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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Only needs to be guilty on one document to be arrested, and didn't posters on this forum claim that they knew exactly what they were looking for?
  2. I live near the sea. The rise since I was a boy is so insignificant as to be meaningless. I hope you ain't claiming the sea level has risen higher in different parts of the world.
  3. You need to provide proof they were all unarmed. I can't find anything to say they were so, and the photo on this site shows an armed officer. https://www.npr.org/2022/08/09/1116575413/mar-a-lago-fbi-raid-trump-search While he may not have gone into the building he is apparently part of the team that raided the place.
  4. How many mid-market bars/sports bar/Irish pubs/steakhouse/Japanese/world cuisine etc. does Pattaya need? It's already got all those. However, there is only one Walking Street. I'm constantly amazed by farangs that want to destroy the reason folk like me loved Thailand and replace it with some horrid version of the <deleted><deleted> they come from.
  5. It's Pattaya's Neverending Story.
  6. None of which denies that God exists. The God I believe in made all that happen.
  7. My theory for what it is worth, is that this universe is just the latest in a series of Big Bangs. Everything in the universe eventually falls into a black hole and is ejected in a Big Bang to form a new universe. So how did the first big bang occur- God is the answer.
  8. Which is caused by pumping too much water from underground. That is nothing to do with pollution.
  9. According to certain posters on this thread, the facts are already established and Trump is guilty. So, are they wrong? Are the facts not yet established? Could Trump actually be innocent ( presumed innocent till proven guilty )?
  10. If it was so peaceful, why did it take 30, presumed armed, agents to do so? One agent with a warrant and some none FBI helpers could have done the job. IMO it was indeed an assault, staged for maximum publicity https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/commentary/the-mar-lago-raid-what-happened-and-whats-next On Aug. 8, roughly 30 federal agents executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida home of former President Donald Trump—an unprecedented action.
  11. I likewise took little interest in US domestic affairs, but the Trump saga, and the Democrat/ anti Trumpers attempts to negate and remove him are quite entertaining. I couldn't find the post I made at the time in 2016, but I'm pretty sure I made some comment about it was going to be an entertaining experience, and it sure has been. If some script writer for a soap had come up with it, it would have probably been rejected as too OTT. Likewise, the build up to the November events will probably prove to be "interesting", and the election results will be climactic. IMO the fate of the US and perhaps the world will be decided by that election. I'm pickin' the Dems will lose the house, and hopefully the senate, but I'll have to wait and see on that, like everyone else.
  12. So just do it already and stop messing around. Either there are grounds for arrest or there ain't. Far as I can see it's just becoming yet another failed attempt to demolish the Donald. Whatever the reasons for the assault on Mar a Largo, it's turning into a PR disaster for the FBI, IMO.
  13. So arrest him on that alone then. What's the hold up? Could it be they are waiting till November to drop another "bombshell" in hope of derailing the GOP in the election? That'd be nothing new in the anti Trump saga- we've seen so many "bombshells" that turned out to be nothing burgers. I suspect this will turn out the same, but I'll wait till the elections to see if I'm right on that.
  14. Apologies. That should read "damp squib". Too late to use the edit function.
  15. Not to rain on your parade, but none of my belief in God has any basis whatsoever in the Bible. I look at the wonder of Nature and know that it could not be merely the result of some freak cosmic accident. To believe that there is no God, IMO implies that one believes everything in the universe just appeared, as if by magic, from nothing at all. I doubt science claims that something can come from nothing.
  16. Didn't someone say something like "justice delayed is justice denied"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_delayed_is_justice_denied
  17. We've already been there, done that with muldoon's Think Big that IMO ruined the country. We don't need any more Big of any sort. What we need are houses, the end of loony education gimmicks, a decent public health service and a strong police force that's not emasculated by politicians. Oh, and a real defence force would not go amiss.
  18. Credibility with whom? I don't know anyone that doesn't want her gone next year.
  19. I've not, to my knowledge, claimed that Thailand is the "best" place in the world to live ( that accolade would go to Antarctica ), but it's certainly the best place out of the many that I've lived in. I suspect that if she is re elected, one might be injured in the ruck to leave the country.
  20. Attacking me personally only shows that you have nothing constructive to say about the topic.
  21. Is the Washington Post a reliable source? Trump did and was mocked for doing so. That sound is the chickens coming home to roost. Trump must be having a good laugh now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/09/25/trump-accused-germany-becoming-totally-dependent-russian-energy-un-germans-just-smirked/ One of them captured the amused reactions of the German delegation as Trump said: “Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course. Here in the Western Hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers.” German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas could be seen smirking alongside his colleagues.
  22. Yes, they seem to think Trump's family are fair game for their vile accusations. Could be because no charges have yet occurred, despite being quite some time. Surely it can't be another "nothing there burger"? LOL.
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