him seriously as a spy legally permitted to kill at will. The movies during his time were indeed rubbish, and cheaply made with pathetic special effects, IMO.
  4. I am indeed an old white guy, though "woke" is a very real phenomenon, and is indeed annoying. Also, I'm sure that old black men use the term too, given it apparently originated amongst the black American community. I use sheeple for a different demographic myself, but the new Bond flick is IMO no where near as great as the lovies would have it, and yes, the demise of Bond as the lover of many women in a 90 minute movie is disappointing.
  5. 100% correct. Who gets married expecting to lose a lot or even most in a difficult ending? My biggest asset, my house was lost to such an event, the repercussions of which make my life far more difficult today than it would have been had I never become embroiled with a bad woman.
  6. Agreed, so long as the same screw tightening is applied to those that voluntarily smoke tobacco or become obese.
  7. Did you miss that the quote I replied to did not mention covid? Don't expect further bickering from me on that.
  8. You continue to push a silly argument and are resorting to insults, which is against rule 7 as well as being unpleasant. Don't expect a reply if you continue to attack me.
  9. I don't wish that for those that use rational debate to try and convince the hesitant to vaccinate, but I have no time for those that bully and insult and coerce through threats because they are unable to accept that there are reasons to hesitate. Once more traditional versions of the vaccine are universally available I'm sure that any that would take the flu jab will also get the traditional version of the covid vaccine. NB, traditional versions are not yet available everywhere.
  10. I already said that is a silly argument. I'm entitled to palliative care just like anyone dying from complications of obesity.
  11. On what basis? If one is not to be resucitated why would anyone occupy a bed in which resucitation would be mandatory. Even if that were true, they still couldn't do more than palliative care, as they would have no legal right to do more.
  12. IMO that's silly, and we are all entitled to get what we paid for ( taxes ). However I have no problem with those that choose to be unvaccinated being denied ICU/ intubation etc. As I has a signed DNR order I would not be admitted to ICU anyway. If we deny the unvaccinated admission to hospital then those that smoke tobacco, are obese from overeating bad food, participate in risky sports etc should also be denied public hospital admission.
  13. Hmmm. I gave up sugar and high sugar food and better for it, but still eat everything else.
  14. I used to only drink skimmed milk, but I was told by those that know that it's worse for a pre diabetic than full milk, so I drink that now, but not by the glassful.
  15. I only gave up sugar and better for it. I think a life without the others would be very difficult to live. Not saying giving them up won't make a difference, but it's a step too far for me to bother about. I've lived a long life eating all the bad food and loads of sugar, and no problem if I cross the great divide now. IMO the world I have to live in has been taken over by the woke and social media dead heads, so IMO I'll be better off for not being in it.
  16. It is. Sugar is a terrible substance for our health and has been put in so many processed foods. Learn how to read the labels and be shocked at how much sugar is in just about everything. I gave it up last year, lost 10 kg and 2 inches without dieting. Cheaper too, now I'm not buying cakes and sweets.
  17. IMO if the world doesn't get back ( to something resembling ) "normal" real soon, there isn't going to be any "normal" left to go back to. Locking up all the people that won't die and might not even have symptoms is IMO a failed strategy, and I've given my opinion on alternatives previously so not going to repeat, but I thought Sweden had it right, except for not quarantining the actually at risk of death.
  18. The OP should remember that less is more,. I gave up half way through the OP, and all I can say is that I have felt like I was dying, but it was just hay fever, and I've often thought in my old age I'd like to not wake up the next day, but wishes don't always come true.
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